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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Gritting her teeth tightly, the girl pushed herself up off the ground. Sweat beaded near her temples and dripped down the side of her face and off her nose onto the linoleum below. Ninety-nine, she counted, then took a deep breath and lowered herself back down.

    Her arms trembled with the exertion as she pushed up once again. There came a knock at the door. The girl allowed herself to collapse onto the floor. “Come in,” she said, catching her breath.

    A lean, clean-cut young man with dark brown entered, carrying a tray. When he saw her, he frowned. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

    The girl shook her head. “I must be strong.” Her tone was tired, but steadied by conviction. “Besides, this might be my last chance to...” Her voice trailed off as a sad look came into her eyes.

    The young man bit his lip. “You know,” he began after a moment, “you don’t have to go through with this. It’s not too late...”

    The girl shook her head resolutely. “No, I have to do this.”

    “Your family hasn’t cashed the check yet, you can still back out and simply return the money...”

    “That’s not what...I mean...” The girl let out a long sigh. “I have to this, because I have to do this. This is who I am, who I want to be, who I can finally choose to be. This is my opportunity to truly be me, my only opportunity. There is nothing for me here, but there...”

    The young man looked as if he wanted to say more, but he seemed to struggle inside. Finally, his shoulders fell and he capitulated. “Alright, I’ll leave you to it then.” He set the tray down on a nearby table. “You should eat it before it gets cold.”

    The Chromatic Witch

    EPISODE 2:

    The Power of Green

    “In brightest day, in blackest night,

    No evil shall escape my sight

    Let those who worship evil's might,

    Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!”

    The Green Lantern Oath

    Warmed by the effusive sunlight streaming in through his window, Orin yawned and pulled himself out of his bed. Through his mind flitted fragments of last night’s dreams, memories of picnics at the park, splashing in the lake, and playing with his dog spot, who had met such an unfortunate end, and other scenes which were already beginning to fade.

    As he yawned off the last remnants of drowsiness, an envelope icon popped up in his field of vision. “You have one new message. Read?” an automated voice asked.

    “Yes,” he replied, and words began scrawling themselves in his view:

    The Green Gateway has been found. All agents please be ready to depart by 0800 hours. Meet in the hangar.

    Orin couldn’t keep the boyish grin off his face. The hanger...that means we’re taking the...


    The blades of grass cowered, oppressed by the streamlines around the landing jet. Its sleek obsidian-hued surface gleamed cooly under the hot sun. After its elegant contours finally slid to a stop, the hatch door on its side lowered, allowing the energetic agents to exit.

    They shuffled out, greeting the scene with huge grins plastered upon their faces. To one side stood a forest whose luxurious green foliage shimmered in the bright sun. On the other side was a green sea of grass as far as the eye could see.

    “According to the readings, we’re at the Gateway.” Wraith commented, his brows furrowed.

    The agents exchanged perplexed looks. “But there’s nothing here but nature...”

    All you need is nature and will,” an unfamiliar voice said. All the agents turned abruptly towards it.

    A handsome dark haired young man in a fitted black and green costume stood in front of them, surveying them with marked interest.

    “Kyle Rayner, I expected as much,” Father’s voice murmured over the neuro-link.

    “Are you an agent of the Chromatic Witch?” Orin asked, his hand inching towards his phaser.

    The young man smiled. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” As he spoke, he held up a fist towards them, from which a green beam of light shot out, expanding as it approached. It surrounded the group and formed into a translucent green box.

    In the middle of one side of the box were some transcribed some characters:


    In the middle of the opposite side was an image:


    Wraith put his hand up to the translucent green wall and felt its resistance. “Looks like we’re going to have to figure out how to get out of here.”

    The young man smiled and nodded. “If you do, I’ll be waiting.” Then he turned and disappeared into the forest.

  2. The final dazzling transformation had dazed the warriors, but now, as their wits returned if not their sight, they came to a revelation...they no longer needed to see. Yes, they had coordinated so many attacks so perfectly that they could now anticipate each other’s actions, they now shared the same warrior’s soul...they now moved as one.

    So the Great Warrior Lambda pulled itself up to its full majestic potential and confronted the Blue Witch. The blue luminescent form of the Witch shimmered as the Warrior approached, as if sensing its defeat. The Warrior bowed its head...and struck.

    Selvaria, the Blue Witch - DEFEATED!


    As the Witch’s light wavered and then seemed to evaporate into the blue, blue sky, the agents returned from their warrior forms. They looked at each other and shared a solemn salute. A job well done.

    Orin took a deep breath, and then a thought came to him. He frowned. If the Witch’s power was holding up the platform and now the Witch was defeated, then what was holding up the...

    Abruptly, the platform stopped rising, rendering them weightless for an astonishing moment, before it began to descend precipitously.

    The blue cyclone around them dissipated as they too, began to fall.


    Down, down, down, through the endless blue sky they fell. Down, down, until...


    They dropped into the ocean one by one, like pebbles into a pond. They struggled to pull themselves to the water’s surface, and somehow, managed to. Each searched around, making sure all his or comrades were alright. They all were, but they all had worried looks. Sure, they could all swim, but no doubt the water had shorted their trackers and who knew how long it would take for the rescue party to find them...

    “Ahoy!” a cheerful female voice called out. Turn their collective gaze upwards, they were greeted by Janine’s smiling face, leaning out the side of a helicopter. Behind her were two more choppers.

    “How did you find us so quickly?” Wraith asked after he had been pulled up into the chopper.

    “Umi ran a simulation and figured out where you guys would land,” Janine replied, handing him a blessedly dry towel.

    Wraith nodded, accepting the silver-haired girl’s computational prowess. But something still bothered him...

    Orin rushed to him and threw a soaking wet arm over his just dried shoulder. “We did it, Captain!” the young man said with a huge grin, “We defeated the Chromatic Witch!”

    Wraith smiled and turned to his team. “Yes, we did. Good job everyone. Truly great work.”


    Still significantly soggy, but ecstatic over their win, the agents tramped into the Sector Lambda control center, chattering excitedly.

    Her face as expressionless as always, Umi nodded in acknowledgement to the agents as they passed. They grinned and held up thumbs-up and V-for-victory signs at her.

    “A job well done,” Father’s voice came over the neuro-link. “Now have a shower, get some rest whilst you can. Umi is close to finding the location of the next Gateway.”

    Giving each other some final congratulatory hugs and pats on the back, the agents trundled off in various directions, to their own rooms...

    All except one, that is, a pretty red-head with a slender build and intense green eyes. She stepped up besides Umi, and next to each other, their profiles seemed identical.

    “Umi has already found the location of the next Gateway,” she said in a dispassionate voice.

    “Yes,” Father agreed over their private channel. “But there have been too many inconsistencies, especially towards the end. They might begin to suspect...” His voice trailed off, then returned. “No, we must prepare more thoroughly for this next stage.”


    Great work, everyone! I love all the innovative methods you guys derived, especially the using of the parenthesis as "1"...it's so fitting :D.

    MM/Knight of Flowers





















    DD/Hero of Doughty Deeds





















    MD/Champion of Unknown Worlds





















    AA/Avenger of Mind





















    Thanks for playing the first episode, I hope you didn't hate it too much ;P. The next installment should be out in not too long, I'm going to try to get the first part ready by the end of the week or the weekend, depending on how much time I have.

    Until we meet again...

  3. Barely phased by the Blue Witch's transformation, the warriors pressed the attack. The Champion of Unknown words and the Hero of Doughty Deeds paired up for two sets of triple attacks, the Champion's (3,4,5) and the Hero's (13,14,15), for 31 damage in all.

    Next the ambitious Avenger of Mind took center stage, signalling to both the Hero and the Champion for attacks (11,12,13,14), and they flanked the Witch for a might 30 damage. Lastly the Avenger and the Hero finished the sequence with (15) for another 3 damage.

    The Witch's mouth opened in a silent scream and she lashed violently at the warriors with her glowing limbs, but they expertly evaded.

    Their adrenaline pumping so hard they could feel it drumming upon their ears, the Champion of Unknown Worlds summoned up strength from his deepest recesses and unleashed a furious slew of attacks, obliged by the Hero of Doughty Deeds, (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) for a fantastic 44 more damage, bringing the Witch's HP down to a meager 19/200.

    The Witch's defeat was near, they could taste it. The Hero leapt at the Blue Witch, preparing the finishing blow, but as his weapon was about to pierce her form, there was an explosion of light that threw him back. She had dismissed all traces of her physical form and now existed solely as a ball of blue light that bathed the space in its blinding radiance. She absorbed the nearest number, a 6.

    The warriors attempted to regain themselves to coordinate the final attack, but they could barely make out what was just in front of them, and could not make out the features of the space around them. The final challenge.

    Selvaria, the Blue Witch FINAL FORM

    You are now not allowed to use 6, and another two numbers, which will be PMed to you. Also, you are not allowed to use parenthesis (()) anymore, except to denote the word you're hinting at.

    A final list will be PMed to you. Guesses to previous hints are no longer valid. You may still hint at words from previous lists you have not previously hinted at. Good job so far, and good luck!

  4. Sensing the Witch's distress, the Avenger of Mind drew up his strength once more and paired with the Knight of Flower's (1), scoring another 4. Then he launched a quick succession, accompanied by the Hero of Doughty Deeds, using sequence (3,5,6,7,8,9,10) for a whopping 26 more damage, bringing the Witch's HP to 127/200.

    All the warriors felt their energy returning, and they shared looks, preparing their next onslaught. As the first was about to proceed, however...

    The Blue Witch put her hands on her head and crouched as if in pain. Blue veins pulsed and protruded from under her porcelain skin. Her slender form writhed and spasmed. Suddenly, she threw her arms and head back, blue light pouring forth from her eyes and her mouth. Her skin seemed to crack where the veins were and through the cracks, the intense blue light shone also. Her long silver hair, glowing blue in the light, seemed to stand straight behind her, fanned out in a shining circle.

    She held out an arm towards the suspension of numbers, drawing some towards her...1,7,8,9. As they contacted her form, they seemed to be absorbed into her, replenishing her strength in the process. Renewed, the Witch glared at the agents.

    Selvaria, the Blue Witch SECOND FORM

    You are no longer allowed to use 1,7,8,9. Additional words will be sent to you. You may use the previous words that you have not hinted to already. Guesses to words with hints that use 1,7,8,9 are no longer valid. The number that was out of reach before is still out of reach. Good luck!

  5. A few clarifications/additions:

    Lex Luthor: A mere man, yet he earns the title of Superman’s greatest adversary for his intellect, ambition, and powers of manipulation. Each Night, he may control the actions of one player if he is able to correctly identify their role. Subject to all role restrictions. The player he is manipulating is subject to block/redirection. If he manipulates a role that receives information, he receives the information as well. The player he is manipulating is not informed they were manipulated.

    Superman/Clark Kent: Somebody save me...well, that’s what he’s here for. Each Night, may choose one player to save. Cannot save himself and cannot be saved. Due to his Kryptonian physiology, he cannot be killed at Night without the aid of kryptonite. However, since studies have linked prolonged exposure to kryptonite to cancer, no one carries it around with them, hence an attacker must return to their secret HQ to retrieve it, and cannot perform any other Night action in addition to the kill. Use of kryptonite must be specified with the kill, and cannot be used two Nights in a row.

    Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol: Her tongue being the only thing sharper than the spikes on her Nth metal mace, this Thanagarian dynamo may target one player any Night to kill, but may not act two nights in a row. Knows the identity of Green Lantern. Is revealed when she dies.

    Edit: Okay, does anyone know why it shows up normally when I copy/paste, but then it makes my text all bold when I click "Post"?

  6. The Witch was clearly becoming agitated, and every strike only served to rouse her further. Her blazing blue eyes glared at her attackers.

    Inspired by his fellow warriors, a new challenger rose to the fight. The Avenger of Mind joined in the battle, with a quick (2) with a (4) followup. The Hero of Doughty Deeds acted in perfect accompaniment, scoring another 6 and 5 damage, respectively. The Knight of Flowers rose once more with a (1), and the Hero of Doughty Deeds once more played his part, for 4 more damage, bringing the total damage to 43.

    The Witch was infuriated. In this state, Father could scan her and gauge her remaining strength. 157/200 HP remaining. The warriors were off to a good start.

  7. Recalling their battle straining, the brave agents mentally engaged their warrior forms.

    First, the Champion of Unknown Worlds signaled his attack formation (2). The Hero of Doughty Deeds nodded and together they charged at the Witch. She could not defend from both sides, and they dealt 4 damage to their foe.

    Next the Hero of Doughty Deeds signaled attack formation (4). The Knight of Flowers obliged him and another 4 damage was dealt.

    Then the Knight of Flowers signaled his special attack (4). The Witch prepared herself for the oncoming duet, but this time, both the Champion of Unknown Worlds and the Hero of Doughty Deeds came at her from the sides, dealing a magnificent 12 damage.

    But they weren't done yet, the Champion of Unknown Worlds was preparing for the (1) attack, and the threesome finished the onslaught with a daring 8 damage, for a total of 28, a significant dent in the Witch's HP.

  8. The light dimmed enough for the agents to safely see, and they lowered their hands.

    Despite his training, Orin gasped. “She is...I mean, I did not expect her to be so...”

    “Beautiful.” Wraith finished for him, gawking at the tall, slender woman who stood in front of them with silver-white hair and impossibly blue eyes, her porcelain skin shimmering in the bluish light .

    “Selvaria, the Blue Witch,” muttered Father’s knowing voice. Then he continued, louder “That is not her true form. The Witch has many forms, all of which are as much a part of her as her challenges, yet none of which are truly her.”

    One eager new agent, first to recover, opportunistically drew his phaser and aimed a shot at the Witch.

    She simply held up a smooth hand, around which a translucent shell appeared, deflecting the projectile. Then she closed her eyes.

    Wraith frowned. “Looks like we need to coordinate our attacks to get to her. Alright, you two, first...”

    Abruptly, the Witch’s eyes flashed open, and she threw her arms to the sides. A disc of blue light exploded outward from the metallic sphere, passing through the agents before they had time to react.

    What the c was that? Wraith opened his mouth to exclaim, but no sound came out. He turned to the other agents, but they had all been rendered voiceless as well.

    The sphere vibrated, and a pale blue light appeared to bubble to its surface. It popped out into the air and floated upward. It was the number 0.

    Then another light bubbled and popped, this one the number 2, then another...and another...and another, more quickly now. Soon they found the air around them suspended with glowing blue numbers.

    Maybe...Orin thought, reaching for the nearest number, a 1. He saw a 7 a distance away, and tried touching it, but it was out of his reach.

    His eyes met that of Captain Wraith’s and they shared a thought between them. Yes, just maybe...



    Selvaria, the Blue Witch




    From this point on until I declare the end of the boss battle, NO POSTING OF LETTERS IN THIS THREAD.

    You will each shortly be sent a list of key words. To attack the Witch, your teammates must guess your words. You must communicate your words using only the permitted symbols.

    Please indicate which word you’re hinting at by placing the number in parenthesis in front of it in front of your hint.

    Send your guesses to me via PM. Please include the player’s name and indicator of the word you’re guessing at. You may send multiple guesses in the same PM.

    I will try to regularly update damage done, etc, as much as I can, given the constraints of work, life, etc. Be aware that there will be certain “events” that take place at certain HP markers which will change the setup. (If you play RPG’s, you can probably guess what these events are ;))

    For now, you are permitted to use:

    the digits/numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, comma (,), period (.), and parenthesis (()), and of course, spaces ( )

    However, for each of you, one digit/number is out of reach, and you cannot use it. This will be specified in the PM I send you.

    Each correct guess is awarded 60/N damage, rounded up, where N is the number of characters, not including spaces, used in the hint.

    New players are welcome at any point, either PM me with guesses or with a request to join and I will send you your list of words.

    If you have questions, please send them to me via PM, and if I feel there needs to be a clarification in the thread, I will make it.

    Good luck! And again, from here on out, NO USE OF LETTERS (except by me ;P).

  9. Perpetuating the puzzle propagation:

    There are 5 bags, of which one contains 4 blue balls, one contains 3 blue balls and 1 red ball, one contains 2 blue balls and 2 red balls, one contains 1 blue ball and 3 red balls, and the last contains 4 red balls. You do not know which bag has which distribution.

    You will be allowed 10 draws, each from any bag of your choosing, and your goal is to draw as many of the same colored balls as possible.

    What is your play (by which, I am assuming you're a probabilistic optimalist, like me ^_^ )?

  10. Sorry, MM, the Witch has 9999 Evade ;P

    Alright, so far I have 3 volunteers (thank you :D), which is not as many as I would have liked, but it's enough to start, so I'll be starting the battle this evening.

    If any one else wants to volunteer, just let me know, and of course, people can join after battle starts. The more people, the faster it'll go...trust me ;).

    Edit: And I assume everyone has figured out what the blue numbers in the last post refer to? ^_^

  11. Doh...had a revelation. Let's bypass the whole "which brother spoke" thing and just say...

    There are 16 possible cases, with (we assume) equal probability, each of the four brothers being picked to speak and each of the four possible child scenarios:

    Ned: GG GB BG BB

    Red: GG GB BG BB

    Ted: GG GB BG BB

    Zed: GG GB BG BB

    Since "girl" was spoken, we know it has to be one of the 7 cases in cyan above. 4 of these have the other child being a girl. Hence the probability of the other child being a girl is 4/7.

    *Takes a deep breath* There, much simpler :thumbsup: .

  12. When the reporter drew the name out of the hat, it was equally likely to have been any of the 4 brothers, and it was equally likely to have been any of the 4 child pairings, hence it was equally likely to have been any of the 16 possibilities I outlined above.

    But after it was announced girl, you can eliminate the cases where "boy" would have been reported. Therefore the remaining 7 cases are equally likely, but not equally distributed among the 4 brothers.

    Even if we are not asked which reporter is likely to have spoken, it is still part of the problem of figuring out the likelihood of the other child being a girl.

    The key is that the cases were "girl" is reported are equally likely, not the reporter.

    Take my example with the balls and the bags above. Let me make it more similar to this problem by asking "If a draw a blue ball, what is the likelihood that the next ball will be blue?" Bag A has all red balls, bag B has all blue balls. We are told that we are drawn a blue ball, likely or not, but after you know you drew a blue ball, it is definitely NOT equally likely to have come from either bag. Saying it would would give a prob of (1/2)*0+(1/2)*1=1/2 for the next ball being blue, which is clearly erroneous. Bag B contributes 100% of the prob of getting blue balls, so if the ball was blue, it is 100% likely to have come from bag B, and hence the next ball drawn from the bag will 100% likely be blue.

  13. After the agents had completed the sequence, the five buttons blinked several times, as if in confirmation. The agents slapped each other and the backs and congratulated themselves. Then the buttons stopped blinking, and their glow began to intensify, growing brighter, brighter, brighter...

    The sphere in the center, appearing to soak in the bluish light, began to pulse, and started rising. Suddenly, the agents felt a sharp jolt in the floor as it also started rising.

    The dome, which had appeared contiguous, split at eight seams and its pieces opened outward like a metallic blossom welcoming the blue sky into the embrace of its petals.

    As the floor, or platform, really, cleared the top of the round room’s wall, it started to spin, slowly at first, but angularly accelerating every moment. Or rather, as it seemed to the agents, the world began spinning around them, like a twister of air and sky and blue.

    On the whirling wall of wind, an image appeared. It was the room where they had emerged from the sea of clouds and docked their flying ships. Then, as it had appeared, the image was flung off, compressing into a stream of blue light that , its way towards the metallic sphere. When it touched the silvery surface, it etched into it, patterning itself into a glowing scrawl: 191970

    As the numbers settled, a new image rolled onto the walls, that of the corridor with its enigmatic pictures. It too soon spun into a stream of light that circled the room before reaching the sphere: 73

    Then, as expected came the room with the doors and the LED’s. It wrote on the sphere: 22-28-16

    Lastly, was the final room, the room of infinite symmetry: (0,1,0), (1,1,1), (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,0)

    They were still rising and the numbers pulsed upon the smooth surface. The sphere itself seemed to be glowing brighter and abruptly, it too began to spin, at a rate much greater than their surroundings.

    The light of the numbers seem to sweep out, forming balls of light that revolved around the sphere. Finally, their orbits seemed to collide simultaneously, and the orbs crashed into each other on the top of the sphere, and a beam of bluish-white light shot up to the heavens.

    Turning their faces upward to the glow, the agents sought the beam’s endpoint. They could seem none. Suddenly, the beam fanned out isotropically, bathing the assembly in its blinding intensity.

    The agents raised their hands in front of their faces shield their eyes from the luminescence. A few, including Orin, peaked between their finger and saw it...a silhouette, a shadow upon the bluish brightness...approaching.

    It appeared it was finally time...to face the Chromatic Witch.


    Boss battle time! :D

    For this battle, I'm going to need volunteers, so please PM me if you're interested in participating. Anyone can join after the battle has begun, but I need a few players to start out with.

    Don't be shy! It is impossible to hurt your team, you can only help it...the more the merrier ;).

    When I get a good starting number (like 5-6), or in a few days if I can't get that many :(, I'll start the battle.

  14. Q: who's got the kryptonite ? from superman's role i understand that if the villains target superman to NK the player who carries out the NK cannot perform his own action that night .. right ? (if this is the case i would always use sinestro to carry out the NK untill another baddies is dead .. since he doesn't have a role until that time :-s )

    *Incredulous look* what, you mean, not everyone has a stash of Y2Kryponite in their basements? :blink:;)

    Any kill can use the kryptonite, including the indie.

  15. what does Gratimerxie mean?

    Bastard child of the latin, french, and chinese words for "thank you" ;P. Yes, I refuse to lose...even when it comes to having the most ridiculous, pretentious title :D.

    • Upvote 1
  16. Lol...settled one debate and started another... ^_^

    We were assuming the original choice was random, just like in my previous extreme example, the bag I drew the ball out of was randomly chosen. But after the result was observed, the probability of it coming from either bag was not equal.

    In this case, the 4 brothers do not contribute equally to the probability that the "girl" is reported, hence when "girl" is reported, they are not equally likely to have spoken.

    There are 16 possible cases, with (we assume) equal probability, each of the four brothers being picked to speak and each of the four possible child scenarios:

    Ned: GG GB BG BB

    Red: GG GB BG BB

    Ted: GG GB BG BB

    Zed: GG GB BG BB

    There are 7 cases in which "girl" will be reported, those in cyan. Out of those 7 equally likely cases, Ned contributes 1, Red contributes 3, Ted contributes 2, and Zed contributes 1.

    Hence when "girl" is spoken, there is 1/7 chance it was Ned, 3/7 chance it was Red, 2/7 chance it was Ted, and 1/7 chance it was Zed.

    I do really like how the coin toss in number 4 is a "red herring"...it doesn't matter if you always pick tallest, use an unfair coin, or use some voodoo ritual...in the end it amounts to the same thing :thumbsup: .

  17. I don't think you can say there is equal chance of the guy who said 'girl' being any of the 4 brothers.

    The easiest example of why:

    You have two bags, one with only red balls, one with only blue balls. You randomly pick a bag and draw out a ball. If it is red (or blue), you cannot say there was equal probability it came from either bag.


    Did this kind of quick, someone should double check my numbers, but, assuming there is equal chance of a child being boy or girl:

    1) Ned only says girl if it's GG, so there is 1/4 chance of him saying girl, and then the other has prob of 1 of being girl.

    2) Red say girl if GG, GB, BG, so there is 3/4 chance of him saying girl, and there is 1/3 chance of other being girl.

    3) Ted says girl if GG, GB, there is 1/2 chance of him saying girl, and 1/2 chance the other is girl.

    4) Zed says girl if GG only, there is 1/4 chance of him saying girl, and prob 1 of other being girl.

    (3 and 4 have slightly more complicated explanations to be entirely accurate, but I think that's good enough to give the drift)

    So there is 1/4*(1/4+3/4+1/2+1/4) = 1/4*(7/4)=7/16 chance of saying girl. If the person does say girl, then (omitting or 'factoring out' the X1/4 for simplicity):

    1) There is (1/4)/(7/4)=1/7 chance it was Ned.

    2) There is (3/4)/(7/4)=3/7 chance it was Red.

    3) There is (1/2)/(7/4)=2/7 chance it was Ted.

    4) There is (1/4)/(7/4)=1/7 chance it was Zed.

    So the expectation for the other being a girl is:


    Edit: Bah, formatting...why does it ignore my spacing, etc after I click okay in the spoiler screen?

  18. It was a difficult problem, this, which was probably an indication that they were nearing the climax of the gate. Orin pondered this, and what had befell them. All the segments thus far had something in common, he realized. The Witch was hiding behind her pure 'blue' numbers, but in all, the numbers themselves were simply stand-ins for that which the Witch so disdained. Perhaps here, too...

    Wraith seemed to have come to the same realization. They shared a glance. "I believe...there should be ten more terms in the series."

  19. (Okay, I'm super-stoked about this, so I'm putting up sign-ups early. Probably will take a while to fill, since there are a whopping 15 players...and I reserve the right to make changes before the game starts ;P.)

    An elliptical shadow pressed itself upon the clouds as the object glided through the atmosphere. Upon reaching a clearing above a large, deserted field, the object began to descend. A few feet above the grass, it paused, hovering. There was a barely audible click, and a long ramp lowered itself to the ground.

    From the orifice emerged an entity, constructed of metal and clad in purple plating. Its head was cylindrical with a domed top, upon which three circles were arranged in a V pattern. Its eyes were empty, aglow with the light of computation, but devoid of the warmth of feeling.

    Those eyes had studied, observed, and catalogued so many civilizations. That head had processed and stored the data of so many worlds. And that body, that ship...they had been the harbinger of doom for so many planets once the entity had attained the information it sought.

    As it levitated down the ramp, it scanned the countryside. Yes, this little planet had the potential to provide some interesting material. It would not simply record this planet’s archives and move on, for this planet had yet to discover entirely exact archiving methods. No, instead, it would wait and keep a vigilant watch. The entity was particularly interested in the interactions between the inhabitants of the planet, in the things those inhabitants called friendship and enmity, trust and betrayal, courage and fear, altruism and greed, love and hate. These were the things it most wanted to examine, to understand, to document. And when it was finished, it would leave this world like it had done so many before: destroyed.

    The Brain Inter-Active Construct had arrived on Earth.


    Justice League UNLEASHED

    First Arc: Beginnings

    The Assemblage of Supervillains:

    (Have BTSC, choose one player each Night to carry out kill, and once in the entire game, may save one player from the lynch)

    Lex Luthor: A mere man, yet he earns the title of Superman’s greatest adversary for his intellect, ambition, and powers of manipulation. Each Night, he may control the actions of one player if he is able to correctly identify their role. Subject to all role restrictions. The player he is manipulating is subject to block/redirection.

    The Joker: Why so serious? He certainly isn’t...except when it comes to going on a serious crime spree. Each Night, he may does one player with his laughing gas and steal their vote the following Day (i.e. his vote becomes X2 and theirs X0; if the player dies that Night, he cannot gain).

    Gorilla Grodd: A hyper-intelligent ape that uses his telepathic abilities to see one player’s target OR use his brute apish strength to prevent one player from acting each Night.

    Sinestro: A former Green Lantern corrupted by the Yellow power of Fear. May use his yellow power ring to mimic the powers (role abilities) of any one dead Supervillain each Night. (If there are no dead Supervillains, does not act).

    The Independent:

    Amazo/Professor Ivo’s Android: An innovation creation by the late Professor that can replicate the abilities of the beings it comes in contact with. Each Night, it may choose one player to learn their role and abilities. On the nth Night, it may also use n/2 (rounded down) of the abilities it has learned. Not subject to any role restrictions, except Lex’s RID manipulate. If he replicates Superman, he gains his invulnerability and susceptibility to krytonite. Invincible for first Night and Day.

    The Justice League:

    Superman/Clark Kent: Somebody save me...well, that’s what he’s here for. Each Night, may choose one player to save. Cannot save himself and cannot be saved. Due to his Kryptonian physiology, he cannot be killed at Night without the aid of kryptonite. However, since studies have linked prolonged exposure to kryptonite to cancer, no one carries it around with them, hence an attacker must return to their secret HQ to retrieve it, and cannot perform any other Night action in addition to the kill.

    Batman/Bruce Wayne: The only JL member without superpowers, he is arguably the strongest due to his intelligence, discipline, and inner strength. Each Night, he may submit an ordered list (1-4) of four players and four roles. He will learn how many of the players are correctly matched with their roles and how many players have roles that on that list but not matched with them (does not learn which ones). This action cannot be blocked, manipulated, or redirected.

    Wonder Woman/Diana: Themysciran Princess with power second to no man. Each Night, may use her lasso of truth on any player to ask them one TRUE/FALSE question (PM’s question to host and host will answer TRUE/FALSE, the player themselves is not informed they were acted on; the question must be one the player would know the answer to).

    Flash/Wally West: Fastest man on earth...and, as Hawkgirl likes to point out...single. Uses his super-speed to ferry messages b/w roles. Each Day he may choose two roles, one to send, one to receive and the next Night the sender will be informed they may send a message and to which role. The receiver will not be informed of the sender’s role.

    Green Lantern/John Stewart: Using his power ring as an extension of his will, he may choose to do one of the following actions each Night, not the same two Nights in a row: save, block, redirect. Cannot die as long as Hawkgirl is alive. If Hawkgirl dies, also gains the ability to kill.

    Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol: Her tongue being the only thing sharper than the spikes on her mace, this Thanagarian dynamo may target one player any Night to kill, but may not act two nights in a row. Knows the identity of Green Lantern.

    Martian Manhunter/John Jones: Sole survivor of his species, he may use his telepathic abilities to delve into one player’s mind each Night and learn their target.

    Aquaman/Arthur Curry: King of Atlantis and protector of the oceans, through his telepathic connection to various sea creatures, he may choose one player to watch and learn what players acted on them each Night.

    Atom/Dr. Ray Palmer: Brilliant scientist who can shrink himself to the size of an atom and tweak forces on a molecular level to redirect one player’s actions each Night. Cannot target the same player two Nights in a row.

    Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter: A hero *cough* from the 25th century, he may choose to occupy one player each Night by pitching his merchandising ideas to them, preventing them from acting. The player will stop taking his calls for a while... (i.e. cannot target the same player two Nights in a row).

    BrainIAC: Y-san




















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