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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yeah...and there's someone else who Nathan shouldn't bother saving...but I can't really reveal that so I'll have to hope the chances are that DL and Nathan won't end up doubling up...
  2. Well, hopefully this will be over tonight...but just in case... DL protect Parkman, who you should know by now ;P, Nathan if you're still alive, protect whoever you think is most deserving...except don't worry about ST, since the Haitian is dead, she's invincible . Alright. Let's finish this!
  3. edit: Something else I noticed Nice...and there's nothing like repeating an experiment under controlled circumstances to estimate factors, including time......about the glop...your solution is correct but there is something else you need to take into account that should tell you what the glop is... Redrum is faaaarrrrrr away from Edicius...so the trick would need to have been completely set up in the Edicius kitchen... And no...the phrase was kind of suppose to be a play on the phrase "Not suicide but murder"...I also have a sense of humor...;P Haha...interesting observations...but the true relation b/w all three...well...look at my avatar ;P (and it has nothing to do with the puzzle itself)
  4. Or it might be over after Kat dies tonight...;P Seriously, my thoughts before the Night Post last night were that if Sylar attacked me, it was probably Unreality, if he didn't, he was probably Sinistral...well, we all saw what happened... Edit: Oh, and Hiro...if you want to ensure the Heroes victory you may want to kill me...just in case the Company finally figures it out...
  5. It's alright, CL...given that Sylar can't win tonight, the Heroes' best bet is to have DL save instead of Niki attack, and have Ted hold off tomorrow to finish Sylar off it need be...;P Edit: I'm pretty sure PM was Company...but Unreality definitely could have been Sylar...after the attack, he was actually first on my suspicion list...and Sinistral moved to the bottom...although he could be really tricky...;P
  6. Haha...yeah...I've been confusing everyone ;P Rereading the rules I see Claire can be protected (I thought she couldn't), so that's a good idea...Niki won't be able to act then. So I agree, Hiro, stay on Kat ... Okay, if CL is a baddie, she can't be Company unless Impervious was the one spied early on the first day...in which case she could of been covering herself by voting for him... I seriously don't think Sinistral's Company either...come on...look at the moves they've been making...do you seriously think Sinistral would make those errors? So that leaves Kat as HRG...but w/e...we can inject Sylar tomorrow...;P Edit: Saw Frost's reply...okay, Hiro, definitely stay on Kat...
  7. Well, now I'm inclined to suggest agree that Hiro should withdraw his kill on Kat...she is most certainly HRG...which leaves Sylar as Prof. T, CL, or Sinistral...we can get two kills with Ted/Niki...so if we're sure Prof. T shouldn't be on that list...well...;P Edit: Oops...replied to the wrong quote XP
  8. Yeah...I'm hoping for the last option...but if CP was who I think she was...we're in a boatload of trouble... Oh, and thanks Parkman , although I'm still unclear about Day 1...may need a re-run... And are we sure Prof. T wasn't Sylar? Edit: Actually, it's better for Itachi to say Day 1's spy it if it was a baddie...;P
  9. Interesting...okay...since I'm fairly certain we'll down to Slick/Kat and one other person for Sylar tonight on the baddie list, if anyone knows for certain who Sylar is...it's time to come out with it...sorry, you'll have to risk the RID and take one for the team... Oh, and CL, I am pretty positive ST isn't Sylar...;P
  10. If they're innocent, they need to... So that after HRG was dead, he would know exactly who Claire was...;P
  11. If he is looking for suggestions, he REALLY needs to check me so that I can send him a message... But my question will help me figure out if a certain person could be Sylar or not...
  12. Okay...thinking about it...I need ppl to answer this question: Who here has been checked by Parkman? On what day?
  13. Actually...as I said initially...I was thinking Sylar might be dead...basically we're at the end of my suspicion list...I was thinking either one of the ppl who died or Kat/Slick were Sylar...but if someone thinks differently...hmm... And my push on Day 2, as I said, was to find Sylar...not necessarily to inject him...like I said, votes aren't set in stone until the Day ends...
  14. Haha...I think I get it now...the reason why Slick didn't reply on Night 2...but on Day 2 when everyone wanted to lynch Impervious, he kept insisting Impervious was Matt despite all our reminders about Candice's ability...he definitely read Candice's role , but he didn't understand how it worked...he thought it would permanently make Impervious look like Matt so when we injected him the second time he would die looking as Matt, and Slick thought it would clear himself, as he'd been defending 'Matt'... Edit: Well, it certainly makes more sense than him not being able to read 3 lines of text in the intro given 2 days time...
  15. Haha...so true...XP -When I'm counting out the alphabet and instead of "H-I-G" I count "H-R-G"...
  16. Edicius University, Redrum U's East Coast rival, was having their annual alumni fund-raising dinner. A group of the 'most prestigious' (a.k.a. most wealthy) of Edicius U's alumni were gathered in the Pom P. Us Dining Hall to indulge in gourmet food and listen to the University Board make their usual pitch. As the president of Edicius U's 6th Sleuthing Club, B-kun, was making his way up to the podium to give his speech about the 'sad state of campus safety' (or so the Board had told him to say), suddenly the decorations on the ceiling crashed down to the ground. Then multi-colored streamers began drifting down around the expensively over-dressed individuals in the room. On the streamers were printed words: NOT EDICIUS, BUT REDRUM! Looking up, B-kun saw affixed to the ceiling a box with a trap door hanging open on the bottom, which had been previously hidden by the decorations. Attached to the handle of the trap door was a thin rope, which had been strung up along the ceiling though circlets of duct-tape. B-kun arched his fine dark eyebrows and spun around briskly, his long white coat fanning out in a circle. Following the rope into the commercial quality kitchen, B-kun discovered the end of it attached to a circular ring which was lying on the ground. It was approximately the size of his fist, with a piece about an inch and a half wide cut out of it. A few feet away was a bucket of water with a mop in it, leaning against its edge. Pots and pans were hung up along the ceiling around the center workstation. Along one side of the room were shelves for utensils. Along another side were the doors to the walk-in refrigerator and walk-in freezer. There was something else on the ground. B-kun bent down and dipped his long finger in the red goop. He brought his finger up to his aristocratic nose and sniffed. His red-haired Vice President, who had followed him there squealed and reeled back. "Is it...blood?" "No..." B-kun shook his head and his face formed into his usual disapproving frown as the image of a purple-haired head and a face with mischievous eyes and an enigmatic smile popped into his head. He muttered under his breath, "That woman..." Edit: Clarification
  17. Although, as a sidenote, the only thing I could think about for the first hour after I read this was Eddie Izzard's sketch about "Tea and Cake or DEATH!" Great job! Your way of thinking about it is fantastic...I didn't really think about how to describe it...it just came to me one day staring at the keyboard...(hence the story hint ;P)...and...haha! Haha! Yeah, you were hidden in the story...since as I was making this I saw that you had done something related, I wanted to acknowledge your ingenuity as well...;P
  18. And I knew exactly how to counter your set-up to prove my innocence...and narrow down my Sylar choices... ;P. Thanks, DL, for seeing the hints I left you...logic is beautiful, isn't it? Well, good news is that the Company took out the person who would have been highest on my Sylar list after the Night...thanks for that... I'm fairly sure Itachi's not Sylar... Slick...seriously? Uh...Night 2 I get attacked by Company...Night 3 I get attacked by Sylar...what baddie do you think I am? I think you're smarter than that... 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Slick 2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 4) Prince Marth - DEAD [?] Killed by Hiro 5) Akaslickster-voting for-Yoruichi-san6) SomeGuy 7) Impervious -DEAD [Candice] 8) Prof. Templeton 9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane 11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 12) Sinistral 13) Itachi 14) Kat - voting for Itachi 15) Star Tiger
  19. Okay...bed time...but again I want to emphasize to the Heroes not to give out any more information toNight to the Company and especially Sylar, for obvious reasons. We, or I should say, more likely, you guys, can discuss all you want during the Day. Sayanora!
  20. Umm...I don't really understand what you mean...so I'm guessing the answer is no ;P
  21. Yep, that's the list of keys...except your grouping is a little odd...maybe my hint will even things up? ;P You're closing in on the solution...but you have to think a little more outside the box (or I guess, in some cases it's a parallelogram ) Combining your ideas with the above from Skywalker and my response... And thanks FOTH! I see you've gotten yet...and yes, the message was from a BrainDenizen ;P Edit: And to everyone else, keep trying! You're so close ...you all have great ideas...but there's only one solution
  22. Oh yeah, and as the saving role have probably realized, I'm also advising not to waste your save on me since it won't do any good...with three of you, you should be able to cover the remaining Heroes pretty well.
  23. Itachi...the Hero killers aren't going to come after me...the other person I know is one of the DL/Niki pair and I've already hinted to them that I know them...if I'm lying, Niki can kill me, but she won't, b/c I'm not ;P...and I think Hiro knows who he should really be going after ...but it doesn't really matter...if I survive the Night, I should have enough information to complete my roster, so the Company and Sylar are the only ones who have to worry about me...
  24. Lol...Slick, come off it...the fact that you edited just to add the last line (in an effort to sound more innocent) makes you seem all the more guilty...we all know that you're a baddie......and they know I'm innocent...or it'll be proven tomorrow if I survive ;P
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