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Rat Hunt Mafia

Molly Mae

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  On 9/26/2011 at 9:31 AM, Auramyna said:

Okay, sorry I didn't get your hints. I have been posting from my mobile n i only really came in to vote. I was trying to hint that I had info. The redirect is/was bad.


I bet you live, because the time set for day ending was before Klue changed his vote.

If you just outed yourself as Mr Brown, the Boss will know whether or not you're lying. If you're being honest, then now that Mr Brown is already outed, I strongly recommend that the Boss should consider adopting the part of my plan involving outing the other people who can act at night (you may omit Mr Green if you see fit) and tell them they must act on Mr Brown Night 2 to prove they're not bad.

If that happens, you will get your save tonight because that's part of the plan's package.

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Day 1: Mercy v Indecision

They all agreed that there was a rat and that they would find it.

"Cat is the rat!" one yelled.

"Yeah, he's gotta be!" another agreed. "But Aura...!"

"Everyone calm down," yet another said. "Here's a note from maurice*"

The note reads: "Stealth is a weapon of the cops and you can't beat stealth by shooting wrecklessly. Take aim."

"Such wise words."

"Let's wait until we have a little more information..."

*The note is for story only and isn't really from maurice.

Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe

5. KlueMaster

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna

8. Araver

N2 ends when I get all actions or tomorrow morning at 9 am, whichever comes first. I'm going to be out of town again tonight recovering my car from the great state of Indiana.

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  On 9/26/2011 at 2:46 PM, 'Cat said:
So...if D1 ended before KM voted..that means the Boss acted...and that means there can only be two people who can be boss... :o

If my vote wasn't counted then there was no way that you were still alive. With boss's manipulation it would've still been 4vs3 against you. So, all I can gather from this is that boss isn't a rat (unless both you and aura are undercover).

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  On 9/26/2011 at 2:46 PM, 'Cat said:

So...if D1 ended before KM voted..that means the Boss acted...and that means there can only be two people who can be boss... :o

  On 9/26/2011 at 2:58 PM, KlueMaster said:

If my vote wasn't counted then there was no way that you were still alive. With boss's manipulation it would've still been 4vs3 against you. So, all I can gather from this is that boss isn't a rat (unless both you and aura are undercover).

My mistake. I should have checked timestamps. I was in a bit of a rush. Mod to the Day post coming shortly. KM's vote change won't be counted.

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Day 1: No Mercy

They all agreed that there was a rat and that they would find it.

"Cat is the rat!" one yelled.

"Yeah, he's gotta be!" another agreed. "But Aura...!"

"Everyone calm down," yet another said. "Here's a note from maurice*"

The note reads: "Stealth is a weapon of the cops and you can't beat stealth by shooting wrecklessly. Take aim."

"Such wise words."

"But maurice is dead!" they protested.

"Kill Cat!"

*The note is for story only and isn't really from maurice.

Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe - DEAD - Lynched D1 and found to be a legitimate gangster

5. KlueMaster

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna

8. Araver

Edited by Molly Mae
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It's unfortunate that I ended up killing a gangster. If I knew that aura would out herself as Mr Brown, therefore giving more incentive for the Boss to out people who can act on her and force them to do so to clear themselves, I would have voted for a tie (since we would have a way to get information instead of being stuck lynching randomly for the whole game).

I presume that even though Mr Brown does not have a night action, he can still send a 5 word night PM and insist that Mr Tech post the message on the main thread to clear himself?

If the Boss is still alive and aura was telling the truth about being Mr Brown, at the very least please post the name of the redirecter (Boss's son) so we can lynch him, preferably before the night's over in case the undercover agents target you for a night kill.

Edit: Also, if aura is telling the truth, we know that the undercovers knew her identity and the fact that she knew about one of them, so take note of who was voting for aura.

Edit2: Just realized that the undercovers would not necessarily know that they targeted Mr Brown, so nvm...

Edited by plasmid
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The Boss has still not outed Boss's son, or even said anything at all Boss-like. Possibilities:

1) Boss is dead or undercover

2) Boss is alive and mobster, but aura was lying about being Mr Brown, so Boss did not out Boss' son as undercover

3) Boss is alive and mobster, aura is telling the truth, but Mr Green is dead and can't target the baddies tonight so the Boss doesn't want to out himself tonight by telling us who the Boss' son is (and becoming a NK target himself) before day 2 when we have a chance to actually make a lynch based on that info. If this is the case I think it's a blunder: the risk of Boss getting NK'ed tonight and us losing the identity of the undercover agent seems to outweigh the risk to the mobsters of losing the x2 vote mod. Besides, I think other roles might be higher priority targets for the baddies to NK anyway, it's unclear whether the Boss would be at the top of their hit list.

4) Boss just hasn't logged in or something...

I don't think the Boss is undercover. If he were, he should have claimed the role by now in order to frame a mobster as being the Boss' son. Since the day 1 post only listed alignment and not role for cat, the Boss could still claim that the lynch victim was the Boss' son but aura lied about him being undercover. Even better for the undercovers would be if Mr Green believed the Boss and killed the fake Boss' son... then that would be one mobster killed by Mr Green and no evidence that the Boss was ever lying about the framed person being Boss' son.

I have a hunch that aura is not lying. It is possible that the Boss just isn't playing well, but this seems like a little too much to write off as a blunder. I therefore think the Boss is dead.

Anticipated optimal play by the undercovers at this point would be to realize that the Boss is dead, and therefore claim that you are the Boss in order to frame a mobster as being the Boss's son and have him killed by Mr Green (or a lynch). Since both undercovers are still alive, it wouldn't be unreasonable for them to think that they can just keep this plan in their back pocket to pull out later in the game if necessary when only one of them is alive and needs to use it in a last ditch effort -- by then there will be fewer people in play and a greater chance of being able to fool at least some of them by correctly guessing their roles if they demand proof.

Therefore, if I die tonight, my parting warning for the rest of the mobsters is to be EXTREMELY suspicious of anyone claiming to be the Boss; I would count anyone who does so as more likely to be undercover than mobster.

I'm abandoning previous plans that depended on a live Boss. I'll let you know if I come up with any others.

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I have suspicions on who the undercover agents are, and if I'm right, I might be able to essentially use behind-the-scenes chat while posting on the main thread. I don't know whether Mr Black and Mr Tech are undercover and/or dead and therefore unable to help with plan E, so...

I'm not a plan F

Spin a top and hear a click

And hope that others pay

Wield sword in gauntlet quick

To pierce the sleeping prey

Beat the liar with a stick

And both will fly away

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@Plasmid - I must point out that you are missing a lot of information that can be deduced based on what people said (or more importantly, have not said). I am actually starting to doubt my first impression (that you are simply not seeing this), and starting to see a pattern here.

I do agree about your conclusion about anyone claiming the Boss after N2, but because of a different reason.

And one more bit - you keep mentioning the word optimal play. Mafia is much more heavily based on WiFoM - around every corner there's a branch point where one needs to make a choice. There is no optimal play, this is not a puzzle, there are always more unknowns and possibilities than certainties. One needs to take this into account at all times. E.g. if killing X is optimal play, then the save role will target X stopping the NK, so not killing X becomes a better alternative, etc.

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Plans can certainly backfire and need revision. If a Mafia game allowed a player to make a plan that was absolutely foolproof, then the game wasn't designed correctly. That said, it's better to have a strategy than rush in blindly.

And I see that night 2 has ended. As tempted as I am to say more, I'll have to wait and see what happened overnight first. If I misjudged, then I'll see you in the ghost thread.

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Night 2: Dark Night

When the silence fell, it was heard all around. Everyone stopped arguing for a second and looked around.

The Boss' Son looked at Plasmid. "We need a plan," he said. "This is what you're gonna do..."

"Where's Kluemaster?" someone asked.

"He went out to the car to get the loot. We'll divide it here and everyone's gonna go their merry little way. No more of this little game."

"What if he's one of the cops?" Another asked. "He'd just take the--"

Gunfire outside quickly ended the conversation. The door swung open and Kluemaster fell inside, sliding the bag of loot toward the group. Covered in blood and full of holes, KM died before he hit the floor.


"We need a hostage," someone said.

Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe

5. KlueMaster - DEAD - Killed N2

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna

8. Araver

Day 2 ends at 10 am Central time tomorrow.

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Now I can reveal my contingency plan for me not dying and aura not dying.

I think aura was telling the truth. If she were lying, then either the Boss's son or Mr Brown would have outed her and known that there would be at worst a 1:1 exchange of a dead mobster and a dead rat (if both they and aura get killed) or just a dead rat (if aura got lynched and shown to actually be a rat). Either way would be a win for the mobsters.

If I weren't sure enough based on that reasoning, then now I'm positive. Optimal play for the rats involves redirecting me to save themselves in case Mr Green fired at them, and to ensure that they could kill their target. If the Boss' son were good, he would not have redirected the doctor.

The rat's blunder was that they killed klue instead of aura. They were fooled by the fact that aura's ability is now useless since she outed herself, so they went after a different target hoping to kill someone with a better ability. What they failed to see is that now that we're near the endgame, what's more important than abilities the the mobsters knowing who they can trust, and narrow down who the rats might be when they're voting on the lynch. THAT'S why I made sure to out myself as the doctor last night: I become one more mobster proven to be legit.

Aura is a legit mobster in my eyes, and I've proven that I'm the doctor and I haven't saved anyone yet so I'm known to be good.

Flame, Miki, and Araver: 2/3 of you are bad.

Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid - voting for AraVer

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe (still dead unless he has a secret ability? :huh:)

5. KlueMaster - DEAD - Killed N2

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna

8. Araver

Mobsters: we need a unanimous vote against our lynch target today, otherwise we will be screwed by flash-voting.

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Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid - voting for AraVer

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe - DEAD - Lynched D1 and found to be a legitimate gangster

5. KlueMaster - DEAD - Killed N2

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna

8. Araver - voting for Auramyna

@plasmid - your vote is (again) wrong. I told you D1 when I voted, I will tell you again.

You keep missing things that are obvious. Read Cat's post again: read my defense of her, then look at the people who still kept or even switched their votes on her and lynched Mr. Green. Look for Aura's justification that her role is more important than Cat's. If that does not smell baddie, I don't know what you expect.

And no, after you've just claimed to be Mr. White, I don't believe you have proved anything. If anything, you've just proven the desire to win with the Baddies/undercovers by continuing to advocate mass-outing and outing yourself now.

Not acting 2 nights in a row is not a goodie behavior. If you had acted, you had very good chances of saving a fellow teammate. Talking about flash-votes at the end-of-day? who would flash-vote other than the proclaimed Mr. White wanting to side with the baddies?

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Who did cat claim?

And my role is important cos not only can i say who the baddies are but i can clear goodies. It would been nice if people could have acted on me last night.

AV must be bad. Look at his weak-assvote on me. Cat is dead now. We cant go back. Soooo. Because cat died and i didnt, now we shd kill me too? That doesnt make sense.

Id like to point out that you guys forced me to out myself after i repeatedly hinted at my role. So now you better follow the plan. Or make a new one, i don't care.

Yes. I confirm I am Mr Brown. Night 1 i was acted on by the boss's son who is bad.

If I can be saved, and those who can act on me, do so, I can clear people and the rest can be worked out through assessing peep's behaviour. (yeah, be worried. My rl job is to assess and analyse people's behaviour.)

I.e- watch who behaves similarly to Araver (i.e- highly suspiciously) and harass the f*** outta them then lynch them slowly and torturously. Great plan? Don't thank me now, thank me when our rainbow of happy la-la colours skips off into the (winning) sunset.

AV- I'm so sorry to see you like this :( if you are bad, you are doing a terrible job of covering it up. And if you're good, well why tf are you acting so ModFramm scummy? :wacko:

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Please add my vote to Araver as I still hold a grudge against him for tricking me in manga mafia. He told me he was Kira but he was bad!

It does not make ANY difference that I was also supposedly "bad". In fact, that makes it worse! Honor amongst thieves and all that good stuff... :dlamidfk:

XP AV. XP indeed... :reallydonttfcare: (do care :P )

Edited by Auramyna
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Host: Yuli and Molly Mae

1. plasmid - voting for AraVer

2. Flamebirde

3. MiKi

4. 'Cat'astrophe - DEAD - Lynched D1 and found to be a legitimate gangster

5. KlueMaster - DEAD - Killed N2

6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1

7. Auramyna - voting for AraVer

8. Araver - voting for Auramyna

Adding aura's vote as requested above.

Flamebirde and Miki, the game is in your hands. If you want to go along with my plan, remember that we need ALL THREE legitimate mobsters aiming at the same target. Otherwise the rats can change their votes at the last second to generate at least a tie and possibly avoid getting lynched. (It's a coin toss after day 1 I guess?)

And Flamebirde, if you say you're using random.org again, I swear I'm gonna go :\

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I suck at making votes. I suppose I should really out my role? If so, here goes...

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are you sure?

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