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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. As Y-san exited the showers at the Redrum University Recreational Facility, she heard a loud scream. She hurried towards the source of the commotion and found a crowd gathered around a body in the hallway. Pushing her way through the crowd she saw that it was Phaze's body. Well, its about time! Was the first thought that came to her mind. The police autopsy revealed the cause of death to be internal injuries with several causes. First, Phaze had been struck in the ribs with a wide, hard object. Then he had been choked with an elastic band. Finally, he had been struck in the head with something heavy enough to crack his skull. Further investigation uncovered four likely suspects: Slick, Bb, Dusty, and Aizen. At the time the body had been discovered, witnesses claimed to have seen them doing the following: Slick was in the sauna with only his towel. Dusty had been doing laps in the swimming pool. Bb was changing in the locker room. The only things in the locker room were lockers and a vending machine for energy bars. Since Bb was the one everyone automatically suspected, a search had been done of his locker and the only things that were found were gym shorts, socks, deodorant, and energy bars. Aizen had been in the weight room benching sixty-five...uh, I mean, one hundred and sixty five, pounds... ;P The gym has very strict rules about not letting the members remove items that don't belong to them from the rooms. The staff had been trained to be highly competent at keeping a look-out for potential thieves (although apparently keeping a look-out for potential murderers is beyond their abilities...). And due to paranoia about terrorism, the staff was also very well trained at keeping a look-out for items that don't belong, i.e. there was no place anyone could have disposed of a murder weapon. "Well, what do you think?" the head of campus security asked Y-san, after reprimanding her for pouring cornstarch in the pond on campus. "Who killed Phaze?" Y-san gave him the full benefit of her lopsided grin. "Actually," she mused, "the question is: Who didn't kill Phaze?" What's the answer, and why? (Use spoilers!!!)
  2. Lol, I didn't see your post...you posted while I was posting...I was responding to Bb and dawh and the rest...
  3. Actually, here's my idea: Enforce an Inactivity Check at 24 hrs. Days will be 36 hours, but everyone needs to have voted (and discussed) by 24 hours into the day or they are killed off/replaced for inactivity. This way the ppl accused have the last 12 hours to try to change ppl's minds. I can start enforcing this now if ppl agree with it.
  4. The timing thing (i.e. TC's alibi...very important in convicting him in a court of law )...but woon got pretty close...
  5. Yoruichi-san

    That's not actually my age you know...;P
  6. Yeah, I wrote the part about Seven attacking onetruth and then Seven changed their mind, but I didn't want to scrap all my effort, (especially since it ended up working in well with giving clues to the secret relationship between Zero and the Numbers ;P), so I left and and just changed the kill target. I work hard trying to make the stories interesting and working in a continuing storyline and I was up very late writing that and waiting for the last PM (which I didn't get before I went to sleep), so if I write different things in than you are used to, well, get used to it
  7. Day ends in 12 and a half hours. (1 am my time...I will stay awake to write the Day Post, since I'm so dedicated ) And the links: Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken
  8. Bagels has been replaced by Ben Law...Frozen complained earlier about my making a reference to Heroes, but I guess that's not really participating...;P
  9. Yeah, in the "How did TC kill Sinistral?" thread there was an epilogue where TC was taken to Juvenile Detention...this just continues that storyline...;P
  10. People are getting closer...everything you need is in the story itself (along with some stuff you don't need...and BANG! is truly one of the most awesome games ever...;P)
  11. Yeah, I wanted to give it a try the way it is, but I realize now that to use it correctly requires a certain degree of maturity that I'm not sure can be guaranteed by random role assignment...
  12. Yeah, think about it some more, and your next guess, please use spoilers...>.<
  13. On the right track...but the timing is the key...remember you were in the east hall when we ran past, there was no way you could have made it all the way from the west hall to the east hall in that time...;P
  14. Lol...and maybe... In this part of BD we use spoilers for our answers ;P
  15. Yoruichi-san

    No, the wire is loose and hidden behind the seat belt when the person gets in. It's when the car moves that the wire gets pulled back because it's attached to the tree and gets wrapped around the person's neck...
  16. Haha...actually when I said he needed someone to kill, his first suggestion was you, Kat
  17. One lazy summer night, Y-san, PG, Phaze and Sinistral were all sitting around a table in a dormitory at Redrum University, playing a game of BANG!, one of the best games ever invented. Across the courtyard was the Ethics Building, which was empty and had been for quite a while. The buildings around the courtyard were all connected in a square, and in the middle of the courtyard was a pond. The buildings all had windows facing both into and out of the square. After Phaze had been put in jail for the seventh time in a row (gotta love the perma-jail character ;P), he glanced out across the courtyard and gave a startled cry. This brought Y-san, who was gleefully on a roll as Suzy Lafayette with the Volcanic, back to reality, and she and the others looked outside to see what Phaze had seen. Through the window of a lighted classroom, they could see Dawh tied up and gagged. A cloaked figure walking towards Dawh with a dagger raised high. The figure plunged the dagger down into Dawh's chest and blood spurted out everywhere. "OmG!" Phaze exclaimed "@@@@@@@@@@!" The rest of them went running down the north hall to the end of the hallway, where they turned right and ran down the east hall and finally they made another right and ran down the south hall to where the classroom had been. They were running at top speed so this took them approximately five minutes. As they had been running down the east hall, they saw TC, who had gotten out of Juvenile Detention and was serving his community service hours, sweeping the hallway. Seeing them running, he followed them to the south hall and the classroom. Sinistral tried the door, but it was locked. They pounded on the door of the classroom, but there was no answer. TC used the key he had been given for cleaning purposes to unlock the door. Going inside, they saw that in the middle of the classroom there was a sliding paneled wall that was currently pulled out, separating the door half of the room from the window half of the room. TC went up to the sliding panels and slid them in, revealing the window half of the room and...nothing? "But I was sure I saw it..." PG said. Everyone else agreed. Yet the evidence was clear. There was no Dawh (dead or alive), no masked figure, no blood. There was no way the murderer could have moved the body and cleaned up and escaped in the five minutes it took them to run there. Admitting that the beverages they had been having while playing their game may have influenced their perceptions, PG, Phaze, and Sinistral walked out of the classroom, confused. Y-san hung back. After a few moments, she joined her compatriots in the hallway. TC yawned and said "Well, my work's done for the night, I'd better get going..." "Not so fast," Y-san told him. "The only place you're going is back to Juvie. You just committed another murder, and we're all witnesses." How did he do it?
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Blame it on TC for not letting me write Kay's death...cuz ppl need another reason to want to kill TC...;P
  19. Yoruichi-san

    Lol, well I saw dawh reading this topic earlier, so guess who's getting murdered next XP. Sure, you can send it to me, I know all about long stories...hehe...it was the maintenance bot!
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Someone get the answer...I need someone to kill...;P Edit: And Kay is a female (the pink person icon)
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Hehe...cuz he adopted the "I am insane" strategy...;P Edit: And I don't hate him, I just like making fun of the fact everyone is out to get him...
  22. Yeah, the CD role is starting to annoy me now...definitely will be changed if there's a next game...
  23. The secondary target is a random innocent. Lol...well, you are a survivor, Bb...;P
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...that would have to be "Who didn't kill Phaze"...although it would be interesting...;P
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