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sorry if it sounds a bit weird i tried to make it rhyme

sucking the life out of all i touch

people use me but i stay a bit to much

they used to use me as a cure

but nowdays there a bit unsure

what am i?

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Sounds like it could be a number of the various "cures" that used to be common, but have now been found to be habit forming (but i stay a bit to much) and detrimental to your health and wellbeing (sucking the life out of all i touch). ie opium, cocaine, etc...

:P But on the yuck factor - a tape worm also seems to fit.B))

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Leeches are still used and considered the best treatment in certain medical situations so the last line doesn't exactly fit. ^_^

i didnt say they never used them at all but in the majority of modern medical situations i have heard of they will give you medicine instead of sticking a blood-sucking leech on you

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Um, Awesome, I think you're going to the wrong doctors if you're being told leeches are the best treatment. Did you really end up in the HOSPITAL the other day or were you at Billy Bob's shack gettin' some uh 'dat 'der goooood medical help? :P

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Okay, first of all, theshredder157, they are used a lot more often than you might realize for a variety of illnesses, as evidenced by the existence of sterile leech breeding laboratories. They are used, for example, in cases of accidental amputation and subsequent reattachment; the injury will often damage blood vessels, so that after reattachment blood pools in the reattached portion of the appendage; this can cause tissue death and permanent loss of the appendage, but an application of leeches allows them to drain excess blood from the appendage without creating a gaping wound, causing excessive bleeding, or introducing harmful bacteria. This is just one example. There are others.

Another answer for your riddle might be antibiotics.

And as for you, Neal. You would have known that I was in an actual hospital if you had ever bothered to visit me. Also, just for funsies, I'm gonna go ahead and blame you for putting me in the hospital in the first place. :P

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Okay, first of all, theshredder157, they are used a lot more often than you might realize for a variety of illnesses, as evidenced by the existence of sterile leech breeding laboratories. They are used, for example, in cases of accidental amputation and subsequent reattachment; the injury will often damage blood vessels, so that after reattachment blood pools in the reattached portion of the appendage; this can cause tissue death and permanent loss of the appendage, but an application of leeches allows them to drain excess blood from the appendage without creating a gaping wound, causing excessive bleeding, or introducing harmful bacteria. This is just one example. There are others.

alright im sorry dude i was just trying to think of something to fit the rhyming scheme of the riddle

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You don't have to be sorry. Now you're making me feel bad. I'm not mad at you. I was just making an extensive and possibly unnecessary observation. Also, I'm a girl. ^_^

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Well, I guess that's what I get for not reading all the previous posts! My answer's a day late and a dollar short! :D

Edited by Jen
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