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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    Thanks ST ;P As you're pondering over the situation with the other guests, your thoughts are interrupted by a sound in the back of the room, a "nyaaah". You look up just in time to see Impervious stumble a few steps before dropping onto a chair conveniently placed there by a elementary school boy with glasses. Impervious looks like he asleep and his head is bent downwards so that you can't see his lips. Inquiring if he's alright, you take a few steps towards him before he answers in a commanding tone "Yes, I'm fine. I just can't believe it took me this long to solve the case. Please, have a seat." You obey by sitting down in the nearest chair and all eyes in the room are focused on the detective. He begins: Edit: Changed the color...why not? ;P
  2. Yoruichi-san

    Aha...found it! So...Vicki, Enrique...did either of you see a corkscrew in the Rose Garden? Anyone else been to the Rose Garden between 1 and 5:30 pm?
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...is that a confession?
  4. Okay...since my brain has been drained of puzzles by an alien computer in preparation for a battle for world domination (but that's another story...*cough*), I thought I'd share another one I got from a friend: There was a toy seller who bought a certain number of balls and half that many pairs of dice. He paid $23 for each die and double that amount for each ball. He sells the items for a retail price that is 10% more than the price he paid. When he has sold all except seven objects, he has gotten back exactly the amount of money he spent. I.e the profit he'd gain by having sold all the objects is exactly the sum of the retail prices of the seven remaining objects. What is this value?
  5. Yoruichi-san

    Okay...Norman and Kathryn...where were you two from 6:30-7:00? Edit: Wait...Enrique and Vicki were in the rose garden at 5:30? Isn't that where Elizabeth dropped the corkscrew after she was stung...hmmmmm...did either of you see it? Or pick it up to murder her with? XP Edit2: Perphaps Enrique cut the lights on purpose...knowing that Elizabeth would check on them...in order to lure her to the wine vaults to kill her...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Whoa! Enrique claimed he was checking the lights...is that what he appeared to be doing? Was he holding anything at the time...a golden corkscrew perhaps?
  7. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...guess the elderly do have a way of losing their memory... And now you're with Enrique? Did he discover the info about the gold when he was working on his project...then you two hatched a plan to kill Elizabeth so you would inherit? Or perhaps the reason he became interested in you was because he found out about the gold and knew that if Elizabeth died you would inherit...so he courted you and killed Elizabeth? He could definitely have been lying about being knocked unconscious...
  8. Yoruichi-san

    Yeah...so...did you see anyone when you went back to the wine vault? Did you see Elizabeth? *Cough*...wow...well, I guess Enrique had to put into the love octagon somewhere...well...with Vicki supposedly inheriting (barring the forged letter)... Enrique: This trip you were planning on going on...were you planning on a companion? ;P Well...this situation definitely begs the question: Did you actually 'find' the alleged letter from Elizabeth or did your aunt give it to you to pretend to find? Oh yeah....and Norman...you never answered the question of where you got the gold corkscrew you gave to Elizabeth...
  9. Yoruichi-san

    Oh yeah...a question to Vicki that woon couldn't answer at the time (hopefully now you have more info?) What exactly made your relationship so bad that she wasn't talking to you? Was it because of Norman? Or Robert? Or something else?
  10. Yoruichi-san

    You 'met Kathryn and her dream'? What does that mean?
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Whoa! I thought you said she disappeared after she got stung...that was at 7? Anyone see Elizabeth b/w 3:45 and 7?
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Huh...you harassed you wife? And there was the fight with Dr. Barren at 3:45...hmmm...anyone see Elizabeth after that?
  13. Yoruichi-san

    What time was this? Hmm...so Elizabeth did reject you after all... Though, I haven't actually seen Elizabeths' handwriting, the handwriting on this looked familier <(^-^)> Uh...where did you find this? Wasn't Kathyrn rifling around earlier...could she have found it as well? Or spent that time forging it... Uh...are you sure about that? Are you sure you didn't find some interesting reading about gold while you were helping Enrique with his project...and you wanted the farm so that you could dig up the gold? Interesting...funny how sleeping pills are mentioned...since the pool of blood indicates that Elizabeth was killed recently but she disappeared much earlier in the afternoon...perhaps the killer put her to sleep...and waited until there were other ppl around to frame for the crime to kill her...perhaps the sleeping pills were put into her tea? ;P On that note...the killer could of cut the lights so that Elizabeth wouldn't be found...say Kathryn, since you're Elizabeth's close friend and all...do you know where the circuit box and those things are located? Edit: Or perhaps the killer waited so that she would have time to forge the will...*cough*
  14. Yoruichi-san

    Uh...isn't gold a relatively soft metal? Could you actually stab someone with a corkscrew (which is thin) made of gold? Perhaps the gold was just a covering layer and the inside was steel...
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Well...it seems logical that Vicki and hence Norman inherit the property and therefore the gold stash...and Norman was having the financial troubles...and perhaps he was rejected by Elizabeth...
  16. Yoruichi-san

    Uh...but the lights didn't come on...so either you didn't do the job or somebody else messed with them after you fixed them...
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Well...I'm actually accusing you b/c you had motive (you thought she killed Robert) and opportunity (to cut the wiring as well as kill)...we'll see about the means once we are told what the murder weapon was ;P. But about Enrique...you saw him...what did it look like he was doing?
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Actually, if he did fix the lights like he claimed, someone else must have cut the power afterwards, since the lights didn't come on when the body was found. That makes Dr. Barren, who saw him fixing the wiring, and therefore knew where it was, a prime suspect ;P.
  19. Yoruichi-san

    Was the message about the gold you revealed earlier part of the missing papers? When was the last time you saw those papers, i.e. when did they go missing? When did the D'Adlys arrive again? And wasn't Mr. Nightshade at the library? Maybe he wanted to look at those sheets but he found someone else (Enrique) had already checked them out... Edit: Also, did you notice anyone else around the wiring area?
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Hmm...remember what was on those missing sheets? You must have some idea or else you wouldn't have noticed they were missing... Interesting...D'Adlys...what were the boxes for? Did they contain gold mining equipment? You were "fixing up" the wiring, huh...fixing it so that the lights wouldn't turn on? Or did Dr. Barren fix them that way after you left, since she saw you messing with them and therefore knew where they were?
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Hope this gets the ball rolling again. And hopefully not the wrong direction. Nope...it's more enigmatic than that ;P. I think I'm going to make some fade sauerkraut in mine... To woon: sorry...to be honest, I haven't really looked at your other treasure hunts so I didn't realize that there were two separate parts in the puzzle structure, location and item...but I can see how you would figure that I had figured out the location...
  22. Yoruichi-san

    So she says...I don't think she would outright admit to being a murderer though (and if she was she hasn't been told by tal yet XP), but her relationship with Robert seems to make it less likely she was his murderer but more likely she was Elizabeth's murderer...unless Robert was breaking up with her at that particular lunch...hmm...
  23. Yoruichi-san

    Why did you stop? Did Elizabeth or Robert catch you and force you to stop or else they'd go to the police? What was on those particular history sheets that Kathryn wanted back so badly?
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...just keeping the options open ;P I thought that was what you meant when you said you lied...so you thought that Elizabeth killed the man you loved, huh...
  25. Yoruichi-san

    Oh? So perhaps he knew about the gold as well... Hmm...you were having lunch with Robert? Why? What did you discuss? Why are you suspicious about Elizabeth killing Robert? On another note...what if the gold Kathryn saw Norman with was not what he bought, but what he was trading in? Trade the gold for a silver charm bracelet...so where did the gold come from? Find it somewhere on the Killingsworth estate... Although since Norman seems to care for Elizabeth, it makes him less likely her murderer, it doesn't completely clear him. Perhaps he killed Robert and Elizabeth found out...so he killed her to silence her. Or maybe they conspired together in Robert's murder, but Elizabeth's conscience was too much for her and she was going to confess... Also, keep in mind the corkscrew. Perhaps Vicki took it with her after she killed Robert, Norman found it and gave it to Elizabeth, who seeing it, realized Vicki was the murderer and confronted her...and then Vicki killed her...
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