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I have planted a bomb, deep within the center of the earth. if detonated the bomb will destroy the earth. "It'll be all like BOOM and s*** yo"

The mainframe accessing the bomb's deactivation unit is password protected.

The password is hidden within a code.

Here is the code.


You have exactly one week to decipher the code and access the password before the bomb detonates, destroying the world.

There are no hints. ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha got you again! Time is ticking!!!!

Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,Tick, Tock,


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24 answers to this question

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Notes: There are 44 digits and there are more positive digits than negative ones

the number range from -3 to 4

Current thoughts: As there are only 8 digits and the string length is divisible by two and 11 maybe we need to treat numbers as pairs

Edit: treating it as pairs means you have 16 unique pairs

Edited by phaze
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I am guessing that it needs to be a word (as in password),

This was part of the reasoning behind pairing them up as the values -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 will probably not be enough to replace with a letter (a word or sentence using only 8 different letters and being 44 characters long, not likely)

Another concept I was working on was starting somewhere in the alphabet and move forwards or backwards the number of letters indicated. The problem with this is that if you add up all the digits it is greater than 26.

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Well...it is not certain what the code be....you shoult have given a hint.The codes could be this:


or this

-1 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 1 -2 + 1 +1 - 1 + 3+ 3 + 1 - 2 - 3 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 2 - 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 2 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 4 +1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 2 - 1 + 1 = 23

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The code is a word.

Time is ticking! tick tock tick tock

Why are there negative numbers?

My guess is the hero who saves the world should get a prize? hmmmmmm

maybe not.

Edited by matthew laming
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Ok it's obvious to me that none of you are even coming close. So I've decided to be a little generous..... a little.

Here is a very very very very big hint.

Have you tried grouping the numbers like this:























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Dude there is just an i insane amount of possibilities for this code.You have thought a pattern but there might also be another pattern what you are not aware of.You need to give more clues.

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Imputing "Alpha"..... Bomb deactivated....


the world is saved!

well done to plainglazed for guessing correctly. maurice guessed the method. but plainglazed entered the code.

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Could one of you explain the answer? I've been working on this one but I'm still lost.

From reading the posts I assume the answer requires knowing morse code, which I don't. How did you translate the string of numbers into morse code?

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Imputing "Alpha"..... Bomb deactivated....


the world is saved!

well done to plainglazed for guessing correctly. maurice guessed the method. but plainglazed entered the code.

"Guessed"!? I most certainly did not gue...Alright I guessed, but my Crispy Creme compadre didn't guess.

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Could one of you explain the answer? I've been working on this one but I'm still lost.

From reading the posts I assume the answer requires knowing morse code, which I don't. How did you translate the string of numbers into morse code?

the numbers were grouped. each positive number represented a dot so 4 means dot dot dot dot.

and each negative one represented a dash so -2 meant dash dash

0 was the end of a word.

Edited by matthew laming
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