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Tombstone Mafia


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Current, I suggested a similar strategy in my first mafia. It made people very suspicious of me. Plenty of people thought I was bad. Maybe that's why I lived, because the baddies didn't want to kill someone they could frame.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure what to do with my action. I'm trying to make the most out of it, and if not for a small technicality, I could do so much more. As it is, I probably won't be useful until later in the game.

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Night One is over. There will be a quick Prologue and then the Night Post within the half hour. I will post them in two separate posts so as to not confuse anyone. The Prologue is prior to any night actions.

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The Earps tried very hard to stay clear of trouble. They wanted nothing more to do with keeping the law. They found their nitch in Tombstone running a faro table at the Oriental, a bar in town. Meanwhile an acting troupe has just pulled into town. Opening night saw a riveting performance by Josephine Marcus. Half of the town celebrated opening night at the Oriental, including several Cowboys. They immediately recognized the new face at the faro table.

"Wyatt Earp, huh?", asked Curly Bill. "I heard of you."

"Listen, Mr. Kansas Law-dog. Law don't go around her. Savvy?", warned Ike.

Wyatt calmly replied, "I'm retired."

"That's good, Mr. Law-dog,'cause law don't go around here."

Wyatt simply replied "I heard you the first time."

Johnny Ringo stepped up to Doc. "And you must be Doc Holliday."

"That's the rumor", answered Doc.

"You retired, too?"

Though obviously sick, Doc asserted "Not me. I'm in my prime."

"Yeah, you look it."

Doc looked over Ringo. "And you must be Ringo." He then explained to his girlfriend the legend of Johnny Ringo. "Look, darling, Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him?" Doc's girlfriend didn't think Doc should hate someone he doesn't even know. "Yes, but there's just something about him. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him."

Trying to keep the peace, Wyatt explained to Ringo, "He's drunk."

Downing another shot, Doc showed off his Latin, "In vino veritas."

Ringo snapped right back, "Age quod agis."

"Credat Judaeus Apella."

Patting his gun Ringo said, "Ecentus stultorum magister."

Doc couldn't help but to smile. "In pace requiescat."

Marshall White jumped in, "Come on now. We don't want any trouble in here. Not in any language."

Understanding his foe a little more, Doc explained to anyone around, "Evidently Mr. Ringo's an educated man. Now I really hate him."

Despite the Earps best efforts, there were too many strong personalities, with differing agendas, for the two factions to coexist.

Meanwhile, at his home, Sherman McMasters was thinking back to some of the travesties he'd seen while with the Cowboys. Sure there were some benefits too running with that crew. But those benefits could not be outweighed. He made his decision. He still respected some Cowboys, but he could no longer be a part of what they stood for. He burned his red sash.

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Night One

McMasters sat on his horse and waited. He wanted to help the Lawmen bring order to Tombstone. When he saw Young Scientist walking out of the Oriental, he rode up to him. "Hey Young Scientist, come with me. We're looking for a fifth for our poker game". Young Scientist obliged and didn't turn down any of the shots of whiskey McMasters offered him neither. "Good", thought McMasters. "This will keep him busy for the night and maybe I can get some questions answered about what he's been up to."


Curly Bill saw Hirkala put down his last shot and work his way out of the Oriental. "Where are you going so quickly?" Before Hirkala could answer, Curly Bill whispered new directions in his ear. Hirkala nodded and went outside. Turkey Creek Johnson was waiting for him. He hit Hirkala across the back of the head, knocking him out cold.


Morgan passed Slick another beer. "So we agree? You'll do that for me, instead of what you had planned." Slick took a swig, indicating his agreement. As Slick left the Oriental, he was spotted by Ike Clanton. Ike came up from behind and through a potato sack around Slick's head. He tied Slick to Slick's horse and whipped the horse sending Slick outside of the town limits. Slick wasn't doing anything tonight.


Johnny Ringo knew that something would need to be done if the Cowboys were going to maintain control of Tombstone. He bumped into Blablah in the Oriental, knowing that would set him off.

"Watch it!!" exclaimed Blablah.

"You care to take this outside?" asked Ringo.

"I would but I'm in the middle of a game here," Blablah pointed out.

"Well, why not play for blood?" questioned Ringo. That's all the prodding Blablah needed. He rushed outside, followed closely by Ringo. They stared each other down, sweat pouring down Blablah's temple. Blablah wasn't going to be second. He reached for his gun. Before he could even touch it, blood poured out from between his eyes. Blablah dropped dead.

Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver

13. Glycereine

14. young

Day 1 ends Tuesday night at 7pm EST.

Edited by maurice
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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - vote for slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver

13. Glycereine

14. young

Vote for slick per plan. See post 17 and page 2 for details. Nothing personal slick.

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - vote for slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver

13. Glycereine - voting for young scientist

14. young

Also voting as per plan. Nothing in the nightpost indicates that this should change. If everyone votes for the player beneathe them on the roster we will either lynch a baddie or learn something VERY valuable today.

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  On 2/1/2011 at 1:11 AM, Glycereine said:

Just for quick clarification. Similarities to the movie don't mean it was the same two characters right?

Correct. Do not try to read anything more from the posts (and especially the Prologue) than who acted on whom and who died.

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver

13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist

14. young

Not a big deal, but changing "voting for" to "shooting @". I won't be too much of a stickler about this but ...

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Fine, we'll go with the plan.

Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - shooting @ Glycereine

13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist

14. young

There are other things can interfere with that plan - hope Doc chooses his list carefully, otherwise we don't find anything.

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There are other things can interfere with that plan - hope Doc chooses his list carefully, otherwise we don't find anything.

Only way for Doc to come into play is if Billy Clanton is above him and Billy forces a tie to him and Ike. edit - or we get a baddie/inactive above Ike.

In that case ...

Maurice, does Doc get included in randomization only if he doesn't send in a "do not fire" list? What happens if there is only one shooter and Doc removes that one shooter?

What happens if Wyatt's vote mod targets Billy Clanton's vote mod?

This is only if Billy Clanton happens to be above Doc for voting. Depending on maurice's answer, Wyatt could mod the vote above Doc to x0. Doc would be outed to the baddie's if above is Billy but he would still be alive. If it is not Billy voting for Doc then the x0 mod would not out Doc.

Edited by curr3nt
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  On 2/1/2011 at 2:13 AM, curr3nt said:

Only way for Doc to come into play is if Billy Clanton is above him and Billy forces a tie to him and Ike. edit - or we get a baddie/inactive above Ike.

In that case ...

1. Maurice, does Doc get included in randomization only if he doesn't send in a "do not fire" list? What happens if there is only one shooter and Doc removes that one shooter?

2.What happens if Wyatt's vote mod targets Billy Clanton's vote mod?

This is only if Billy Clanton happens to be above Doc for voting. Depending on maurice's answer, Wyatt could mod the vote above Doc to x0. Doc would be outed to the baddie's if above is Billy but he would still be alive. If it is not Billy voting for Doc then the x0 mod would not out Doc.

1. If Doc does not send in a list, then all that shot at him will be in randomization. Doc will not. If Doc's list leaves no shooters for the randomization, then all that shot at him and Doc will be in the randomization.

2. The vote mods are multiplicative. So eg. Wyatt makes Billy Clanton's vote X2 and Billy Clanton does as well, then Billy Clanton's vote will count X4

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver

13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist

14. young scientist- shooting @ MollyMae

Edited by young scientist
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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - shooting @ Glycereine

13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist

14. young - shooting @ MollyMae

fixing colors

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae - shooting @ OboePassion

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - shooting @ Glycereine

13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist

14. young - shooting @ MollyMae

Edited by maurice
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