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I'm not sure I get it. The title of the puzzle says "who" and the question asks "what" so are you looking for a person or an action?

God? or perhaps a stage performer? ... not that they are in any way equally praiseworthy!

Edited by puzzlegirl
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I'm not sure I get it. The title of the puzzle says "who" and the question asks "what" so are you looking for a person or an action?

God? or perhaps a stage performer? ... not that they are in any way equally praiseworthy!

To find who's the most decent we need to answer the what question first and then vote on that.

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One day I was walking toward the billiards and on the side-walk, on the way I saw a purse on the ground, picked it up and brought it with me to shoot pool. Inside was $23 or$25 dollars and credit cards, ID's etc. I called the police and handed it to the officer who then personally delivered the purse to her home. One week later I got the most beautiful thank-you card ever, with a $20 reward. This is an honest story and example. Odds were not good for her at all in a lower-middle-class neighborhood as that.

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I've had a similar experience with returning a wallet. It makes them happy and leaves you feeling good, but the fact that you sort of expect that pat on the back makes it a little less impressive. I think the things you do for others that go unnoticed and perhaps unappreciated are a better mark of decency. Of course, if we feel the need to go tooting our horn about it online, it kinda defeats the purpose of being all modest about it in the first place, doesn't it? :P

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I've had a similar experience with returning a wallet. It makes them happy and leaves you feeling good, but the fact that you sort of expect that pat on the back makes it a little less impressive. I think the things you do for others that go unnoticed and perhaps unappreciated are a better mark of decency. Of course, if we feel the need to go tooting our horn about it online, it kinda defeats the purpose of being all modest about it in the first place, doesn't it? :P
This I started when I was bored so I thought I would see if anyone else had done anything nice lately besides us. There's not many replies so we won the decent man of the year contest.
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What is the best thing you've done lately, that was for someone else's benefit, and you expected praise for? :o:D:wacko::mad:

I once gave my life to save that of a mere kitten!

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I've had a similar experience with returning a wallet. It makes them happy and leaves you feeling good, but the fact that you sort of expect that pat on the back makes it a little less impressive. I think the things you do for others that go unnoticed and perhaps unappreciated are a better mark of decency. Of course, if we feel the need to go tooting our horn about it online, it kinda defeats the purpose of being all modest about it in the first place, doesn't it? :P

I agree. That's why I never posted an experience on this thread. I think the idea is hypocritical.

What good have you done? Now get your praise for it. -kinda throws humbleness out the window

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I agree. That's why I never posted an experience on this thread. I think the idea is hypocritical.

Oh come on. You're just saying that to cover for that fact that you've never done anything decent! :lol:

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I guarantee that I am the most humble person here!

Then If you are humble, why did you tell us?

I know for a fact, however, that I am NOT the most humble.

I like to brag to much! :D

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Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

when you're perfect in every way.

I can't wait to look in the mirror

cause I get better loking each day.

To know me is to love me

I must be a hell of a man.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

but I'm doing the best that I can.

I used to have a girlfriend

but she just couldn't compete

with all of these love starved women

who keep clamoring at my feet.

Well I prob'ly could find me another

but I guess they're all in awe of me.

Who cares, I never get lonesome

cause I treasure my own company.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

when you're perfect in every way,

I can't wait to look in the mirror

cause I get better looking each day

To know me is to love me

I must be a hell of a man.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

but I'm doing the best that I can.

I guess you could say I'm a loner,

a cowboy outlaw tough and proud.

I could have lots of friends if I want to

but then I wouldn't stand out from the crowd.

Some folks say that I'm egotistical.

Hell, I don't even know what that means.

I guess it has something to do with the way that I

fill out my skin tight blue jeans.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

when you're perfect in every way,

I can't wait to look in the mirror

cause I get better looking each day

To know me is to love me

I must be a hell of a man.

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble

but I'm doing the best that I can.

We're doing the best that we can

- Davis Mac

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Is this like that recent riddle about the men who were in a competition to see who was the most ___est person? They were all told to raise their hands, and the one who didn't won for the most ___est person.

I don't feel like searching for it.

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I've been doing a big community service project so I can earn my Eagle rank in boy scouts. Does that count as one?

My friends are Eagles I guess so. This is a good spot to know others personalities. Outside of the New P's. One month at this site and time to communicate a little.

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I guarantee that I am the most humble person here!

Talk about an ice-breaker. Well I still think its good to tell your deeds and spread it a little so that maybe it will rub off on the people who only think of themselves all the time. Those who have no common courtesy in life. Humble schmumble. Peace out.

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one thing is to casually mention a good deed in conversation and let it go at that, simply to be a good role model to others, but not to gloat about it.

yes, good deeds should be done for the sake of doing them...virtue is it's own reward, but that doesnt mean that it's supposed to be a total secret...and I dont think it is dimished in any way by putting it up as a silly little "game" on this forum. If this serves nothing more than as a moral barometer of this forum or as a model to the younger people on this forum, then that's a even bigger accomplishment than the first act alone.

I have my volunteer attributes listed on my resume`, and I expect for potential employeers to understand that I'm not listing them to get a pat on the back, but because i want them to know what kind of person I am.

Take Bill Gates and Ted Turner, for example: they give away millions of dollars every year and have set up multiple organizations that do good, yet, they have done some things that may not be seen as "good" or may be deemed as reprehensible to some; yet, their philanthropy gives them a "human" characteristic...a certain "je ne sais qua" that automatically makes them seem better as people...and they arent really tooting their own horn about it, they simply toot it to raise awareness about certain problems that need to be addressed and fixed.

Edited by carlosn27
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one thing is to casually mention a good deed in conversation and let it go at that, simply to be a good role model to others, but not to gloat about it.

yes, good deeds should be done for the sake of doing them...virtue is it's own reward, but that doesnt mean that it's supposed to be a total secret...and I dont think it is dimished in any way by putting it up as a silly little "game" on this forum. If this serves nothing more than as a moral barometer of this forum or as a model to the younger people on this forum, then that's a even bigger accomplishment than the first act alone.

I have my volunteer attributes listed on my resume`, and I expect for potential employeers to understand that I'm not listing them to get a pat on the back, but because i want them to know what kind of person I am.

Take Bill Gates and Ted Turner, for example: they give away millions of dollars every year and have set up multiple organizations that do good, yet, they have done some things that may not be seen as "good" or may be deemed as reprehensible to some; yet, their philanthropy gives them a "human" characteristic...a certain "je ne sais qua" that automatically makes them seem better as people...and they arent really tooting their own horn about it, they simply toot it to raise awareness about certain problems that need to be addressed and fixed.

Good Speech!

So then you blow your own trumpet - but it's a good idea in general.

je ne sais quoi - which means I don't know what! - but you do cos you explained.

Take that to be your best guess - they may just be doing the right thing or 'being seen' to do the right thing'

My 2 euro-cents (cheapskate me)

Go with doing the right thing for all situations, which hopefully sets an example to others. If it is known that you have done it big deal it's in the open for questioning, if It's not out in the open then move on - if you need a pat on the back then you are not 1000% doing it for the best reason, but a good deed is still a good deed other than for using it to gain kudos, which is unworthy of kudos. Is that a paradox?

I prefer to be unnoticed in general - I blush otherwise!

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Many of us have not been thanked for our help or bending over backwards. Should anyone resent that?

Of course not. The point that a few of us are making is that a good deed is a good deed with recognition or without. Being thanked is fine, but you shouldn't go looking for thanks - just my opinion.

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Many of us have not been thanked for our help or bending over backwards. Should anyone resent that?

I think it's understandable. It is frustrating to go out of your way for someone else and have them ignore it. Kind and generous people are sometimes looked at as being weak, and so they are sometimes taken advantage of, or at least appear to be taken advantage of. When someone does something to help someone else, and the recipient of the help isn't grateful, the recipient thinks he's gaining an unfair advantage, but really it's the giver that is gaining character.

In short...yeah, it sucks, and it can be frustrating, especially if it's a friend or someone else close to you, because it can seem like a one-sided relationship. But still you grow as a person, so gratitude or not, you still win.

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