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Y must be the last letter.

E is known first.

M and T from EMPTY and the first S and A from ESSAY are all wrong. (from EMUTE and EQUAL, and there being no 5 letter English words starting with ESP).

S and P cannot both be the third letter, so Y must be correct.

Edited by Molly Mae
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Y must be the last letter.

E is known first.

M and T from EMPTY and the first S and A from ESSAY are all wrong. (from EMUTE and EQUAL, and there being no 5 letter English words starting with ESP).

S and P cannot both be the third letter, so Y must be correct.

I believe your logic is faulty MM, it is impossible at this point to prove "y" is the last letter


I think that I agree with golfjunkie on this one. Your using what could be called a structural rule of English, when I think that we should only be allowed to use syntactic ones to build the logic. It may be true that there is no five letter English word starting with ESP (I haven't checked), but it isn't an inviolable rule that no English word can ever have five letters and start with ESP. So simply saying that no such word is not enough, it has to be provable. If you want to provide a list of all five letter English words that start with ES to show us that there are none that start with ESP, then I think that we could accept the logic, but that's an unfeasible proof and as the language is still changing, that list could be invalidated pretty quickly. :P


If 0, then Y must be the fifth letter.

E is already proven to be the first letter.

The SS in ESSAY would be eliminated at possibilities and the A in ESSAY is already eliminated by EQUAL having 1 (the aforementioned E, so no room for the A as well). Which would leave only the Y in ESSAY as the available second letter.

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E _ _ _ _













EPOXY - 5 :D

So score:

Harvey + 5

GJ +25

woon + 17 (12 + 5 )

GJ, your turns!

Edited by woon
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Point totals:

Glycereine - 438

Izzy - 386

Cherry Lane - 310

Unreality - 284

Vineetrika - 264

plainglazed - 257

t8t8t8 - 190

Framm - 177

Dawh - 149

NickFleming- 136

woon - 136

golfjunkie - 97

Blablah99 - 53

Hirkala - 36

JarZe - 25

Harvey45 - 24

yuiop - 21

Abhisk - 20

PVRoot - 20

Filly - 19

Prince Marth - 15

DudleyDude - 15

phaze - 15

Kac_cotu - 5

Edited by woon
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I think that I agree with golfjunkie on this one. Your using what could be called a structural rule of English, when I think that we should only be allowed to use syntactic ones to build the logic. It may be true that there is no five letter English word starting with ESP (I haven't checked), but it isn't an inviolable rule that no English word can ever have five letters and start with ESP. So simply saying that no such word is not enough, it has to be provable. If you want to provide a list of all five letter English words that start with ES to show us that there are none that start with ESP, then I think that we could accept the logic, but that's an unfeasible proof and as the language is still changing, that list could be invalidated pretty quickly. :P


If 0, then Y must be the fifth letter.

E is already proven to be the first letter.

The SS in ESSAY would be eliminated at possibilities and the A in ESSAY is already eliminated by EQUAL having 1 (the aforementioned E, so no room for the A as well). Which would leave only the Y in ESSAY as the available second letter.

I had actually made a prior error and tried to edit it. I rushed to edit and grasped at straws.

That first S in ESSAY was my undoing. =P

Thanks for calling me on it, GJ. I'll be more careful in the future.

Edited by Molly Mae
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