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So...you've just outed yourself?


Good claim, DL. I'll trust it. But I'm not voting for curr3nt without hearing from EDM and Slick first.

EDIT: I won't go another day without discussion.

EDIT2: Oboe just made my list for his lack of participation, as well.

Edited by Molly Mae
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  On 2/3/2011 at 5:08 PM, Molly Mae said:

So...you've just outed yourself?


Good claim, DL. I'll trust it. But I'm not voting for curr3nt without hearing from EDM and Slick first.

EDIT: I won't go another day without discussion.

-.- only because you guys couldn't pick up more subtle hints.

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DL, we could rather lynch a suspicious baddie instead of revealing a goodie role to baddies. If you have information that indicate curr3nt as a baddie, then we should vote for curr3nt. Revealing a goodie role to baddies should not be our motive.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 5:11 PM, Vineetrika said:

DL, we could rather lynch a suspicious baddie instead of revealing a goodie role to baddies. If you have information that indicate curr3nt as a baddie, then we should vote for curr3nt. Revealing a goodie role to baddies should not be our motive.

You guys tell me, I haven't played this whole game. Nobody has crossed me, nobody has struck out as being good either. Curr3nts lack of speech and attempt to be on less flips triggers making me think he is bad. Of course, don't mind what I say. I might be an expert in mind games, but of course your paranoia will keep you from comprehending this.

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Ok....I'm Sorry I didn't stick to the plan in D1...I didn't read the thread well, as Glyc accurately pointed out. Had I had more time to be online, I would have read the thread well and gone with the plan without complaints...:(

Secondly, I'm not to be accused simply. I know I made myself look suspicious, but I assure you I'm harmless (and not a baddie....). Have you ever noticed that whenever I'm accused of being a baddie, I end up not being one? I beg you, think wisely, and spare me...My actions should have worked right had I thought right, which I didn't. I'm sorry, and it's my defense; I'm not what you think I am....:(

Oh, and I did read the part about me being targetted, but if no one listens, I can't stop you, can I? :(

Please think wisely.....:)


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  On 2/3/2011 at 5:23 PM, Molly Mae said:

@DL: It just doesn't seem logical. I would rather hear what EDM and Slick have to say rather than just gang up on curr3nt and hope that he's a baddie. *Shrug* I understand what you're saying. It just isn't entirely worth it.

At the end of the day, remember the option I have created. No lynch, and everyone learns one players role.

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Have I inherited Hirkala's super powers? Please say yes, I always wanted to be a superhero!

Don't tell Hirkala that he isn't under real pressure. I am trying to get more info from him! If you are Hirkala don't read this post please.

Well, you are likely reading it anyway so let me ask another question. Noticed the lack of mention in the night posts. Do you have an action that could appear there?


Molly, I think Darth is offended at me mistaking him for DarthNoob and my use of double negatives.

I am trying not to post much because most of the time I seem to be saying what I shouldn't be saying. I have been asking too many questions that some (Gly) think the baddies could have overlooked.

And because I am inexperienced let me just go ahead and ask another question that I probably shouldn't or shouldn't have to if I actually knew what the heck I am doing.

Would Josephine's seduce appear in the night post?

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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:06 PM, onetruth said:

@EDM...You need to do much better than that....

Ok, how about who I targetted N1? will that help? Is that even allowed?

&OT: If you end up being a baddie trying to trap me or anything, I'm going to haunt you.....:(

Edit: I hope you're a goodie.....:)


Edited by EDM
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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:12 PM, Molly Mae said:

@Curr3nt: Don't be so down on yourself. You're doing a mighty fine job. Everyone loses mafia games. It's no real reflection of skill.

No need for concern. Just spending some time trying to figure out what I should or should not be saying. Resorting to bad humor now. Be happy I am trying to limit my posting.

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In order to get my mind off of this mafia game I am thinking more on my mafia game idea.

Anyone think they might want to host it with me co-hosting? Or at least talk about it in another thread?

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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:10 PM, curr3nt said:

Have I inherited Hirkala's super powers? Please say yes, I always wanted to be a superhero!

Don't tell Hirkala that he isn't under real pressure. I am trying to get more info from him! If you are Hirkala don't read this post please.

Well, you are likely reading it anyway so let me ask another question. Noticed the lack of mention in the night posts. Do you have an action that could appear there?


Molly, I think Darth is offended at me mistaking him for DarthNoob and my use of double negatives.

I am trying not to post much because most of the time I seem to be saying what I shouldn't be saying. I have been asking too many questions that some (Gly) think the baddies could have overlooked.

And because I am inexperienced let me just go ahead and ask another question that I probably shouldn't or shouldn't have to if I actually knew what the heck I am doing.

Would Josephine's seduce appear in the night post?

Curr3nt, I don't hold grudges long. In fact I didn't even remember your mistaking me for Darth Noob :D Sadly the only place it showed was the thread between maurice and I.

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And then you voted for me D1.

I don't see how that works. If you were a save, you wouldn't save me just to vote for me. If you were a spy, you wouldn't have voted for me after you spied me. If you were a block or a trap, my action wouldn't have gone through. There wasn't anything in the post about it.


I'll bring up the drawing board.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:25 PM, curr3nt said:

No need for concern. Just spending some time trying to figure out what I should or should not be saying. Resorting to bad humor now. Be happy I am trying to limit my posting.

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In order to get my mind off of this mafia game I am thinking more on my mafia game idea.

Anyone think they might want to host it with me co-hosting? Or at least talk about it in another thread?

I would be more than willing to work with you on whatever ideas you have.

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Oh and Darth...

I left a clue in (pre?) N1 as to who I was. Not sure if there is a point to keep trying that but I thought I would one more time. Doesn't totally out me but it gets close.

Not sure if anyone noticed it. Or was it too obvious that you all assumed it was an attempt at misdirection?

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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:32 PM, curr3nt said:

Oh and Darth...

I left a clue in (pre?) N1 as to who I was. Not sure if there is a point to keep trying that but I thought I would one more time. Doesn't totally out me but it gets close.

Not sure if anyone noticed it. Or was it too obvious that you all assumed it was an attempt at misdirection?

I only skimmed the PRE area. If you will kindly put a link to the post here, I will go read it :D

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