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  On 10/18/2010 at 5:53 PM, Glycereine said:

I'll let it go this time because i was able to easily see your logic but it wasn't really fully explained. Need to somehow tell me how R was the only option, not just that it is the only option. What you were missing was that TERNS and TURNS cant have the same correct letters if E or U was right. Not necessarily worded that way, but yeah... It actually took me a minute to even see if you could have proved the R. You had all the right words scored in your post just needed a little more "logicing" :-p

I believe the term is "logicking." :D


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If FLOOD is 0, then O must be the second letter. TORID has 3, 2 of which are the T and R. The I cannot be because the T in TAPIR takes the 1 there and if FLOOD is 0, then the D cannot be right either, leaving the O.

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If PULSE is 1, S is fourth. Not P,U or L (TOR are the first three letters), and not E from SWINE (0). If 0, O is last because TORSO has TOR (proved) and S (disproved in PULSE if PULSE is 0).

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  On 10/18/2010 at 11:24 PM, fabpig said:

I'm not sure TORID is a word either

But I'll go with TORSI ... plural of TORSO

Yeah, I noticed significantly after I posted that I had been thinking of "TORRID," but oh well... :blush:

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Used to play this game to wile away the nightshift when operating the ol' 370/148.....Nice to see it's still going strong.

I have a few things I need clarifying tho...

Can words be "challenged"? dawh had spellers block in the last game and unfortunately the word had quite an influence on the final outcome.

Also, the word TORDO is Italian for "thrush". If you're going to allow non English/American words, you could be opening a whole new can of vermi.

And finally......I've noticed that some of the logicking says (e.g) If word abcde = 0, then first letter = b (one letter difference between bbcde = 1). Which is fine, but is incomplete . i.e. shouldn't the logic also conclude that if abcde = 1 then some other POSITIVE conclusion? I'm not wording this very well, but what I think I'm trying to say is that abcde=0 is not the only possible outcome and the other alternatives are not being taken into consideration.

Perhaps one of our more eloquent wordsmiths may be able to interpret my ramblings.

Edit - typos

Edited by fabpig
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yeah better logicking for that would be:


my word:


If ABCDE is 0, then B must be the first letter from BBCDE-1, the BCDE (2nd through 5th letters) are all excluded from ABCDE-0, so the only remaining letter that can be correct from BBCDE is B as the first letter.

As for the non-real and foreign words, they are not supposed to be allowed but participation had been dwindling a little so I let them go this round with no penalties. It's somewhat host's discretion however we should be a little more strict. I usually use dictionary.com as a reference because it has far more words than most paper dictionaries (which I used previously and couldn't find alot of words people were using) but still has some sort of guideline. 3 of the words this round weren't found there or in my giant Websters on my desk.

Anyways, updated scores:

Glycereine - 518

plainglazed - 428

Izzy - 386

Vineetrika - 337

Unreality - 284

t8t8t8 - 190

dawh - 184

Framm - 177

golfjunkie - 170

NickFleming- 136

woon - 136

Blablah99 - 89

Harvey45 - 70

MollyMae - 46

Hirkala - 36

JarZe - 25

yuiop - 21

Abhisk - 20

PVRoot - 20

Filly - 19

Prince Marth - 15

DudleyDude - 15

phaze - 15

Kac_cotu - 5

Fabpig - 5

You're up Harvey!

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OK, here's an example from 2 games ago......I've thought of the word - the scoring is the same

P _ _ _ _

+5 Glyc










DICED - if 0, 2nd letter is A. PACED is 2, first letter is P, last 3 letters can't be right cause of CED in DICED. So A must be 2nd.


Now your logicked word doesn't hold true. What I'm saying is that when using a "logick", you must be able to guarantee that a letter will be input to the target word irrespective of the points scored. Otherwise it's just a guess.

Incidentally, the word I thought of is PINES

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we had decided that you could use 1 word contingency logic. I however could have increased my own chances in that situation by doing the rest of my logic to say that if DICED was 2, I must be the 2nd letter.

PACED is 2 and P is the first letter so one of ACED must be right (but only 1). DICED being 2 means that 2 of ICED must be right, since D cannot be right from the already proven P. since ACED must have 1 right and ICED must have 2 right and the only difference is the I instead of A, I must be the second letter.

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I see what you're saying and I think that you've hit upon the middle ground that we didn't find earlier. Originally, unreality, who started the thread and created the rules, outlawed any kind of guessing for words that hadn't been scored yet. The problem with that approach is that if you have a situation where you can't prove anything with the letters you have, but you can prove something with one additional word, you would have to submit the word and then wait for the host to score it. Once you knew the score, you could submit your answer, but if you weren't watching carefully, a vulture could come along and steal your "logick" before you got the chance to submit it.

So we changed tactics to allow people to submit a "guess" with a word. But of course that leads to other kinds of abuse, which is what unreality was leery of in the first place. If you have BRAIN - 0, and someone comes along and says, "DRAIN, if 1, then D must be the first letter...etc." it really is just a shot in the dark where he's trying to get lucky. It's to a degree against the spirit of the game, but technically legal in the rules we've adopted.

So your way would be better, the trick is to enforce it/encourage it, since I don't know if everyone here would necessarily notice the distinction between your example and this one:

P _ _ _ _

+5 Glyc










LACRE (assume it's a word for the purposes of this example). If 1, A must be the second letter since none of the other letters in LUCRE-0 are valid. If 0, then N must be the third letter. Since MANIC and MANIA have the same value, neither A nor C can be the last letter. PANDA and PANIC both have the same value (2), but the last letter cannot be right for either word and the D and I cannot be right in both words, since they occupy the same place, so neither can be correct, leaving just the PAN. Of course the P is already accounted for, so the remaining letter is A or N. Since LACRE is 0, the A is not right, leaving the N as the only option.

This is perhaps not the best example as it is rather convoluted to unravel the logic, but like you said, it will always prove something one way or the other, no matter how it is scored by the host. I do like the idea that if you are going to guess, you should only be "guessing" with a word that will guarantee you a letter (assuming of course that your logic is sound :) ).

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