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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. peace*out

    Minecraft Mafia

    I went up a post, and framm was already voting of rAbhisk, so i went up one more to Framm. Wheneven i double vote on day 1, i feel like it always ends up being a death of a goodie.
  2. peace*out

    Minecraft Mafia

    Server Owner: Blablah 1) Vineetrika 2) Peace - voting for Framm 3) Slick 4) Araver 5) Hirkala - Voting for darth nox 6) Framm - Voting for Abhisk 7) Abhisk - Voting for Araver 8) solman - Dead: Killed by Creeper 9) GMaster479 10) maurice 11) EDM 12) curr3nt 13) Marq 14) Shadow 15) darth nox 16) sayalzah 17) Molly Mae - Trapped. Cannot post or vote. ohhh...the randomness of day 1
  3. Are you STILL looking for that other stilt?
  4. peace*out

    the mods are Martini (who i havent seen in a while - he used to be pretty quick at cleaning up spam), and bonanova who is on less, but still a great mod. If you go to the main forum page, at the bottom theres a button to view the mods.
  5. peace*out

    IM NOT ALONE!!! :D ...when you find yourself daydreaming on vacation about school (i have no idea why either) ...when your mom kicks you off the computer and you grab about 6 books from the bookcase for some "light reading" ...when you listen to some brainiac on a tv show, and thing "already knew that"
  6. should i just post the answer?
  7. Blabitty bla bla :D

  8. peace*out

    Minecraft Mafia

    ok. - so the night ends TOMORROW? ok...and just curious, could someone say the time it is "EDT" right now...its it 10:24 in that timezone? I just want to make sure i get on in time.
  9. peace*out

    Minecraft Mafia

    *shiver* spiders creep me out sooooooooo much...
  10. peace*out

    in response to the youtubers thing?? ill check them out right now
  11. Liquids: WINCON: Independent, non-mobs. They have no intention other than to escape. One must be lynched and one killed during the night to win (game still continues). Lava: If he is killed at night, his attacker also dies. Water: If he is lynched, anyone voting for him has an extra vote on them from lynches then on. Do we get to know if they win the game?
  12. are we playing in here?
  13. haha, it would be funny if we were on the same team... But seriously, i havent gotten my role yet. IM READY TO KICK SOME SPIDER...abdomen. dang, that doesnt really sound cool. :/ But anyways, to hirk: i repeat!! Minecraft holds a special place in my heart.
  14. <_< Minecraft holds a special place in my heart. Plus, if you think its stupid of me, why did you change it back? I also let it go a LONG time before changing it back. you reacted as soon as you saw it!!!! 2) Peace - voting for Hirk
  15. Server Owner: Blablah 1) Peace 2) Slick 3) Araver 4) Hirkala 5) Framm 6) Abhisk 7) solman 8) GMaster479 9) EDM 10) maurice 11) curr3nt 12) 13) Shadow 14) 15) sayalzah 16) Molly Mae 17) Vineetrika Backups 1.Segul 2. 3. TWO MORE TWO MORE TWO MORE TWO MORE!!!!! :D
  16. ...its been over a month. BUMPITY-BUMP TIME!!!
  17. peace*out

    If i forget to sign up, ill think ill play this round... so if i forget to, sign me up! I agree with MiKi, with the number of baddies, along with the fact that they have BTSC, there should be something that gives them a one up. I do like that they dont have a collective night kill, but im worried about if that "equals it out"...i dont think it does because goodies dont have a collective ___________ either.
  18. peace*out

    why did the person turn blue they were in the hot tub!!! (im curious - does that make sense to anyone? if it does, your awesome)
  19. nope but good try!!!
  20. closer, but not there. and please - dont let it be your last guess!!! Do with this information what you want to.
  21. noooooo ...and, were getting colder...
  22. nope... but good try...
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