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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Alright, looks like game will start tomorrow evening. :D

    Lol...superhero mythology is dangerously good...I looked on wikipedia to research a few 'quick' things about the characters...and then 4 hours later I am still reading...with no end in sight... :wacko:


  2. Okay, I'm not really a riddle person, but I just have to say

    Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopy!

    :D or Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy

    I.e."flittering" as in a wave that oscillates, "hidden" as in part of the spectrum not seen in the eye, and "reveals strength" as in the strength of chemical bonds ^_^ ...plus it goes with the letters ;P

  3. Sweet :D! It would be nice for everyone to confirm they're still here ;).

    Meanwhile, I need to go finish writing the intro :whistling:.

    @Chad: 90+ hardcore? That's impressive :o. Yeah D3 was totally a disappointment...they took out all the good parts of D2 :(. My favorite thing about D2 was being able to try different skill combos, but D3 you really don't have a choice. Also the +skills items and items that gave you cross-class skills...I had this holy shockeress (dream helm + shield) that like killed Uber D in 3 hits...unfortunately she was a sorc so she had trouble actually landing a hit...XP...but like her aura extended like a screen a half away so everything except bosses were dead by the time I got to them... :D

    ...oh and she used Beast (the barb skill) too so she turned into a bear ;P[/aside]

  4. Alright, I guess it's Friday somewhere...

    Remember, NO PEAKING INSIDE THE SPOILERS!!! On your turn, look in the spoiler for the caption/picture above you only. You can check out the rest after you post :D


    Conversely, if you have comments about pictures/captions, put them inside spoilers so that other people who shouldn't see them don't. ;)

    Okay, this isn't really a spoiler, but just demonstrating...

    ...this is kind of a taste of what's it's like inside of my head ;P

    1) Y-san

    2) MikeD

    3) curr3nt

    4) Molly

    5) plainglazed

    6) Aaryan

    7) Miki

    8) Panther



    Also, latecomers can join, as long as the last person on the list hasn't posted yet. Latecomers must sign up as the next available number (i.e. no skipping for an even/odd number).

    Edit: Editing link of post into actual post...oh my, causality...

  5. Yeah, you're right. I guess I missed that. It's nice to see a puzzle where we can understand the rules, though.

    I like making puzzles where part of the puzzle is figuring out the rules. I consider them 'thinking outside the box' puzzles or creative-thinking puzzles. It's my style, if it's not your cup of tea, feel free to look elsewhere *shrugs*.

    Bah, should be asleep...instead of volunteering to pick ppl up at the airport at ridiculous hours :wacko: .

  6. A smile slowly crossed Orin’s face. Of course! The sequence...the brushes...it all made sense now. He turned to the characters, the kana twins. “I have read your characters!” he declared, holding his chest up high, eyes blazing with confidence.

    Just then, a strange thing happened...the brushes disappeared from the twins’ hands and re-materialized in front of Orin. Pausing for only the slightest moment, he took one in each hand.

    With 4 strokes of Hiragana’s brush and 1 stroke of Katakana’s, he wrote he first character,



    After being engendered into the space, the characters pulsed and then shot towards their respective character, flying into their chests. Was it the agents’ imaginations, or did the twins’ outlines seem slightly fainter?

    With 3 strokes H and 2 of K, he flourished the second character,



    Following, 1 stroke H, 2 strokes K,



    No, it was not their imaginations. The characters were fading with each character. Orin went on to the second word. 4 strokes for Hiragana, 2 strokes for Katakana,



    1 stroke for Hiragana, 3 strokes for Katakana,



    Only the barest outline of the anime characters remained now. With a respectful bow of his head, Orin painted the final characters with 2 careful stroke for Hiragana and 1 for Katakana,



    The twins returned his bow, as if to say: It appears we were wrong, you are worthy opponents indeed. Then they vanished.

    There was a rumbling, and the ground they stood upon shook. As the agents of Sector Lambda struggled to maintain their balance, a portion of the ridge in front of them began to collapse. A moment later, the ground stilled once more and they saw that now before them stood a long earthen staircase.

    And hence they climbed, up the moss covered steps to the summit of the ridge. And from there...

    ...a chasm.

    They could see nothing but a sheer drop to darkness below. In the distance, they could see the other side of the ravine. But how were they to get across?

    Suddenly, the brushes Orin realized he was still holding flew out of his hands. As they did so, they shimmered and lost their form, metamorphosing into pure green energy. The energy split in different directions, becoming an array of nearly square, translucent green platforms. There was one platform in front the agents. Carefully, Orin touched his foot down onto its translucent surface. It seemed solid enough...a deep breath, and he shifted his weight onto it.

    It held without even wavering. After studying it for a moment, Captain Wraith followed suit, then the rest of the team, one by one.

    After the final member stood on the platform, the platform in front of it lit up. The Sector Lambda agents looked at each other, that was where they were suppose to go, they guessed, but it was too far to step...

    Abruptly, they felt themselves propelled forward by a force. Before they realized what was happening, they landed on the platform in front of them. The platform they had been standing on had vanished, they realized, and something else...on the opposite side of the array, a faint outline of a final platform just became visible. This platform would connect the array to the other side of the gulf.

    The platform they now were on had a number “1” on it. The three platforms 1 unit away now lit up. “Well...” said Wraith slowly, “I’m guessing we can only move to platforms at an exact distance from the current platform of the number on the platform. Once we move off a platform, it disappears and its ‘energy’ is added to the final platform. I’m guessing we can need to ‘visit’ every platform on our way to the final platform in order to sufficiently ‘power it up’.”


  7. As Orin pondered over the little man's cryptic poem, he overheard an astute agent mention that the cartoon characters appeared to be drawn in the style of a particular country. He looked up some images over his neuro-link. Yes, indeed, this was the art style. But these particular characters did not seem to be from any particular series he could find.

    "Their characters perhaps you can read..." That line in particular haunted his thoughts. The characters of the characters? There appeared to be no information about that...hmmmmmm ...characters...

  8. Does the pic have to be digitally produced, or can it be handdrawn, or what? What are the rules?

    Sign me up for slot 7. XD

    Anything works, as long as it's at least semi-original (i.e no taking a picture straight off the internet and using it as your picture...taking parts of pictures and combining them is great though :D)

  9. I would say there are an infinite number of "directions", and they are a matter of perspective, i.e. frame of reference. Let's say I'm holding a compass perfectly flat and I designate the line along which it's pointing (magnetic north) as the y-axis. I call the direction "North", in unit vector form, <0,1,0>. I call the opposite direction, "South" <0,-1,0>, I call "West" <-1,0,0>, "East" <1,0,0>. I call the direction of the ground, "down" <0,0-1>, "up" <0,0,1>. Then there are an infinite number of "directions", vectors that are linear combinations of these, i.e <sqrt(2)/2,sqrt(2)/2,0> or "northeast", etc.

    Obviously people on different parts of the planet has a different definition of "up" and "down". North, South, East, and West people use Earth's magnetic fields to "standardize", so they are the same for everyone in Earth's frame of reference. However, since the Earth is rotating, from the frame of reference of a different body of the universe (like another planet) they are constantly changing, i.e. what we call "North" will be pointing at Mars at some time, and at a different time will be pointing orthogonal, and at a different time will be pointing away.

  10. Of course, I won't host it, because I've only played 2 mafia games so far (and lost both :P ) but someone else could host it and i could help come up with the roles and rules.

    You could get some more experience playing Justice League UNLEASHED ;) [/shameless advertising]

    • Upvote 4
  11. A great game I thought I'd revive. I don't know what number they got to before the Great Fall, so in true Mathgirl fashion, I'm denoting this (n+1) ;P.

    For those who've never played. It's a game where one player starts by posting a picture, the next player posts a caption for that picture, the next player posts a picture for that caption, caption, picture, caption, picture, etc...

    Please post the captions/pictures in spoilers. You are not allowed to look in the spoilers until your turn. On your turn, look in the spoiler of the person before you only and see their picture/caption and then come up with a caption/picture you think fits. After you have posted, you can go back and see the development :D.

    Pictures can be drawn or made with editing software. I like Gimp, and it's free ;). Captions should be a phrase or two and not a description of the picture. I.e., if the picture is, say, a cat pawing at an UFO, don't caption it "cat pawing at an UFO", instead you could use something like, for example: "Someone should have told Mr. Whiskers that the saucer didn't contain milk."

    Anyways, sign up below. We'll start, say Friday. Let's say odd numbers are pictures and evens are captions.

    1) Y-san






  12. The adept agents had figured out the number of elements to the series, but what did it mean? Why was that number significant?

    "Oy!" A voice hissed, jerking Orin out of his contemplations. "O'er ere!"

    He glanced around and finally noted an out-of-place silhouette behind a tree. Cautiously he stepped towards it.

    It was a small man with a bushy beard in a green jacket and green hat. A leprechaun? Orin was incredulous. But there was something strangely familiar...

    The leprechaun grinned, tipped his hat, and tapped his shoes together before breaking out into a jig:

    "When you think you're in a bind,

    You should open up your mind,

    Look around,

    Hints abound!

    Search for that which you find."

  13. The agents had decrypted all the clues except one. A comment from Father: "The hardest puzzle on the internet."

    “I see...” Wraith mused, stroking his stubbly chin. “So...in the end it’s a matter of perspective. To see the answer we must look at both at once from outside the box.”

    Orin nodded, comprehending. “Neerg, neerg, neerg,” he chanted.

    Promptly, the green walls retracted to the ground and vanished. Without losing a beat, the agents marched forward into the woods.

    Not far in, they came to a tall ridge, a protuberance of earth that barred their way. Orin thought he saw something moving atop it. “Hey!” he called out.

    Two figures appeared on the ledge. Orin’s words caught in his throat as he stared. Finally, one of the agents muttered, “Are you guys seeing what I’m seeing?”

    Two two-dimensional cartoon forms stared back at them. They had spiky light green hair, parted in opposite directions, inordinately large eyes, and unnaturally thin necks. One held a paintbrush in his right hand, the other in his left. They wore, if “wore” could be used here, green costumes with enormous shoulder pauldrons and high boots. On one’s chest was an “H”, on the other’s was a “K”.

    “Green is the color of will and energy,” Father’s reassuringly composed voice came over the neuro-link. “Whatever the Witch can will, can be here.”

    The two beings began to speak, in a tongue the agents could not understand. An alert popped up. “Language detected, would you like subtitles?” asked the automated voice.

    After the group selected “yes” in near unison, sentences began scrawling themselves in the agents’ fields of vision.

    Spoke H: “You seek our master.”

    Continued K: “But you will not find him.”

    H: “You think you can battle him.”

    K: “But you are not worthy.”

    H: “We are enough to defeat such poor creatures as you.”

    K: “We will stop you here, you will go no further.”

    Then they stepped together, side by side, and began painting in the air, sequences of numbers:

    H: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 18, 28, 8, 27, 20, 33, 12, 26, 42, 15...

    K: 24, 23.5, 15.3, 15, 14.6, 21.5, 14, 20.5, 13.3, 19.5, 12.6, 12.3, 18, 17.5, 17...

    They continued on, but the agents could not keep track, for each number remained after written and stood as an obstacle to their path.

    After the green-haired duo was finished, they stood and glared condescendingly at the agents. “You do not have what it takes to pass.” “This is your end.”

    Then they looked at each other, smiled, and began chanting:

    It is his greatest strength,” “and his greatest weakness.”

    It is the fuel of the finest fires of creation,” “and the fan of the most furious flames of destruction.”

    It is the harbinger of hope,” “it is the herald of despair.”

    It is the conveyor of change,” “and the champion of inertia.”

    It is a builder,” “it is a butcher,” “it is a depositor,” “it is a despoiler,” “it is acceptor,” “it is an annihilator.”

    It is...” “it is...

    112” “21

    93” “9

    48” “0.5

    84” “14

    18” “10.3

    84” “7


    Use of underline in place of overline since figure out how to format that seems like a nightmare.

    Also, forgive me if I don't usually get up before noon on Saturday morning ;P.

  14. Hmm, a chance to kill Superman? Sign me up!

    Lol...I would have agreed with you...until they announced Henry Cavill was playing him in the new Man of Steel Movie... :wub:

    Although, circumstances lately have made me come to understand how he feels not being able to tell the woman he loves who he really is :(.

    Edit: Oh yeah, to what I was really wanting to post about...clarification: Amazo cannot be manipulated.

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