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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yes, hehe, the reason I *didn't* go after you after the SV reveal was that I thought you were a Mafioso (and I didn't want you lynched)...plus, recall, on the first day...
  2. HAHA! CL2, I love you! (hehe, that rhymes ;P) STUPID MAFIA SAFEHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With dnae dying for inactivity, we had to kill *both* GC and Bb...who we figure out pretty quickly... BB: I knew you were a baddie as soon as PG was revealed as the SV...shame on you for pretending to be the SV and making me feel bad for you...but you were playing the "everyone suspects poor little old me" card WAYYYYYYYY too hard GC: The question is not "who likes long posts", but "who likes Ultimatums" *cough Mafia IV* ;P Dawh, you were the best partner I could of asked for...it was awesome working with you Given all the difficult twists we got, if I had been with anyone else, I would have given up... And Tolecnal was brilliant, especially the way she took the Mafia up on their offer...XP And to the rest of you...the Yakuza were benevolent baddies...we just wanted to kill the Mafia...and yet you were so eager to lynch us......
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Favorites, don't know the particular order (depends on how I'm feeling on a particular day ): Heroes Psych The Middleman Rome (which is unfortunately over...) Other good ones: Dexter Burn Notice Monk (although I wish he's make *some* progress) Flash Gordon (which is also unfortunately over, I think) Greek Kyle XY Eureka Smallville (well, some of it...like when they bring members of the Justice League in)
  4. Lol, well, good luck...considering how many people wanted to lynch the Philosopher... Just kidding, it was fun...I liked working in a pair, maybe you could allow people to team up? Anyways, could you tell/show me how to do the BTSC forum thing?
  5. Hey, so it seems like Unreality may need a break from hosting Mafia games, and I definitely need a break from playing them...LIS and I have been discussing hosting/cohosting the next Mafia (if that's okay with Unreality ;P)...we want to make it kinda futuristic/space themed...and make the days longer... Some of the things we have so far are: For the MAFIA, we have transformer bots called the M4F14 For the QAs, we have the Quantum Accelerators who are time travelers who have traveled back in time to kill off the Mutant and change the course of history. For the GR/Ninja combo, we have Zero and Seven, a cyborg hunting a genetically engineered super-soldier. Seven's defender is the BioEngineer, his creator. The Mutant is the replacement for Yeti/Phoenix/Sphinx and protects against Zero. Replacing the Vagabond/Warlock/Inuit is the Mad Scientist who uses his disrupter ray to destroy the Quantum Accelerators. Replacing the Bomb/SB is Robbie the Robot. The Spy becomes the Hacker. Probably getting rid of the Inspector. And I want to add an alien called the Mimic who kills and steals abilities for one day/night. His win condition is to kill off a baddie and satisfy their win condition the next day/night, i.e. killing off Zero and killing Seven. Trying to figure out how to tweek the SV role to make it work...taking suggestions
  6. Okay, Mafia is suppose to be fun. And it's not if people are fuming at each other. Therefore, I have to say: Mekal, have you ever heard of the phrase "Spirit of the Law"? It means that the Justice System is not about following the Constitution and the law to the letter, but about interpreting what the creators intended when they made the Constitution and the law, their "spirit". What you did was not against the letter of the game rules, but it was against the spirit of the game, what the game was intended to be. Everyone makes mistakes, especially if they are frustrated and backed into a corner. But the best way to deal with it (and not make people angrier) is simply to admit you made a mistake and apologize. So please apologize to Unreality for going against the spirit of the game and promise never to do it again, so that everyone can return to their happy (and bloody ) Mafia world... Edit: I hope I made good use of my ghost post...
  7. Lol...no, not at the world, just at cheating...but I'm over it now...*sigh* I guess when ppl find themselves outmatched and backed into a corner they can do things that would be against their better judgment otherwise...;P
  8. Yeah...I've found letting my emotions out through creative expression as opposed to shouting is usually more constructive...and I end up with a nice story ;P
  9. If Mekal gets his complaining about the Policeman posts, I get this: Yoruichi stood motionlessly in the middle of the pavilion, her left hand grasping the sheath of the katana at her side and her right hand grasping the hilt. Around her circled five of most skilled and ruthless warriors of the Qing Ai Clan. Many of their brothers had fallen to the blade of the great Y-san, and now that they had discovered that she was a female...well, the only way to wash away the stain on their honor was with her blood. The silent tension was broken when the first warrior came rushing at her with his sword raised above his head. Faster than the human eye could see, she drew her katana and swung it out in an arc, slicing the man cleanly in half. The second warrior came at her from behind, trying to take her by surprise, but, living up to her legend, in a flash she had whirled around and thrust her blade through his torso. She withdrew the blade and pulled her arm up and to her right just in time to cut off the head of her third attacker. She brought her katana to a position directly in front of her as the two remaining warriors came at her, one from either side. Her eyes were focused on a spot ten feet in front of her, and she listened as her attacker's warcries grew louder as they approached. Suddenly, all sound ceased. The attackers had frozen in their tracks two feet away from her position...? Several seconds passed with no movement and no sound...then the bodies of the warriors topped over as blood spurted into the air from gashes in their chests. Her motion had been unseen, but the results were apparent. *This* was the power of one who had been a Shinigami Ninja in a previous lifetime. As she returned her katana to its sheath, Yoruichi heard the sound of a familiar pair of small feet coming up behind her. It was Little Mirin, the girl who the village boys had thrown stones at and whom she had protected. Turning around, she said, "It's alright now, you and the villagers will never have to fear those men aggggg....." Her sentence was interrupted as a dagger was plunged into her abdomen. She crumpled to her knees as blood spewed out of her mouth. She looked up at the child with eyes filled with disbelief. "Why...?" she choked as she coughed up more blood. The child stared at her with steady emotionless eyes. "Because the Oracle said you were part of the Y, and even though we know nothing about the Y, the Oracle said you were evil, and the Oracle is an honorable man." Yoruichi lifted her blood-stained hand and stroked the child's cheek, leaving behind a dark red streak. "Child," she said, her voice waning and eating up the last of her strength "You have no idea what you have done. You have just unleashed upon yourselves a storm of evil the likes of which no man could ever imagine..." And with that, her bloody lips formed into a sad smile and she fell backwards onto the blood soaked ground. Okay, *now* I'm a ghost ;P
  10. Hehe...well, I'm satisfied to die, and I'm not a ghost until I die :P ...but thank you for the compliment...and I really have been trying to do stuff that helps...I really thought Frost was the GR (sorry Frost), and Mekal was the QA, and then I realized you were a QA...don't you wonder why...hehe...;P...yeah...totally willing to get myself killed to foil your scheme...;P And GC, well, I'm dead and you made us waste a kill, so I guess we're even...;P Oh, and I think under the circumstances, I deserve my own death post...which will be coming soon ;P
  11. Thanks for reminding me...since I don't think my vote is getting taken away... Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for Y-San 6) Ysan - voting for Clueless 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Y-San 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Y-San 15) Rene- voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter voting for Y-San 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM Wish CL were here to clear this whole Spy thing up...darn you GC...I should have realized that you were the one who wanted to get rid of her...;P Okay, really really really need to get to sleep now....
  12. Ummm...I think the TC may be out of luck...more than 50% have voted... Anyways, can't sleep, something doesn't feel right...usually UR writes in the transformation b/w Illusionist->Sphinx, or in this case, LP->Phoenix...but he didn't...I think Phaze may have been the LP...that would explain his suicidal wish towards QAs before the GR died...anyways, that means Clueless is a QA and their new win condition is to get Johnson lynched, since the QA would jump at the first chance of getting their target lynched...so whatever you do, DON'T LYNCH JOHNSON...I don't think he'll be able to prove he's the TC today...kill me if you want, I've tried to be as much help as I can so far...:/ Okay, now I hope I can finally fall asleep XP
  13. Trying to fall asleep...but two things I need to make absolutely clear (Tolecnal, brilliant sassy one ;P, I doubt the lone Mafioso is stupid enough to go after you, so feel free to lie-detect) I voted for Mekal b/c I thought he was a QA and I had LM pegged as the Vagabond or the Spy based on the hint she left before Mekal said she was the Vagabond Good night.
  14. All this alleged PM sharing is making this weird...but yes, LM is the Vagabond (assuming Clueless is telling the truth or someone else is the Spy), and the evidence was there all along...as shown in my previous post...anyways, I believe the main threat is that the QA or QAs will kill the Phoenix, so they are our main concern...Mekal is lying, and the evidence points to him being a QA...I'm heading out now, so good night and good luck!
  15. Okay, here we go... After LIS defends himself by coming out as the Defender: The Vagabond could tag the Defender or the Spy could spy on the Defender... Edit: As usual, when LM came up for voting, I looked at her posts and figured this out...
  16. Yeah, the two roles I had were Spy or Vagabond...(I'll show you the proof in a few minutes)...and since you're claiming to be the Spy...
  17. Yeah, accusing someone of being the Yakuza is the easiest, since no one except the Yakuza knows what their goal is and so you don't need actual proof...XP And yes, I knew LM was an Innocent (see above post)... But I think the person who actually needs the protection tonight is the P, and this is a good ploy to draw that protection away from him/her if you are a QA like I suspect...and if the real Spy came out and contradicted you then again the protection is drawn away from the P...and although I thought there was only one QA remaining, I may have been wrong about Phaze...hmmm.... I don't know what CL was, but if there's a second protecting role, it needs to go to Frost...after UR revealed GC to be the Bankroller, I think I know what he is...plus the Mafia obviously want him dead ;P
  18. Lol...well, I love how I keep changing colors...psychedelic! XP But Mekal, the problem with your argument is that you were on my suspect list *before* you said you thought you knew LM's role...and you posted while I was collecting the evidence... Plus, before you said you knew LM's role, I had already said I had her pegged as one of two possible roles The timestamps prove it But I am definitely willing to change my vote if you have some evidence to clear yourself...however, revenge voting against me with a faulty reason makes you look more guilty...
  19. That said, I'm voting: roster: Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan - voting for Mekal 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM
  20. Okay, so basically looking at the Mafia deal the first day, two groups benefit: the Mafia (for reasons I previously discussed) and the QAs, who get the identity of the GR, whom they need to die in order to reach their goal, and whom they will be likely to go after that night, hence allowing them to meet... I have suspicions of Mekal, because he claimed not to want to lynch the SB and that he believed the Mafia would lie and acted very hesitant, but... ...as soon as Bb started the Tolecnal vote, he immediately jumped on... But then Bb withdrew his vote, and Mekal kept supporting the lynch Tolecnal campaign, I think that when he saw that campaign wasn't working, and realized suspicion would fall on him (which it did ), he tried to cover his tracks by withdrawing his vote, and...
  21. Lol...Frost was just on, like a page ago, and plus, some people have lives outside of Mafia...;P Oh, and before I forget again, based on hints she dropped, I think LM is one of two possible roles, both of which are Innocent...and I *don't* use a spreadsheet
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