The only thing I'm not convinced about in regard to global warming and greenhouse gases is the role that CO2 plays in the equation. It is true that there are direct corelations between the the amount of CO2 and the Earth's temperature, but what Al Gore didn't mention is that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere historiclly lags behind changes in global temperature. So yes the graphs are almost identical in their peaks and furrows, but a peak in temperature will be followed by a peak in CO2 amounts. I believe if we concentrate all our efforts into reducing CO2 emmisions we may have wasted time and resources when there are other reasons that we should be looking at and other projects that may be a better use of our money. Humans can only claim responsiblity for 3.4% of the CO2 emmitted each year, the rest is all natural. It just seems that CO2 is being painted as a pollutant when it's quite essential for life. IMO.