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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Hmm...ppl are stumped? Well...in this one the murderer uses something used in one of my earliest puzzles
  2. Excellent work, both of you.. Hehe...I guess I think a lot about murder...;P
  3. Hearing that the famous Prof. Templeton was the guest lecturer for the seminar at Redrum University that morning, Y-san decided to drag herself out of bed before noon (for once) and attend. Luckily for her, there was always a large thermos/pot of coffee and cookies set out in the back of the seminar hall for attendees. As Y-san filled her mug and greedily sucked the caffeinated (i.e. life-giving) elixir down, she caught sight of Sinistral and Phaze. She hailed them, and they took seats together. As they sat down, the noticed Ben Law arriving with an attractive redhead. Phaze glared. When Y-san asked him what was wrong, Phaze replied that he had seen the redhead in the newspapers. She was a recent wealthy widow who was rumored to have murdered her husband. Since the Prof. was using a power-point presentation, the lights in the lecture hall were turned off as soon as everyone was seated. There were a few lights illuminating the aisles so that the attendees could get themselves more refreshments. In her peripheral vision, Y-san noticed several people walking up to get coffee, including the redhead who had been sitting next to Ben Law. As the lecture was wrapping down, Sinistral stood up to get some more cookies and asked Y-san if she wanted any. She declined the cookies, but said that she would love some more coffee. When Sinistral returned with the coffee, the lecture was just ending. Y-san took a sip and frowned as the lights came on. There was a scream. Everyone turned to see Ben Law's body with a bloody stab wound in his chest. There was shock, but, it being Redrum University, everyone in the hall knew not to leave. The police were called on someone's cell phone. Phaze stalked over to the redhead and took her purse. He emptied the contents in the aisle, but there was nothing that could have been used as the murder weapon. Later on, the police would find that there was nothing out of place in the lecture room. "Guess she didn't do it after all," Sinistral said as Phaze came back to where he and Y-san were waiting. Phaze shook his head, he had been so certain the redhead was guilty. He was too frustrated to speak...until he saw Y-san's face. Y-san's lips were forming her trademark knowing, lopsided smile. "No Phaze, you're not crazy. She did do it."
  4. Sorry, but can't tell you anything...following the rules we put in place...;P Edit: The best way of getting information is through discussion...
  5. Yoruichi-san

    Hmm...looks interesting...I've only played the board game once and I had the luck of starting w/ 2/3 of Asia...needless to say, shortest game ever ;P I'm not really sure how this works, maybe I'll just watch for this one...
  6. Lol...the reason I made the discovery roles harder to save was because I want people to try to figure stuff out by themselves instead of relying on certain roles. I didn't want any "we have to wait for the Spy to get on before we can do anything" situations like in past games...
  7. Okay, bringing up the roster, changing the color...please don't use RED or BLUE for ppl's names Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana- voting for woon 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law - voting for Mekal 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student-DEAD [M4F14] (air-locked)
  8. I said you had some of it right, but you didn't have all of it right...
  9. Well, they heard him call out "Don't come in!"...
  10. The Herbalist did listen...but the Herbalist has a 1/4 chance to fail, and unfortunately for Dusty, that's what happened...
  11. ~Kat It has nothing to do with the solution for this puzzle, but there is a meaning to it...;P
  12. No, there was no mirror/magnifying glass or anything else...
  13. And the links: Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken Day Two: The End of the Beginning Night Three: Flowers for the Dead Day Three: Dressed to Arrest Night Four: Saved by the Jail
  14. NIGHT FOUR A Rose By Any Other Name "That should fix your problem," Dusty assured Ben Law as she activated the restart sensor on the computer. The holoscreen flashed off and then on again, displaying the familiar blue welcome screen. "Thanks Dusty!" Ben Law exclaimed happily. "I was so worried. I had no idea what to do. The guy who I usually go to for help on this stuff just got fired." Dusty turned to Ben Law. "Yeah, I heard about that," she said. "He left the machines running all night or something, right? And it ended up costing the plant billions or credits in wasted materials or something?" Ben Law shook his head. "I just can't believe he would do something like that. I would wave to him everyday when I left, and he seemed like such a nice, responsible guy. Plus, they say they can't account for all the used materials…" "Well, no one knows what really happened." Dusty shrugged. "Apparently no one can find the footage from the holocam in the system." "Yeah, only Y-S4N and L1S know what really happened," Ben Law lamented. "I guess the only other person that might be able to help the poor guy is the so-called Uber-Hacker that people have been talking about." Dusty stood up. "I have to go now, I have another job to do." Ben Law nodded and thanked her again for her help. As Dusty left the nanotech manufacturing plant she was lost in thought, so she didn't notice that someone was following her until two blocks later when she came to a hovermobile traffic signal. As she stopped and waited for the "X" sign to flash, she distinctly heard another set of footsteps stop as well. Dusty inhaled shallowly. When the "X" sign came, she walked rapidly and determinedly across the street. The footsteps followed her. When she got to the other side, her stride turned into a run. The footsteps also began to run. Dusty turned a corner and sprinted as fast as she could, but the footsteps closed in on her. She was so terrified that she didn't notice the pole lying in the middle of the sidewalk. Dusty tripped and fell. As she raised herself up, she heard the footsteps stop just centimeters away from her. With her heartbeat pulsing in her ears, Dusty looked up to see…a bouquet of red roses? The bouquet was held be a man with round features and a jolly, smiling face. Dusty exhaled, relieved. "You must be the Herbalist!" She got to her feet and took the bouquet from the man. She smiled and said cheerfully "I guess you came to save me tonight after all!" "Yes, the Herbalist did come to save you," the man said, still smiling. But the face around the smile was changing, transforming…"that's where the flowers came from. But he's been detained at the moment…" Dusty's blood ran cold. The roses dropped to the ground, spilling petals over the meticulously maintained streets. She tried to back away, but her shoulder hit something solid. She turned her head to see that the pole on the ground had transformed as well. The M4F14 behind her became a wall that was a half-cylinder in shape. Turning her head back around, she saw that the M4F14 had also become a half-cylinder wall. The two halves came together to encase Dusty and drown out her screams. A few minutes later, the two dark forms separated and Dusty's body slid to the ground, where it was surrounded by red rose petals. Posting Bale In the prison unit, Ocular-Enso stood before a pair of sliding electronic doors with his head held high and a defiant look in his eyes. The Wraith waved its hand over the lock sensor. The doors slid apart. "This is where you will be administered the puzzle to determine your freedom," The Wraith stated. OE smiled, confident he'd be able to attain his goal. "Okay! I choose Math! I good at Math!" Challenging an AI to Math…,mused Y-S4N, uh-huh, that's smart… "Time to go in." said the Wraith. Ocular-Enso entered. The doors slid shut firmly behind him. Meanwhile, a dark figure silently approached the prison unit. The (artificial) moonlight reflected off the metal piece circumscribing his right eye. It was Zero. And it was time to kill. The memory of the pathetic Mutant creature which had called himself Zero's "friend" briefly flickered in the cyborg's mind, but Zero shook it off. No, the Mutant had just been a distraction, a hindrance to his mission. The slight warmth the "friendship" dredged up from the heart that he thought he no longer had was a nuisance. It meant nothing, and it was better now that the annoyance was gone. His head was clearer and his prerogative was stronger than ever. He had to kill Seven. Zero's keen instincts had been alerted by Ocular-Enso's behavior. He had located his target at the prison unit. Zero waited in the shadows that the Neon-7 light above the entrance cast. Whether or not he had been a patient man, he was a patient machine. The time that past was insignificant to him. There was only the mission. Voices approached the entrance form the inside. Zero tensed, preparing for action, and pressed his cybernetic body up against the wall. He could hear one of the voices shouting angrily. Then the door slid open and a form was pushed outside. "That's what you get for arresting me!" the creature turned and yelled as the door slid closed. The creature took a few steps back, muttering to himself, then… Zero pounced. He flung the creature into the wall and pinned it there with his elbow and lower arm. Then Zero raised his other cybernetic arm to strike the killing blow. "Hey," the creature mumbled. "Whaterryado un?" Zero paused, his metal hand a few centimeters from the creature's head. Zero became aware of a smell…it was the substance 600z3. The cyborg grabbed the creature by the collar and shoved him into the light. It wasn't Ocular-Enso. It was some pathetic drunken human idiot. The intoxicated man sniffed. "First they fire me for something that wasn't my fault, then they arrest me for drunken and disorderly, now they gotta beat me up too?" Zero twisted the man's head sharply and said into his ear, "Where is Ocular-Enso?" The man looked confused for a moment (well, more confused than he already was), then the light of recognizance lit up his eyes. "Oh, that loon?" the man snorted. "He was crazier than me…" Zero twisted harder. "Oww!" the man cried. "Okay, okay, he's still in the prison unit…" The cyborg tossed the man aside and stomped away. Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student-DEAD [M4F14] (air-locked)
  15. Okay, finally got a chance to breath...drove 10 hours today...anyways Night Post coming in a few minutes...
  16. Yes or no questions only, sorry...;P
  17. Okay, so I will be on the road all day and I won't be able to make the Night Post until late this evening. And all PMs are final! Anyways, if you're bored, you could try your hand at solving some of the gruesome murders in the New Puzzles section...;P
  18. Yes. In my reply I would have told him if it wasn't...>.<
  19. Very good! Lol, I think you've thought about the details more than I had...;P
  20. Nope, no projectors. Like I said, Woon and Kat were pretty close, go back to what they said and work off that (before you and Mekal exploded )
  21. Stop it with the "I'm not just trying to raise the post count" posts to raise your post count! If you really want to stop, then stop posting ANYTHING that is not relevant to the puzzle!
  22. Yes, of course I meant open...and I know you know that's what I meant...everyone else did. Stop trying to up your post count. I am SERIOUSLY going to report you if you continue to do it in my threads!
  23. TC, I look at the New Puzzles forum, and I see every puzzle on the first half of the page with your name as the last user, and then I click on the newest post, and you've said nothing relevant to the puzzle! Please stop doing this to my puzzles! Go make yourself a "TC Talks" thread on Others or something...I worked hard thinking up and writing these, so I would appreciate it if you would respect them!
  24. LMAO. Now, please don't post in this thread again until its been solved or unless you truly seriously want to try to solve this!
  25. Yeah, like I said, definitely not completely right...but on the right track ;P
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