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Little harder here (also ripped from my "Lateral Puzzles" book to anyone concerned about plagiarism :P).

Determine the logic behind the following sequence.


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I hate giving hints, because hints on these type things can lead up totally up the wrong tree. IF anyone wants a hint, I'll give one. Otherwise, I'd rather leave as is. Have I found a puzzle that has everyone here stumped?! :D

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2 4 3 2 4 3

I just counted the number of points on each letter. I'm not sure exactly why you chose those letters, but there is a pattern of 2 4 3 2 4 3.

Do I get a cookie?

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Do I get a cookie?


2 4 3 2 4 3

I just counted the number of points on each letter. I'm not sure exactly why you chose those letters, but there is a pattern of 2 4 3 2 4 3.

You only get a cookie if you have some in your pantry - incorrect answer. Further, if you're counting "points," then why does the tip of the A count and not the junction of the L? That has nothing to do with answer, BUT for future thoughts during analysis, perhaps.

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And now I'm all out of cookies.


saying it really fast=


Save some cookies for when you get it right! I'll say, though, SAYING IT is the way to solve this one. This is the only hint I will give. It involves speaking.

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Ok, well hopefully that got someone else on the right track. I really thought i had it. It's bedtime for me, but I'll definitely be thinking about this all day at work tomorrow.

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Ok, well hopefully that got someone else on the right track. I really thought i had it. It's bedtime for me, but I'll definitely be thinking about this all day at work tomorrow.

Dude, it's Sunday AND Mother's Day - skip work OR pull fire alarm when you get to work. Good luck.

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If I could skip work I would, but I'm deployed so that's not really an option. Thanks for the Mothers Day reminder though, I'll definitely call home tonight.

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If I could skip work I would, but I'm deployed so that's not really an option. Thanks for the Mothers Day reminder though, I'll definitely call home tonight.

I thought you had it before too. now I will have to think about it again.

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you can NOT get this one by conventional thinking. Don't try to convert the letters to anything, don't think the letters represent anything special. The answer lies entirely in the the result you get from saying each individual letter.

so I have just totally told you how to get the answer and I STILL think it's virtually impossible to figure out :)

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The answer is English, right? Because I've been thinking all sorts of words that work with Spanish. If it's a Spanish word then I have to throw a yellow flag for a foul.

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The answer is English, right? Because I've been thinking all sorts of words that work with Spanish. If it's a Spanish word then I have to throw a yellow flag for a foul.

English answer...and who said anything about words?? Flag yourself for assuming! :P

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this is a test to see who can stare at these letters the longest

Haha - very perceptive - I picked 6 letters to see who could stare at them the longest and come up with the silliest answers :)

Actually, not really.


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Haha - very perceptive - I picked 6 letters to see who could stare at them the longest and come up with the silliest answers :)

Actually, not really.


Since there is an answer, please don't post it yet. Maybe I'll have a lucid dream about these letters tonight or some kind of mental dawn. I've certainly stared at them long enough to make that happen...

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...S K A L N T...when you pronounce it, take notice of where in your mouth the letters originate from. You'll notice that this sequence originates in the back of your mouth and progresses towards the front...

NASTY NASTY NASTY ONE, this sequence...I would have been amazed if anyone would have solved it :D

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...S K A L N T...when you pronounce it, take notice of where in your mouth the letters originate from. You'll notice that this sequence originates in the back of your mouth and progresses towards the front...

NASTY NASTY NASTY ONE, this sequence...I would have been amazed if anyone would have solved it :D

Still don't get it. Unless you mean yiddish?Or some foreign language?

Edited by akaslickster
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...S K A L N T...when you pronounce it, take notice of where in your mouth the letters originate from. You'll notice that this sequence originates in the back of your mouth and progresses towards the front...

NASTY NASTY NASTY ONE, this sequence...I would have been amazed if anyone would have solved it :D

Not cool. I will be saying this to myself all day to see if it really works that way, and everyone will think I'm crazy. ;)

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Not cool. I will be saying this to myself all day to see if it really works that way, and everyone will think I'm crazy. ;)

It only works if you say it in the middle of a bunch of people and you yell it really loud :D

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