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This is similar to "murder!", but different at the same time. We'll take turns making up a mystery scenario (usually murder), detailing all the suspects as well as police people, etc. Make it as complicated as you want- usually there are other crimes being committed on the side, some related to the bigger case, most not. Make it as complex and juicy as you want.

Then we, the players, play as investigators, asking questions to the various suspects, including police and stuff. Everyone involved (except us, we were called in later) are suspects.

The person that made up the scenario will answer as each character, as well as add new plot to the story- they can see new evidence/clues have been found, or they can add another murder in the middle of it, etc. Just everything has to match up and make sense as to why that person would say that (they don't need to necessarily tell the truth) and you can't change the scenario or whodunit halfway though or something lol

Sound good? You don't need to sign up to play, anyone can pop in and ask a question. And if you want to make a full-on Accusation, you have to have enough evidence to present your case. You can pull a full-out Sherlock and reveal all the mysteries and side-crimes with one monologue, or figure things out as a group as you go along. Whatever.

So who wants to be the first mystery inventor? I will be, if people want me to. Though I'm sure other people want to, so please go ahead :P everyone will get a turn

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Is is too late to play?

no, go right ahead and ask a question about the muder

to anyone who is good at math: please figure out what percent of a year 5 months and 17 days is? I'm a bit lazy :D

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Is is too late to play?

there's no set obligation from anyone playing- at any time, someone can come in and ask questions :D

Ryramidus: was there anything else on the floor or in the room, (besides what's usually there and besides the dead body?

Ryramidus: I was just checking up on the tomb... stumbling around on my replacement cane (you see, I had lost my usual cane earlier that day, a careless mistake)... I distinctly remember my fingers trembling as I lit the torch- I could smell the death in my room. I turned and saw (he squeezes his eyes shut for a second, as if in horror), I saw Axon's body sprawled out on the ground. And next to it... my cane. (he hacks out a wheezing cough) I picked it up hastily and stowed it. Maybe someone was trying to frame me? The wound on Axon's throat was clearly made by a knife, but he DID have a bloody bruise on the back of head... but I didn't hit him with the cane, I swear! There was blood smeared on the sarcophagus, he must've hit his head there! I didn't kill Axon. Why would I have myself find the body if I did?

Hoana: (alone, not with Joana) How was your relationship with Axon?

Horus: What progress have you made with the knives?(Don't say you used it to cut fish? :P )

Hoana: To be honest, I never liked Axon. He and Joana seemed to be a good couple, but I would always notice tiny things... things that suggested he was sort of calling the shots. I dunno, I felt that he was using Joana for sex or something. Joana's a pretty girl, and a lot of guys have tried to take advantage of her. Usually she has a good sense of that kind of thing, but she seemed happy with him- that's what we were specifically talking about in the Royal Gardens when we were discussing their relationship. Joana was mad that I was questioning Axon's loyalty, even though they had been arguing for a while up to his death. I dunno... I didn't have any personal reasons to dislike him, but I thought his and Joana's relationship wasn't exactly perfect... don't tell Joana I said that, though

Horus: The Cult of Pi believed that when someone dies, they are united with something called the True Circle- a perfect circle with exactly 2 pi radians... something that cannot exist in perfection in our world. They also considered themselves the Executioners of Pi- in a good sense, or at least to them. They would kill people they thought were highly worthy with their special pi knives, sending them to rendezvous with the True Circle. When I saw this, I saw a definite parallel to Axon's death. Would Axon be "worthy"? I'm not sure how a twisted cult like that defines the word. But also, remember that it might not be a Cultist of Pi we're dealing with here- it could be someone else who came across one of the knives.

to anyone who is good at math: please figure out what percent of a year 5 months and 17 days is? I'm a bit lazy :D

it's about .4621596

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To Joana (in private):

Joana, I just came to check on you. I have conducted some preliminary investigations and I think I know who the murderer is. I'll talk to Ara'ra about your release once I have this case all tied up. I am very sorry about the way my colleagues and I have interrogated you incessantly. I am also extremely sorry about Axon. His worthy soul will be one with the true circle. You must know and believe that!




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nope- and it was the front of the neck ;D

Remember, at first the Coroner thought someone had to be really precise to puncture "exactly True Pi inches", but then you found that the knives were exactly pi inches long, so it wasn't necessarily skillful

Edited by unreality
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