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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. peace*out


    break flake cakes snake snack
  2. resilient poem imagination respond correct ilk lark laughter
  3. peace*out

    the answer is actually a funny one
  4. peace*out

    there are others you know...not just those that you replyed to.
  5. again two words... first is the spiral, inverted but there next word is the 5, curvy not square the mountains are tall, pointing up to the sky then one mountain peak is what i cry lasts are the legs, with 90˚ now, do you see what i see?
  6. describe the situation...
  7. Now....lets get to the point. of the circle stairway to the top the moving land the mouthy band and the riding crop now above may be the cousin except for the first 2 lines for the flowers braided shining traded is dreamed of time after time
  8. its really cool!

  9. Thanks. It's fine now. I think this game is my last b/c Mon. and Tues. are 26 hours away from my pc. I just can't do this at work outside. I may cost us this game. do u need a backup?
  10. *hopefully* last question: is the goal to make the biggest number?
  11. and did you draw your profile pic?

  12. nice day post - it was good! :thumbsup:

  13. peace*out


    dddddddd ssssssss oooooooo mmmmmmmm
  14. peace*out


    fyi: parasail still needs to be masterworded - on the bottom of the list, about 5 up
  15. once a women commited no crime back in the days back in that time she was sent to jail because of no space in where she should be now what was her case?
  16. so would it be 100 characters using ^*/...yah. or would it be 100 characters if the number was drawn out
  17. that's ok golf junkie i haven't either
  18. stiff as a plank trees cut to make falling down all over northern towns half it goes “moo” what I'm on is too rainbow together like a birds of a feather
  19. too many hints... yes... your first one.
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