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Philosophy, it's debateable -it's better if you input with your explanation,

or it's fun and gets discussed - poked - or kicked around.

Tomorrow we already have done to death.

Yesterday hangs on and never really goes it's ALWAYS one day back.

Today - where is it if the others are true ? (not saying that they are)

It's a paradox anyway - based on perception of time and point of view/view point, but if tomorrow does come, then today is here and yesterday was the day before today

They were put seperately deliberately, it did't work as a sentance or other construction - would not have used spoilers otherwise

Like your 9 statements it is unproveable, but acceptable if you wanr to see it that way!

Time for your say - time as in figure of speech!

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Well, I can add my 2 cents about Today and Yesterday:

Today NEVER goes because it's always today. No matter what it will never go because it always is.

Yesterday is NEVER here because it's there :D The here and now is Today. Yesterday is the came and gone. How can Yesterday be here?

Fun topic, I debate this all day Today or Yesterday or Tomorrow?

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Today is the only reliable-ish reference, what does that say when you convert to smaller scales. now, an hour ago or an hour later that never comes... spoooooky!

as usual tomorrow won't come but neither will an hour later, then seconds can be applied etc - into multivesre theory perhaps.

So the big bang was only yesterday relatively or an hour or a mllisec ago cos we are dashing off on another universe and splitting and splitting continuously.

backto the signature today's a gift that's why it's called the present - Phil O'Sophy

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this but shouldn't Today and Yesterday be switched?

Seems a good point itachi. be careful with LIS , he´ll want to know if you´re witachi or watachi ! :lol:

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Today is the only reliable-ish reference, what does that say when you convert to smaller scales. now, an hour ago or an hour later that never comes... spoooooky!

as usual tomorrow won't come but neither will an hour later, then seconds can be applied etc - into multivesre theory perhaps.

So the big bang was only yesterday relatively or an hour or a mllisec ago cos we are dashing off on another universe and splitting and splitting continuously.

backto the signature today's a gift that's why it's called the present - Phil O'Sophy

And hence the theory of all of infinite time is contained in this instant and this instant never passes.

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Today is the only reliable-ish reference, what does that say when you convert to smaller scales. now, an hour ago or an hour later that never comes... spoooooky!

as usual tomorrow won't come but neither will an hour later, then seconds can be applied etc - into multivesre theory perhaps.

I'm all for setting the scales infinitely small to discuss because no matter what fraction of time into the future you name, it will never be that time, because the future is any and every time after the present greater than 0.

So the big bang was only yesterday relatively or an hour or a mllisec ago cos we are dashing off on another universe and splitting and splitting continuously.

I don't agree with this though. I would prefer to say the big bang was only a small amount of time or a moment ago, relatively speaking. Yesterday is a definitive term for a 24 hour period of the past and the big bang did not happen within that time frame. Same goes for any measured time, i.e. hour, millisec, etc... If the Universe keeps expanding and contracting then to the universe (or some eternal or ancient being) the big bang may seem like it was only a small moment ago, but not a measured amount of time like an hour which is defined.

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I'm all for setting the scales infinitely small to discuss because no matter what fraction of time into the future you name, it will never be that time, because the future is any and every time after the present greater than 0.

Can we vist the future by standing still..

Say that today is Jan 1st, tomorrow is the 2nd, but it never comes yet we accept that there is linear time and there is a jan 2nd

There is no future, if there is no tomorrow. Is this just spin, play on words or semantecs?

I would prefer to say the big bang was only a small amount of time or a moment ago, relatively speaking. Yesterday is a definitive term for a 24 hour period of the past and the big bang did not happen within that time frame. Same goes for any measured time, i.e. hour, millisec, etc... If the Universe keeps expanding and contracting then to the universe (or some eternal or ancient being) the big bang may seem like it was only a small moment ago, but not a measured amount of time like an hour which is defined.

Are we so sure of our reality and that linear time is part of our reality? Are we virtual?

Are we certain the big bang is not a 'heartbeat' - continuously beating, over a longer period?

'Now' is the 'moment' we live in and nothing else can be altered therefore what is the use of time - we use it to judge the oncomming vehicle crossing our path and manage to avoid it. We predicted something, we believe we exist and can therefore make a definate decision to affect our existance (our possible future), but are we controlling our future (not destiny or will), I'm relating to linear time.

What if now is without time, no need to weigh it - is it perceiveable as one long 'instant' or is it necessary to believe that there is going to be more time and that what we have done can be compared, measured/valued, that we have 'comfort in knowing there is a future.

I guess it all relates to feeling that we are here, proving we existed, hoping for something whatever that may be for each individual. I have no feeling of importance regarding my existance - I can not control it to the point where I can control everything that will affect me (which is literally everything in the universe).

Conclusion so far for me is that, I feel I exist, I have no 'use' for time other than to fit in with ordered society, my birthday is irelevant, my age is not relevant (people learn, live and love in different ways). i can eat, sleep etc when I 'need' to and other people can fit in or not. If we don't like the way something IS (is being now), we/they can adjust.

There are more complicated things going on of our own making that we have scheduled and have 'improved' our lives with, just to give us more time!

Time for what?

Can we live without time?

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Can we vist the future by standing still..

Say that today is Jan 1st, tomorrow is the 2nd, but it never comes yet we accept that there is linear time and there is a jan 2nd

There is no future, if there is no tomorrow. Is this just spin, play on words or semantecs?

Well, what do you mean by standing still? Literally standing still you would always remain in the present. If Jan. 2nd comes then Jan 2nd is the present, not the future. We don't accept there is a Jan 2nd if it's Jan 1st. We accept there (most-likely) will be a Jan 2nd.

Can we live without time?

Yes. Time is a concept we made to help our lives. There is a good argument that there is no such thing as time. My point was that when you say 'yesterday' or 'an hour' then you using that set of limits humans have made for measuring 'time'. Within those limits, say yesterday, the big bang did not happen within the previous day of 24 hours time.

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I was thinking about the big bang theory the other day... How do we know that yesterday really is yesterday, and tomorrow truly is tomorrow? Today may be today, but for how long? How long until tomorrow becomes yesterday, and what happens when someday yesterday becomes tomorrow? Today, in the big scheme of things, never really matters, and when tomorrow turns to yesterday, who is to say that we were even a part of this all to begin with? Needless to say... I need sleep! ;)

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this but shouldn't Today and Yesterday be switched?

I agree....

Yesterday never goes beuz there will always be a yesterday

Today is never here because there will always be a tomorrow

Tomorrow never comes because there will always be a today

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There is a song about this in an Indian movie which is hilarious owing to poorly written lyrics... The verse and bridge are all very philosophical and then the chorus arrives which m,akes you go "huh?!?!?" ...

Here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGbC42qc5gg

I'll translate for you as literally as possible...

VERSE (x2):

The tomorrow that is to arrive is just a dream...

The yesterday that went by is ours to keep...


We live in the yesterdays gone by...


The fireflies of our memories live in the jungle... (what the heck???!?!?!?)

Edited by kingofpain
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