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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Hehe...so a few more years before you actually become evil...;P But the way I see the deal is that basically the Mafia have little or nothing to lose...their goal is to take out everyone except themselves anyways, so basically by giving us the names of the other baddies, they're having us do part of their dirty work for them...at night they kill off the innocents, and during the day, we kill off the other baddies... ...oh! and plus this means that we're killing off other baddies instead of mafiosos so that the mafiosos will all still be alive...so basically by the time they feed us the other 5 baddies and we lynch them, we will be down at least 5 innocents (probably more like 10, depending on who kills who and saving roles, etc), so the innocents may end up in a lynch-or-lose situation or worse... Edit: clarification
  2. Uhhh....after the whole UR/Spy debacle in Mafia V, didn't we all agree it should be random...
  3. Gah...oops, have to go back and read the [incredibly long] rules more closely...the Philosopher distraction is not helping either... Lol...but Bb's not evil (even if he *is* a lawyer ;P)...he just plays very craftily...and yeah, I thought the message seemed kinda Bb-esque, and he does seem to be the only one kinda pushing to vote for Tocenal...but I'm not sure...
  4. They get it if they both go after the same person, and they didn't...one went after Frost, and the other Bb... And thanks, Unreality, for clearing that up...one less thing to be paranoid about...XP
  5. Yeah...but you know the Yakuza are baddies...but the fact that Unreality put in that whole Ninja/GR exhange in the intro makes me suspicious...it's not like him to put things in without a reason...he sometimes makes the stories unnecessarily (although not unpleasantly ) long, but each one has a purpose...I dunno, just think we should keep the possibility in mind so we don't get blind-sided like in IV... Edit: Clarification
  6. ....Umm....remember Dawh being the secret baddie Jihadist trying to kill the Warlock in Mafia IV...? Edit: And he succeeded, in a part due to the fact no one considered the possibility...
  7. Well, you kind of gave away what I was waiting to test for, so here's a possibility I was thinking of: The Mafia does not know who the GR is, they don't really think we're going to take their deal, but they want to know who the GR is...since Death Scent is potentially dangerous to them and the GR is immune to the SB...so they send this message...the GR will definitely be against making the deal... It depends on how dangerous they think Death Scent is, but since the Mafia have to take out everyone else to win the game, then at some point (and likely at many points), the GR will be on to them...but I feel like there should be more to it...still thinking... Another possibility is that the Mafia think that keeping the Yakuza alive may be beneficial to them, which may be true... And the whole Ninja/GR exchange in the intro bothers me...like the pig-letter thing in IV...maybe they're actually on the same side, i.e. the Ninja is a secret baddie or the GR is a secret innocent...
  8. Sorry, the first post you had today was a little confusing...nvm then .
  9. Lol...umm...it's really not that hard to change your avatar...make it a bunny or something...maybe a guy with glasses (cuz we know no one who wears glasses can be evil...;P) But seriously (and not nonsense), I've noticed a couple things about the post too...maybe different things, but I want to see how they play out before saying anything, since I think I can get more information that way... But to get the ball rolling, it's highly unlikely that they know both the GR's identity and CL's identity (unless CL was Yakuza), and I think the SV's identity is something that the Mafia really do want to know, so thinking more about the Janitor possibilities...
  10. So, if the Mafia target the Janitor while he's cleaning, what happens? Do you give them the message "he's cleaning, pick someone else", or does no one die that night? And Tocenal, I'm not sure if you're confused or what...but the Mafia do want the SB dead, due to the SB's lie-detect ability and the fact that the SB can be pretty comfortable in coming out with his/her... I just had another thought...hmmm...will see what happens and share later ;P.
  11. Wow, what a longgggg night...O_o Hmmm...it sounds like the mafia have thought about this very thoroughly... And, I agree, condition 3 bothers me...I think they could have been lucky and gotten the GR on their first Godfather pick, but they also claim to know one of the others...my first thought was that CL may have been Yakuza, since the only identities they know besides the SB are the Yakuza... But, the "every detail" about the Janitor bothers me...maybe the Mafia know some detail about what the Janitor did... * Janitor - [knows who Ninja is] the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (Saving, Killing, Eavesdropping (pick three people and get told which two of them have BTSC, if none of them have BTSC, or if all three have BTSC), Discovering (just like Spy), Cleaning (the Janitor is off cleaning and nobody can find him/her to kill), or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6). Also, the Janitor doesn't have much possessions or ID and thus the Thief cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use, but the Mafia learn the identity of the Janitor of course) or frame them (same deal) I'm confused about "cleaning"...does the faction trying to kill him/her find out and get to choose someone else? Well, we have plenty of time to think about this... Gotta go, be back after work.
  12. Wow...just got back...I don't know where everyone else is, but I got to the ADM part...thinking admin? Hmmm...or some user who joined the around the same time The Philosopher did...
  13. Wow...that was long...and great! Hmmm...I think I know how to get started with the hint...
  14. Hehe...but actually, I found it easier to manipulate because I could gage their reactions as I was going along, so if I adapt quickly to be the most effective. Oh, and I've officially nicknamed you Aizen
  15. Yeah, I played that form of Mafia too...hehe, I thought the plus side was that it was easier to manipulate people in person...
  16. Yoruichi-san

    Yeah, actually...
  17. Haha...uh oh, okay if I die the first night, CL is Mafia! XP Yeah...it was, we played it in teams of 3 for our dorm...I scored highest kills (hehe) by far...I would camp out for people while doing my homework...just to show you that you can be a skilled assassin and get your degree at a very difficult college at the same time! ;P
  18. Haha, thanks for avenging me, guys ;P! I knew Mekal was the last QA as soon as he immediately went after Tocenol on the day vote...(I think he had pretty much given up at that point) And I had Dawh pegged as the Shaman due to his response to my comment about the Shaman...hehe And CP, did you notice my very subtle "Choose wisely, Penguin " And CL, actually, since Dawh and I both had you pegged, you would have been lynched the next day...(or Ninja-ed the next night) had I survived. And yeah, I totally knew the QA would come after me (hence my subtle hints to the "capable Healer" ;P)...it was the best strategy for getting rid of the GR if he/she didn't know who the GR was...kill the Ninja (if the Defender's dead)...and I didn't think anyone was *that* much of a noob so I figured he/she was pretending, which is one of the reasons why I initially thought I-san was a QA...plus why break the pattern? Oh well, at least now I can say I was a QA target every night...XP And Slick, *sniff* and here I thought we were friends...you left me in my time of need...T_T...hehe, jk, like I said, it was already in the bag for the Innocents. And last but not least, Frost, great job as Host God!
  19. Haha...sorry, but the ghost will answer the questions: Chad and Aizen are characters from Bleach (anime/manga). By "Bud" I think Bb was just using the slang for friend. XP is a smiley that is a combination of with, like, X_X, i.e. dying but sticking your tongue out ;P, (just like my signature ";P" is a combination of and , winking and sticking your tongue out)
  20. Lol...silly me, and here I thought it was my choice whether I was playing or not...;P And, yeah, I like the idea of the Ninja/Janitor btsc...Bb and I are (or were until I DIED WHILE TAGGING THE GRrrrr *pout*) working well together, but not in a way that was overpowering to the baddies...
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Haha, nice...you're definitely better than me at weaving it into a story...;P To start ppl off:
  22. Okay, exceeding my ghost post limit, I know, but I have to say, I agree...but Aizen did turn out to be a baddie...were you actually the secret baddie in this one? hehe XP
  23. I just died after figuring out who the GR was...LMAO...well, those QAs really took it Unreality's advice about being persistent seriously ;P Sorry, okay, done venting about Mafia V now...I want to play VI but this is distracting me from what I'm suppose to be doing... ....grrrrr (lol, or perhaps I'm actually feeling GRrrrrr ;P)
  24. GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......lol, and I was just compiling these: Whimper...*sniff*...I have to say: if only I had an Aurora...;P Oh well, at least the GR didn't win...good luck to you all! I suppose my sacrifice was worth it... Edit: Sorry, end of my ghost post, I promise ;P, I considered that the QA would come for me, since 4th time's the charm and all , but actually, it's not that bad that I died (don't feel too bad about it, Healer )...it was a good way of removing the GR from the game and since there's only one QA left you don't really need a Ninja...just keep in mind that the last QA could be the MoD...
  25. Hehe...well, I'm glad you've put my research methods to good use, but I hope I don't come to regret it in future Mafia games...XP
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