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You are trying to say that a bunch of magma creepers found some way into your house, then blew up in front of the door leaving you no way out except for to destroy the building after you put a lot of time and effort into it? jk, can we get more information on the puzzle? like the first thing that comes to my mind is a graduating cryptography system (Everything is cryptography after spending 3 weeks with barely being able to sleep an hour a night trying to figure out how your 2000 line program has a single error that a building environment won't catch that continues to evade you as you search for it.)

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Is the solution in any way musical? I myself am not musical in anyway but the letters used all fit in normal musical notation as I understand it... Anyone in a better position to elaborate on the musical theme - perhaps it is a well known line from a song?

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  On 11/15/2011 at 2:45 AM, MissKitten said:

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A bubbly boy did break down back doors for boys feel doors beat dying for fun.

Uhh... You may have some deep psychological issues. You want to talk about it? Otherwise, keep thinking.

  On 11/15/2011 at 6:04 AM, Darth Legion said:

You are trying to say that a bunch of magma creepers found some way into your house, then blew up in front of the door leaving you no way out except for to destroy the building after you put a lot of time and effort into it? jk, can we get more information on the puzzle? like the first thing that comes to my mind is a graduating cryptography system (Everything is cryptography after spending 3 weeks with barely being able to sleep an hour a night trying to figure out how your 2000 line program has a single error that a building environment won't catch that continues to evade you as you search for it.)

I know how you feel. Debugging can be so stressful, It's like where's waldo. But he's invisible. Cryptography is very much a possibility.

  On 11/15/2011 at 9:27 AM, RESHAW said:

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Is the solution in any way musical? I myself am not musical in anyway but the letters used all fit in normal musical notation as I understand it... Anyone in a better position to elaborate on the musical theme - perhaps it is a well known line from a song?

I like the way you are thinking! Although it does not have anything to do with music, Nice Attempt!

Keep trying guys!

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Yeah, I have psychological issues. Most people here on the Den can attest to that. I suggest maurice, Darth Legion, Molly Mae, plasmid, or hotterthnfire. :P But like I said, that guess was total BS. I literally just sat down in front of my computer and thought about words that began with those letters and could be used to form a semi-sensical sentence.

@Darth I just realized how much you remind me of someone... well, two someones, actually.... that I know IRL.

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  On 11/16/2011 at 4:04 AM, princecharmthings said:

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You are trying to say "My grades are going into the toilet!"

Lol nope. :P

  On 11/16/2011 at 6:20 AM, AntonMagus said:

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c9 = 201

2 owe 1?

I have no idea what you did there. Care to explain the logic behind your answer?

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  On 11/16/2011 at 6:16 PM, ritika.kar said:

Long time no "C"..(see).. :)

Clever but nope!

  On 11/16/2011 at 11:39 PM, chromatoid said:

is it something to do with their phonetic sounds

No, it does not. ;)

I just realized. The title is misleading. "What am I trying to say?" Is not very accurate. I am not trying to 'say' anything. However, what I have written does have meaning.

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Cryptography. And then some logic and recognition.

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  On 11/15/2011 at 12:47 AM, Faizaan said:

a, b, b, d, b, d, b, d, f, b, f, d, b, d, f, f

Enjoy. :)

Odd that there is no 'c' or 'e' in this. In an alpha-numeric relation that would lead to a lack of 3 and 5, both of which are odd numbers.


I doubt this is helpful though.

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You should mention every suggestion you have. Every thought that occurs to you, every ounce of logic that your conscious so desperately begs from your memory to in its quest to understand, to derive sense from nonsense, should be posted. All of the ideas. All of them. :thumbsup:

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  On 11/16/2011 at 4:40 PM, soop said:
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It could be directions; a = ?? b = back d = down f = forward I tried drawing it out and it doesn't look like anything, but it's a thought.

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perhaps it could be as above with the letters of the alphabet in a grid, and starting at A? The grid needs to be at least 6 deep and 5 wide to incorporate these directions:







No-one's said anything about this yet, so it could be completely the wrong idea. And I'm not sure how it wraps.

Edited by soop
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try a shift cipher with a scramble. Should be something like 26^16 (or 43608742899428874059776 combinations) Maybe someone should write a quick program that does this, stores in a file and sifts for common English words. *It's late, high probability that my math is wrong, running on 0 caffeine* *second thought, no that sounds right: 26 possible keys, 16 spots for characters, 26 raised to the 16th power.*

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