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Everything posted by unreality

  1. finished my JavaScript emulator Works awesome, very fast, and able to handle the kind of crazy backloops that the excel emulators were having trouble with. Although it has some error detection in the beginning, it doesn't detect if you're using the correct syntax (other than auto-capitalizing commands and de-capitalizing functions), so I don't know what will happen if you plug in bad syntax, let's not find out anyway, here it is ;D Enjoy! Just drag it onto your web browser and voila vna2.html I may make future updates to it, if a feature is requested
  2. so your Fish2 is also a hopper? Hopper vs Hopper matches have always been pointless, I think. It was that way in VNA also. A real test of a hopper is how often it beats non-hoppers, you know? If we're competing Ghost against Fish2, we should run them against other programs Also, just curious, what is the new Fish2.2? What was changed? I'd like to see its code and learn from it
  3. unreality

    Cool - I'm a bit busy now (been working on a JavaScript emulator as you know) but I'll check it out in a few days
  4. @ post 251: hahaha, so funny This is like extreme telephone
  5. unreality

    Time doesn't change of course, which is how Santa's elves make all those toys so quickly Honestly, I have no clue. Good question!
  6. unreality

    Me and my friends were thinking the other day (yes we can actually get pretty philosophical ;D) that we often imagine ourselves forming some sort of star-federation type thing with other planets or from-earth space colonies, etc. But what if there already is a star federation type 'United Planets' thing in our galaxy, and we're just left out? Maybe we're not advanced or cool enough for them Screw them, we'll start our own space federation ;D
  7. mutually prime = coprime I was going for the optimal coprime and JavaScript should work fine for these needs ;D I won't be able to get a comp very much in the next couple days, but I'll work on it after
  8. yeah I'm teaching myself JavaScript as I work on the emulator, hehe But I've got the hang of it I think - I didn't have much time to work on it today, but tomorrow I will. Yep I think the key advantage of Ghost is that it only runs one line, the SHIFT line, and is also self-repairing if one of its -6.7bombs gets overwritten with a null-bomb. The only situation it can't recover from if the SHIFT line is bombed (obviously, every single program has the main weakness area, but Ghost's is only in the one SHIFT) OR if BOTH of its bombs are somehow miraculously bombed within a 5-round period before it can repair itself during its leap to the next location. This will cause Ghost to sit in one place and bomb the same spot over again. Also what do you think is the best "jump-constant", ie, the number that a hopper-like program jumps by each "hop"? I picked 87 for Ghost mostly on whim but also I tried my other "whim" picks and they ended up repeating a cycle close to repetition after a certain number of cycles. Jumping by 87 throughout the VNA seemed to be a very chaotic and stealthy pattern, which is what I was going for. What do you think the ideal number is? It has to be coprime with 200 at the very least, of course
  9. unreality

    Life has no meaning Which is the beautiful thing about it. If there was a god, there would still be no meaning. Think about it, it's true. Go to a heaven or hell and then what? Sit around meaninglessly? The truth is, the fact that life has no meaning is what gives it infinite meaning. It's your life, live it how you want to live it Be happy and make others happy. While the evolutionary goal of life is to make more of itself, that doesn't have to be your goal. As our intelligence increases we move away from being bound by our own evolution. Do whatever you want, and have fun - tis the meaning of life ;D [edit - typo]
  10. also, I'm going to start working on a JavaScript emulator soon When done, I'll post it as an attachment, then just drag the text file onto your web browser ;D
  11. Ghost in the Machine is complete And it's really really good - superefficient (it only runs one line over and over again) and incredibly hard to kill. It's a self-repairing hopping/bombing hybrid here's the code: SHIFT 1;0;16 BOMB -13;8;4 BOMB 40;6;-1.5 BOMB 0;8;0 BOMB 6;-1;72 BOMB 4;4;4 BOMB 7;6;5 BOMB 4;3;2 BOMB 1;0;-1 BOMB 1;2;3 BOMB 4;5;6 BOMB 7;8;9 BOMB 10;20;30 BOMB 6;8;9 BOMB 5;8;13 BOMB -6.7;-6.7;-6.7 SHIFT equ(b(0),87,0,equ(c(1),-6.7,1,-1));equ(c(86),-6.7,87,equ(c(88),-6.7,86,equ(c(103),-6.7,88,equ(c(133),-6.7,103,equ(c(73),-6.7,133,73)))));equ(b(0),87,87,0) BOMB -6.7;-6.7;-6.7 BOMB 11;2;8 BOMB -1;0;5 BOMB 0;0;0 BOMB 1;1;1 BOMB 17;26;2 BOMB 11;9;1 BOMB 6;8;4 SHIFT 0;87;87 BOMB 2;3;6 PCOPY 1;0;0 BOMB 5;5;5 BOMB 6;6;6 BOMB 7;7;7 SWAP 0;1;0 BOMB 1;5;9 BOMB 34;0;5 BOMB 35;0;4 BOMB 36;0;3 BOMB 37;40;2 BOMB 38;40;1 BOMB 39;40;0 Though most of that is its "nest" (mostly bombs with some other random stuff thrown in, none of which is ever executed). The core part of the program is this: BOMB -6.7;-6.7;-6.7 SHIFT equ(b(0),87,0,equ(c(1),-6.7,1,-1));equ(c(86),-6.7,87,equ(c(88),-6.7,86,equ(c(103),-6.7,88,equ(c(133),-6.7,103,equ(c(73),-6.7,133,73)))));equ(b(0),87,87,0) BOMB -6.7;-6.7;-6.7 It went through a few cycles of development, and I made the most recent major change this morning, and decided it was complete. I ran test battles against The Awesome (and Ghost in the Machine won basically every time) and also against Prime's Fish3 (Ghost won about 9 in 11 battles). So yeah, enjoy
  12. unreality

    does it have to do with
  13. unreality

    reality is my opposite
  14. unreality

    Awesome! You should report your findings to us
  15. unreality

    Great post Octopuppy I think if there is a god, it's much more likely that they were involved in the original creation of the universe(s) and don't really care about individual universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets or life forms on those planets. It's pretty funny how mythological gods (including Christianity) are often portrayed with human emotions. Does that mean they have a human-like brain with a functioning hypothalamus? My point is that, if there is a god, they probably all treat all atoms the same, in a grand philosophical way. Like we are just groups of atoms working together in amazing, awesome ways, so maybe the god takes interest in life forms, maybe not. Certainly not just Earth, if so. Did the god know life forms would arise, or did it happen by accident and surprise the god? Can a god be surprised? Who knows. It depends on what the god actually is, where it came from, etc. And it certainly wouldn't be a god represented by any current religion, twisted by millenia, although they may feel its presence... the truth is, we cannot deny the possibility that some universal god has strangely vested its interest in our tiny planet Earth and is pretending that the earth is much older than it actually is. But more likely, if there was a god, all the natural forces & processes of the universe were put together in the beginning by the god and everything since then has been unfolding. Nothing was done specifically for us, it's just our arrogance that makes us think we are more special than everything else, more special than other intelligent animals and even ones that could be considered semi-intelligent or just plan autonomous. So, unless some god is indirectly and in some bizarre manner creating a giant conspiracy, as Octopuppy said, evolution is really undeniable. It's a natural process
  16. unreality

    GC I thought I knew you :o
  17. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    Ah, fun while it lasted Good luck everybody!
  18. unreality

    jrod: you're twisting my words. Did I say that a human could survive intense heat? Nope. I said that life can develope in almost any condition, given the time. Humans are a type of lifeform that has already developed for a specific condition, and now if we stray too far from our optimal conditions, we will die... although lifeforms can definitely develope in scalding hot temperatures. Think of the archaebacteria that live at the superhot smoke vents on the ocean floor. They took a very different evolutionary path early on, and thrive in very conditions than us. If you're rearing for a debate (looks like you are), be careful. It's widely accepted fact, even among religious folk, that the "adaptation" that you scorn is a definite process. It's the common origins & speciation parts that the more extreme religious (such as you) take offense at. There's no way to ignore natural selection.
  19. unreality

    Does it matter if it's solved? If you see that a puzzle (which may be a really cool puzzle) is solved, do you say "oh well someone else solved that puzzle" and skip it? BD isn't some kind of massive checklist where we work together to make the world a better place by reducing the number of unsolved puzzles Just the opposite. I don't care if someone else has solved the puzzle. And by definition, the original author of the puzzle at least should have solved it too because they made it - does that deter you? I'm just acting devil's advocate here New features are always cool, but would you consider a puzzle differently because it's solved?
  20. unreality

    our earth is only perfect for our living conditions, because that's the way we evolved. It's the other way around. Life is incredibly resilient and self-replicating molecules can develope in really almost any condition. When we think of the basis of life we think of DNA, RNA, etc, and there are certain conditions needed for those, which earth happens to be a match for - it's not a coincidence. It's the other way around. We've evolved to thrive in Earth's conditions. Life could develop on a distant planet based on bromine gas for survival instead of oxygen (just a random example). It's very likely that the universe is glowing with life in many many many places, the majority of it much simpler than us I'm sure, such as basic bacteria and whatnot
  21. unreality

    UFOs = don't exist aliens, ie, life forms elsewhere in the universe = almost certainly exist and the picture in my sig is the Flying Spaghetti Monster ;D
  22. unreality

    jrod: actually, we DO hunt and kill other animals. We are not cannibals like some animals, but the majority of animals aren't cannibals either. But we also hunt and mercilessly slaughter animals in disgusting and inhumane ways. It's just a reality. No offense jrod, but we are animals too
  23. unreality

    While I'll never understand why some people are gay, I honestly don't have a problem with it. Who cares? Why shouldn't gay people get married? Any two (or three, is there a such thing as like a three-way marriage? lol ) people that love each other should be able to get a marriage, since it's crossed over the line and become a legal thing. You don't need a priest to get married, and whether your "married" in the religious sense doesn't matter as much as the union and whatnot. So, in short, I don't give a damn ;D
  24. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    One person we haven't seen much from is Sinistral, which is odd. I'm not saying he's a baddie, far from it, I'm just wondering what he's been up to, or if he's laying low, or what. Also I had forgotten that itachi had been previously leading a witch hunt for PT (I'm forgetting a lot today ), and now I'm super-confused. Itachi's actions just aren't adding up.... I think at the very least, someone should spy him tonight
  25. unreality

    Heroes: Season 1.1

    congrats on your 1000th post 1 more and you get a custom title ;D
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