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for the past week or so i can't seem to open spoilers at brainden!

my internet connection on everyth else is fine.. but when i wanna open a spoiler to see what's inside.. i can't.. it just won't... i later discovered smth....

when i open the page..(Any braiden thread)

i can open a spoiler UNTILLLL a black patch comes on the first half of the screen and then i can't open spoilers anymore

(this black patch happens within seconds) so for the past days every time i wanna open a spoiler i have to refresh and try to get to it somehow before the patch of death! and this site is totally based on spoilers...so :(

it's really annoying.... please someone tell me this has happened before or that they know what could be happening please and thanku in advance!

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ahh thalia thank u for answering this:)... i know i've never seen this either:(

yh i get what u mean by using the multiqoute that is a way to get through it i guess.. thx:)

site theme? how do i change the site theme? that could restart my system here and make this go away... form where do i change it ?

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gd idea changing the theme, actually in the mobile mode i can view spoilers with no prob but all the other extra options go away.. u can only do the basics in this mode..so :/

oh now guess what.. at first i could change the theme back...but now all of a sudden i can't..oh no wait now i can...ugghhh :wacko:

apparently the universe has decided not to agree with me anymore-_-

well atleast i narrowed down that the prob is smth with my ip board theme

mmmm maybe i should contact him..is there like a specific board i go to or do i message him?

and thank you for helping :)

Edited by guppy
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Well, I don't see a specific forum so PM is probably the way to go. All the other questions of this sort have been in this forum. Psst. Rookie!!! I guess there are a lot of rookies on the site so that would be rookie1ja that you're looking for.

I guess you could also learn the coding information for all the stuff. I know that would drive me nuts but if that's the kind of thing you like to do, go for it. Good luck!

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hey MM,i'm using mozilla firefox... u think it has to do with a setting on it or something or an update i need?... although i tried accessing with my phone i could use spoilers even on regular ip board mode...

it's just on my laptop...

and a big thanks to thalia for her help.. sry for the trouble:)

and i will try to contact him if things don't work out:D

Psst. Rookie!!!
i am compelled to try that, see if he responds:P

and no i'ld rather NOT learn all the coding :P

Edited by guppy
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hey MM,i'm using mozilla firefox... u think it has to do with a setting on it or something or an update i need?... although i tried accessing with my phone i could use spoilers even on regular ip board mode...

it's just on my laptop...

and a big thanks to thalia for her help.. sry for the trouble:)

and i will try to contact him if things don't work out:D i am compelled to try that, see if he responds:P

and no i'ld rather NOT learn all the coding :P

No problem! I know Rookie has been around lately. I guess just not here.

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hey MM,i'm using mozilla firefox... u think it has to do with a setting on it or something or an update i need?... although i tried accessing with my phone i could use spoilers even on regular ip board mode...

it's just on my laptop...

and a big thanks to thalia for her help.. sry for the trouble:)

and i will try to contact him if things don't work out:D i am compelled to try that, see if he responds:P

and no i'ld rather NOT learn all the coding :P

BBC is a very easy thing to learn (like html tags). I have always used Mozilla v3+ and haven't had a problem. Just tried 3 this morning. I'm running v7 now. without issues, but I have zero add-ons. Are you using any add-ons? If you are, disable any that you don't actually use (best practice). Disable all of them and see if you can open spoilers. You can access your add-ons by going to Tools > Add-Ons (or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + A). Check extensions and plug-ins. If you don't need them, disable them.

Also, check your version of Firefox (go to Help > About Firefox). In the dialogue that displays, it will list the version under the Firefox logo.

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yo guys sry for the late reply but i didn't have much time to reply to everyth and drawl on braiden.. again sry :S

@molly.... thank you for you help i tried cheking the addons and such but no go i'm afraid :S

my version is firefox 3.6.23...

rookie?... rookie! :D

i can't believe u took the time to keep track of my pathetic little post... thank you *oh and my complements to the site* :)

aghhhh i don't know what i'm ganna do.. meh i'll work something out .. go with the flow right? i'm actually getting used to it O.o... as annoying as it is -_-'

so thank you all for your help i appreciate it

but i think this prob is rather unique and i'll sit and poke around with it on my own terms so don't trouble yourselves any more.. again thank u for the help :)

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