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Klueless Mafia


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KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for self

8. Thalia - voting for self

7. Nana7 - voting for Aura

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self

5. tolecnal - voting for Cat

4. Shad - voting for Tole

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for Tole

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - voting for Shad

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KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for self

8. Thalia - voting for self

7. Nana7 - voting for Aura

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for Aaryan

5. tolecnal - voting for Cat

4. Shad - voting for Tole

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for Tole

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - voting for Shad

Just in case someone else votes for me..

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Okay, if we don't want anyone to die tonight, and since everyone (who has a vote placed on them) but Aura, Tole, and Aaryan has defended themselves (but I can't vote for Tole or there will not be a tie) I will place my vote on Aura since Aaryan has posted.

KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for Aura

8. Thalia - voting for self

7. Nana7 - voting for Aura

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for Aaryan

5. tolecnal - voting for Cat

4. Shad - voting for Tole

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for Tole

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - voting for Shad

Edit: Red is the edited

Edited by mboon
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Day 1

Everyone was just Klueless. Baddies didn't kill anyone, but why? Was it because they were having trouble in solving the puzzle? If yes, then were both unable to solve or just one of them? If no, then what kinda game they are playing, trying to show that they are still powerless? What about the fellow goodies - do they all know their roles yet?

As was the norm among goodies, many reverted to random accusations in the absence of any sensible information. While, others tried to ensure that the key suspects were equally accused. Towards the end, two names gathered most accusations - Tole and Aura. But, neither looked more suspicious than the other. Hence, in the end everyone decided that they need more time in unraveling this mystery.

The day ended with no lynch, but with the promise of special secret power to one who PMs the answer for below puzzle to host first.


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  On 9/14/2011 at 3:10 AM, Nana7 said:

Hmm, it was not a tie though, Aura had a self vote to make it 3. I wonder if the godfather acted?

  On 9/14/2011 at 3:25 AM, Shadow7 said:

Either KM miscounted, or he messed up in saying the baddies didn't act....or that whole thing was flavor text....but let's leave it be.

What actually has happened is this: Since there were 2 non-active players (self-votes), and no player had more active votes than that, hence the day was ended with a no lynch. I was about to postpone the cycle for 24 hours, but concluded it due to availability of no lynch option for a tie. In future, all such cycles will be postponed.

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Night 2

Night was brief. No one talked much except a few thanks and hugs and kisses were exchanged. It was nearly the Dawn when people found Shadow caged, and Aaryan dead near the watch tower. Spy was called upon in a baffled state, who declared that he doesn't know about these deeds as he spent the night spying.

Upon further inspection they were able to locate a piece of puzzle, presumably fallen out of Aaryan's pocket.



1. You are not allowed to out your puzzle, as it will be considered PM repping.

2. In case inactive votes are greater than or equal to the active votes against a player, then day will be postponed by 24 hours.

Edited by KlueMaster
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KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for self

8. Thalia - voting for self

7. Nana7 - voting for self

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self

5. tolecnal - voting for self

4. Shad - voting for self

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for self

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - Killed by Muscles

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Okay everyone. I figured out my puzzle. Once I actually sat down to look at it, it was easy, with a lil help from Google :D

Btw, I'm a vanilla :( Happy I at least know what side I am on but ModFrammit, I really wanted an action. :angry:

Do vanillas get a chance to gain an action if they solve the daily puzzle? And is it the first person to solve it who gets the action?

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  On 9/15/2011 at 3:26 AM, Auramyna said:

Do vanillas get a chance to gain an action if they solve the daily puzzle? And is it the first person to solve it who gets the action?

There is no Daily puzzle. The special puzzle was specifically for Day 1, which shall grant some secret power to the one who solves it first.

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KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for self

8. Thalia - voting for self

7. Nana7 - voting for Aura

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self

5. tolecnal - voting for self

4. Shad - voting for self

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for self

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - Killed by Muscles

Google you say? I doubt that, BADDIE! I am Nana 7, you killed my father, prepare to die! :P

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According to the last roster before the first day ended, Aura had 3 votes on her while Tole had two. I see two possible scenarios:

1. Shadow and Molly Mae both voted for Tole. One of them is the Godfather and doubled their vote.

2. Nana and mboon voted for Aura (and Aura self voted). One of them is the Godfather and negated their vote.

I'm going with scenario one for now. Shadow was blocked which does not clear her but given the choice between her and Molly Mae. . .

KlueMaster: facebook.com/gagrawal

9. mboon - voting for self

8. Thalia - voting for Molly Mae

7. Nana7 - voting for Aura

6. 'Cat'astrophe - voting for self

5. tolecnal - voting for self

4. Shad - voting for self

3. Molly Mae, son of Irwin* - voting for self

2. Aura - voting for self

1. Aaryan - Killed by Muscles

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  On 9/15/2011 at 8:28 AM, 'Cat said:

Does that mean the sheriff has solved his/her puzzle??

I cannot answer which roles have solved their puzzles. Only that a role won't be known unless the puzzle for that role has been solved and key PMed to me.

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  On 9/15/2011 at 6:03 AM, Thalia said:

According to the last roster before the first day ended, Aura had 3 votes on her while Tole had two. I see two possible scenarios:

1. Shadow and Molly Mae both voted for Tole. One of them is the Godfather and doubled their vote.

2. Nana and mboon voted for Aura (and Aura self voted). One of them is the Godfather and negated their vote.

I'm going with scenario one for now. Shadow was blocked which does not clear her but given the choice between her and Molly Mae. . .

Though this post contains no question for me, certain clarification is desired regarding the day rule I've adopted to counter inactivity.

If no player has active votes (as posted by other players) more than the number of inactive votes (self votes as posted by me) then the day will be postponed by 24 hours. This is done to ensure that a technical glitch on BD doesn't result into incorrect lynch. Also, in such cases it won't matter who are the players that have self votes, only the inactive count will be considered against the active votes.

On Day 1, there were 2 inactive votes and neither Aura not Tole had more active votes against them. Self vote on Aura was only considered in the inactive vote count. Ideally I'd have postponed the day, but considering that a no lynch option was available and active players had expressed desire to tie votes, I ended the day with tie. No vote manipulation was involved here.

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Thalia, please read

Note that I was quick to comment on the fact that no one died despite an apparent non-tie AND an indication that no vote manip was used (scroll up from the linked for my comment).

Given the NP it appears that the Spy and one baddie, but hopefully not the other, have figured out their identities. All could have, but we've no indication

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