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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Lol, well apparently TC thinks you're a genius...that's why he killed you
  2. I don't know if it was ever solved...it just became another one of Mekal and TC's post pumping playgrounds...but I think Woon and Kat were on the right track...
  3. Well, don't expect me to find your ONE non-nonsense post in your multitude of nonsense posts...XP But looking back, I think you were on the right track, but not completely right...
  4. Uh...yeah, but the puzzle is how did he do it?
  5. And the links: Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken Day Two: The End of the Beginning Night Three: Flowers for the Dead Day Three: Dressed to Arrest
  6. DAY THREE Dressed to Arrest The (artificial) rays of the setting (holographic) sun highlighted the smug grins of the citizens of Affinion 7 as the guard bots dragged Joe's Student towards the airlock. "Wait, wait!" he cried. "You're making a huge mistake, I'm the Wraith! Y-S4N gave me a secret mission to arrest everyone with roles starting with the letter M..." But his pleas fell on unbelieving ears. "Uh-huh" replied Mekal. "Y-S4N would never make you arrest Innocents." "Yeah!" asserted Woon. "I know Y-S4N is benevolent. I am a great judge of character!" Nayana and Kat nodded. "Plus," they said in unison. "We know that Y-S4N is most definitely not fond of secret missions..." "If you're the Wraith, prove it!" challenged Dusty. She glared at him with her hands on her hips. She, as a woman, knew that men are all liars. "Uh..." JS improvised. "I can't...since I failed, Y-S4N took away my abilities..." "Airlock him!" was the roar of the masses. The guard bots continued moving towards the airlock with their prisoner. "Okay, wait, wait!" JS yelled desperately. "I'll show you, I'll show you!" The crowd quieted down. Their eyes were fixed on him in anticipation. The guard bots let loose their grips on JS. JS was crouched down with his back to the (holographic) sunset, so that the red-orange light created a halo around his dark form. "Yeah...I'll show you all right!" His form shimmered and began to lose its shape. His body absorbed the artificial light and distorted the scene for the onlookers. Then the streaks of orange and red intermixed with black began to swirl, and finally they came together to reveal: a M4F14! Someone screamed. Others began to panic at the terrifying sight of this epitome of evil. The M4F14 transformed part of its body into an object that the history files had called a Gatling gun and begun to fire what had been called "rounds" into the crowd. The citizens ran this way and that trying to avoid the projectiles. The M4F14 let out a low pitched whine which could have been interpreted as its version of maniacal laughter. Then, suddenly, waves of electricity enveloped its body. It cried out a long, high pitched whine of pain and then fell down to the ground, revealing CP standing behind it holding a ray gun. "Well," murmured CP. "That's what you get for accusing Y-S4N of being random. I'm glad Y-S4N put this ant-antimatter gun in my care in case of circumstances like this." The guard-bots drug the body of JS into the airlock. CP closed the inner door and cheerfully pressed the button for the outer door. As JS was sucked out, the blackness that was were his head should have been lifted up. Grey-green eyes materialized for a second and glared at the citizens of Affinion 7, and then he was jettisoned out into space. The crowd congratulated themselves on a job well done. As they headed back into the populated area, Ben Law stopped. "Hey, wait a minute..." he said with a confused look on his face. "Where is Ocular-Enso?" Everyone glanced around, searching without success for the missing member. Then someone gave out a shout that they had spotted a holosticky note tacked onto a artificially grown tree. Everyone crowded around and read: Hey, I've arrested Ocular-Enso - your friendly neighborhood Wraith. Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student-DEAD [M4F14] (air-locked)
  7. Okay, JS has PMed me "no contest". Day post coming soon.
  8. Well, since you and Mekal have been flooding this with your post count raising nonsense posts, I can't tell anymore what legitimate guess ppl have had...might as well start over, and you two, go mess up your own puzzles!
  9. TC, Mekal: STOP WITH THE NONSENSE POSTS TO RAISE YOUR POST COUNT!!!!! or go do it in your own threads...I can't even find the posts where ppl are actually working on the riddle anymore...and its a good riddle too...>.<
  10. OE's been following along the entire game...he just made the account so he could play...
  11. Lol, no, it has to do with:
  12. ~Kat From my titles in M4F14-7, you should notice that I'm a big fan of plays-on-words...;P
  13. *Cough* you could try to figure out the identity of the baddie with the most imminent win condition *cough* it is going to be night four *cough*
  14. A little late, but thanks for playing! You did well for your first time! And your ghost post was awesome :D.

  15. Uh...in this game ppl often say things they don't mean... I need a PM.
  16. One day during exams week at Redrum University, Y-san got a call on her cell phone from LIS. He said he had something important to tell her and that it was urgent. Probably wants to discuss mafia ideas, Y-san thought, but she agreed to meet him at a cafe at noon, before her next exam. Y-san arrived at the cafe, ordered a coffee and waited. A few minutes later a tall handsome man with intensely blue eyes came up to her table. "Is someone sitting here?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm waiting for someone." Y-san replied regretfully. "Then, may I wait with you?" The young man asked, not missing a beat. Y-san smiled and nodded. "I'm Patrick," the young man introduced himself, "Patrick Moriarty. But my friends call me Trick." As they two talked, Y-san discovered that this man was intelligent, witty, and knowledgeable about everything under the sun, from String Theory to Neuro-psychology to the great Philosophers. She was enjoying herself immensely and completely lost track of time. Two hours later, she looked at the clock and realized she was late for her next exam. "Oh, shoot! I have to go..." she told him apologetically, putting cash on the table and grabbing her jacket. "It was a pleasure talking to you!" Trick smiled. "No, the pleasure was all mine," he responded. As she left, he murmured to himself "I'm sure we'll meet again..." The next day, Y-san got a call to come in to the police station. When she got there, Police Chief Leroy informed her that LIS had been found dead that morning, shot to death by his own gun. The gun had been found lying next to LIS's right hand and the gunshot had been to his right temple. There had been powder burns on his right hand and the police were ruling it a suicide. The neighbors testified that they had heard a BANG at 1pm, but didn't think much of it, since LIS sometimes went out in his backyard to shoot at cans. They had been home all day and would have seen anyone entering or leaving the house. There had been a visitor, a young man, in a black convertible, but that had been around 10 in the morning. The maid had found the body when she went in to clean the next morning. There was nothing out of place in the room. Apparently LIS had been part of a secret crime organization called the IETNAT. Due to his guilty conscience, he was considering turning state's evidence and entering the witness protection program. "Guess his guilt was too much for him," muttered Police Chief Leroy. Y-san frowned. She asked to talk to the maid. The Police Chief looked confused, but obliged. "Yeah," the maid responded to Y-san's question. "I did notice scraps of material lying on the ground...but it couldn't have killed him?" "Yeah," said Police Chief Leroy. "Besides the scraps, there was nothing unusual in the room or in the house." Y-san smiled. "Oh no," the Police Chief groaned when he saw her expression. "I know what you're going to say...it wasn't a suicide, was it?" Y-san shook her head. "No, it was murder."
  17. Huh? I've gotten no PM from him...?
  18. Lol...well PG's baking is magical, but that's not how Bb died...;P
  19. So *that's* why you killed him...so that he doesn't get to 500 posts before you?
  20. Yoruichi-san

    LOL...you have a great sense of humor...I love the part about TC...;P
  21. Lol...if I told you what was relevant, that would basically be telling you the answer...
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...yeah, that's why I was thinking that you were volunteering to be the next victim...;P
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