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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    on the topic of denomination (which I've been shortening to denom), I've been thinking that the name is bad for reasons Grayven said, and just because it's too long. If we're going for ease of transition, I say we drop the longer more complicated names (rendezvous, denomination, etc) and make up our better versions (that's why I like the name Phronism so much for the religion... see my post with the infinity logos in it)... did we decide on "phronastary" or something for the churches if we adapt Phronism as the name for <NAME>? well I think that might be too long as well. Maybe phronestaries can be the special monk places for the more meditative Phronists, but maybe each denomination (coming to that) should decide how to best call itself? From "Church" to "Shrine" to "Club" to "Phronestary" to "Phrome Sweet Phrome" to "Gallery", maybe the meeting system should be left open to the denoms... we don't want to impose a central system about that I think. This is one of those things that changes with the times, so that means it's in the denom side of government and not governed from the central core doctrine. But one rule we should have in the central is that ANYONE may seek refuge/embrace the essence/etc in ANY phronism meeting place, regardless of what denomination they belong to (if any). Obviously most denoms would want that, cuz they want more members, but we need to be sure on that. No discrimination, excommunication, etc between denoms - we want to keep inter-denominational quabbling to a minimum. No drama, no hostilities on that note, what should we call "denominations"? Keep it as denoms? Or change it to "sects" or "groups" or "clusters" or something? edit: "Essence streams" sounds very romantic and relevant. The official name for a sub-denomination of Phronism could be "Essence Stream", shortened to "Stream" or something. We could toss in a nice parable (or edit existing ones) saying how we are part of much more complex "streams" that comprise the Essence
  2. unreality

    yes, by "no gods" I wasn't trying that say that gods for sure don't exist - I meant that we're not going to say anything about them in our core doctrine. Like Grayven said, that can be a personal interpretation if someone wishes - he also read my mind in that any single denom shouldn't adopt an Essence=God view either. So, to sum up our position on the Paranatural (from gods to goblins), we can say that they are part of the Potential, but not yet the Actual as we don't have any reason to believe in them. But the option is open, and a personal journey into the Potential to harmonize with something (such as a god) is inherently a part of <NAME>'s flexibility Btw, I still pronounce "Phronist" and "Phronism" with a "froan" cuz that sounds waaay cooler than "fronn" ;D and Grayven is right about the Klein bottle - that could be a denom image, or something. We need a simpler drawing that can be done black on white. Why don't we go as simple as they get? The Essence is infinite. So is the Symbol. The Essence is a current, a loop; it flows. So is/does the Symbol. The Essence is simple yet inherently chaotic... as represented by the Symbol... also I assume we're going with my Councilday idea? [edit - typo]
  3. unreality

    if we do choose Phronism, here's a possible logo: edit: dang the left and right margins are supposed to be white, not sure why they're black
  4. unreality

    nice, thanks for the additional searches... the main root of the word has almost no results and hasn't really been used before. As I linked to, the definition and words associated with "phron-" are: * to be minded, either of reflection or of purpose * have understanding, be wise, prudent * understanding * to be wise in respect of the most important matters * think rightly, to be sane, to be well disposed * think, mean * feel by experience, know full well * to be fain that, to be minded, mean, intend * think, purpose, to have wise thoughts, to be cunning * mind, notions, spirit * having certain thoughts or states of mind - to be high minded or high spirited * opinion * comprehend, to be well aware of, pay heed to, pay regard to, consider, ponder * to be in possession of one's senses, to be sensible, to be alive I like the root... and it's a simple tense change to make 'Phronism' so I don't think any meaning is lost wait, what? No! No it doesn't. No "gateways to spiritual realms" are opened by the Essence, literally nor figuratively nor metaphorically. There are no spiritual realms in <NAME> yes, we've deeply considered the idea of "conversion via subtle takeover" - that is, to adopt pagan rituals. We've made some adjustments and had some ideas about how to hijack current faiths and customs, but a few pages back I think we decided to NOT waver on one of our main points - the absence of gods. We have a bunch of bullet-pointed idealisms that <NAME> is sticking to, the points that it's founded on. Those won't waver and differ just because we need more members... we've got lots of mechanisms to get new members and hijack existing religions, I think plasmid has come up with the most good points and ideas in that area... but look back to the list octopuppy and me were creating. Those are our basic foci that make <NAME> different from the other religions, and those are foci that we're not compromising on ;D
  5. unreality

    nice point about "phrony denominations" instigated by rival pagan religions. Yeah a revision should be necessary: one of the events of Councilday (besides partying, doctrine-change-voting and disband-a-bad-denom-voting) should be a thing where people can register a new denomination. They would need, say, 9 people as the initial founders (subject to change), some legal documents, some cash, etc. They present their denom (we could have sub-Councils for this event so that it goes by quicker... boredom is not on the Councilday event list), get it vouched for, prove its worth and what it will stand for, etc. If approved and generally well liked, it becomes a "quasidenom" for exactly 1 year. During this time, it acts like any other denom except it has the sole goal of getting off the ground, advertising itself, gaining members, etc. At the next Councilday, it does NOT send reps (nor does it send reps to any Emergency Councils that may be called - that requires a coalition of three denoms, like most called actions do) but rather is "reviewed" and the Council (or a sub-Council) inspects what it has accomplished during its first year. It will either get canned (but in more helpful terms of course), extended for another "quasidenom" year (no more than one extension ever) or, like most should be, made into a full denom. So, events of Councilday: * partying, events, fun for all ages * Council/sub-Council(s) for approving new quasidenoms * Council/sub-Council(s) for elevating quasidenoms to full denoms * general Phronetic chatting before, during and after philosophical speeches and formal debates held around-the-clock in various exposition halls and stuff * Council for the doctrine change (requires 3 denoms working together to present change idea, it is debated and discussed, then voted on... 95% needed) as well as denom suspension (same dealio - 3 denoms file a charge against a denom to suspend it from <NAME>, and all the other denoms other than the presenters and the accused vote, needs 97% or something to proceed with the suspension) * Essence hymns at your local phronastary * etc ~~ as for the actual implimentation, we could pull that Atlantis stunt I suggested a while back. We spread some influences and claims and mysterious mentionings about "Atlantis" and something called "the Essence". We release the doctrine and start some initial denominations but keep it all low key. Some predictions and prophecies about Atlantis included... then a couple years later, we raise "Atlantis" from the sea. It is revealed that the Atlanteans were the original Phronists, and harmonized with the Essence until they were so at peace with the universe they ignored a giant volcanic tsunami (or whatever) that sunk their fragile (but near-utopian) island. From that incident, and the subsequent miracle of the Essence reclaiming it from the sea, we realized that the Essence is ready to introduce itself to humanity again, and that we got the message - the dogma should be adaptable this time. If we need to save our asses from a giant wave instead of meditating, we should. That's the "difference" this time... we're the next step from the Atlanteans. We are the enlightened ones to embrace the Essence... before that event, we'll have been spreading the influence of Phronism both subconsciously and consciously with subtle memetic engineering & viral marketing. Shards of it will be all over the place, then we'll connect it all back in one sacred moment and our net will have been cast over the world before it's too late: <NAME> will dominate muhaha ;D in reality, something like the above might actually work, minus the Atlantis part. I'm thinking some hardcore masterful viral marketing would help a ton edit: funds will be necessary of course. I'm thinking door-to-door soliciting. Does anyone know where Richard Dawkins lives?
  6. unreality

    about the mobius symbol: it's a good idea but St. Francis is stealing our thunder Maybe we can go 3d and nab ourselves a Klein bottle ;D we could say that the Essence can fit into a Klein bottle in 7-dimensional space (as a Klein bottle has no inside or outside)
  7. unreality

    i'm pretty sure it's pronounced "froan" as rhyming with "groan" or "loan", though I'll need to check the greek pronounciation guide, we could make it either way, or both
  8. p_m and IDNE are correct on #1, voltage is correct on #2 and voltage & IDNE are correct on #3 Good job guys! hehe either it was way easier than I thought or you guys are logic masters ;D (or both, more likely )
  9. Merlin has been the realm's strongest wizard and king's archmage for a very long time. Yesterday, however, Merlin predicted his own death in two weeks. Because of the nature of the selecting process (see below), a contest to determine the next-strongest wizard (to take over when Merlin dies) was hurriedly arranged, and is occurring today. A certain objective test is used to make a cutoff line (wizards must complete seven magical challenges). Then there is a second objective test that usually weeds out the best of the best. It is known factually that no two wizards are of equal strength... all wizards are at their own unique strength level. From there, however, the most ancient art of strength comparison is used. In this case, two wizards - Nevo and Onyx - passed both tests and are the only ones left for the final comparison process. --- Called a "mind duel", the two wizards being compared stand in opposite circles and just stand there, staring at each other. A wizard stronger than both of them stands in between them and compares the strength of their magical fields to determine the stronger of the two. If the wizard doing the comparison is stronger than both of them, the comparer correctly determines the stronger of the two dueling wizards. However if the comparer is weaker than one or both of the dueling wizards, then they get the opposite answer; that is, they think that the weaker of the two wizards is actually the stronger one. --- Now, Merlin compares Nevo and Onyx, and concludes that Nevo is more powerful than Onyx. The king, although sad that his good friend Merlin will be dying in two weeks, declares Nevo the second-strongest mage of the realm, to take over the archmage position after Merlin dies. But Nevo, drunk on victory and also badly needing the money from the archmage job, goes one step further, does the unthinkable, and claims that he, Nevo, is the strongest wizard of the realm right now, and that he is stronger than both Merlin and Onyx. The king thinks about it for a few minutes, frowning in confusion. Glancing without much certainty at his logicians, who give him a shrug, the king turns back to Nevo. "I don't think that's possible," the king says. --- Questions: you are the king's best logician, flown in on phoenixback from a distant realm to address this issue! (1) Is the king's conclusion correct? (2) Do you know the exact order of decreasing mage strength (for M, N and O), or is more information needed? If more is needed, how can that be obtained with as little work as possible? (3) Enter Pyrin, a star wizard from a distant realm that flew in with you to compete. Pyrin enters the castle after the events described here and declares that he is very powerful. Pyrin compares Merlin and Nevo and says that Merlin is more powerful. A bit confounded, Onyx compares Pyrin vs. Nevo. What does Onyx get as a result? --- Please post answers in spoilers! This is my first riddle in a while, so thanks for reading Good luck!
  10. unreality

    I disagree with plasmid and agree with Grayven & support my earlier idea about the Council... as octopuppy said early on, we need to admit that our religion isn't 100% perfect as nothing can capture the Essence in its entirety. As Grayven put it, we should humbly admit the vastness of the Essence and the need to change over time. No central government or "Supreme Court" is needed however to facilitate the annual Councilday... a small committe can get together to plan the actual holiday, that's not a big deal. There's no governing necessary - all of the denominations send their 3 reps to the Council and we would proceed as described in my previous post. This should allow open and fluid changing of the core doctrine without any complex issues involving denomination excommunication, hostility, etc. I strongly dislike the excommunication idea... it just seems to promote hostility and conflict between the denominations, and is likely to cause schisms and alliances within the denoms, probably within even the first year. No - as we said in the beginning, a change to the core Truth should be near-unanimous (we could make it 100% or 99% instead of the current 90% number if you guys think that's better) and apply to ALL denominations. The Truth cannot be wavered from, in ANY denomination. However by working together, analyzing the current times and voting together near-unanimously, as they would do on Councilday, the denominations as a body can change the Truth. If any successful changes to the Truth go through (this isn't very likely to happen that often, maybe minor changes every once in a while), then every denomination accepts the new change without question or resentment, since everyone voted unanimously on it. I'm thinking now we should up the number from 90% to 95% or so. I was thinking of making it 100% but then one stubborn denomination could vote against just to be a b*tch. If they have any valid reason to not change the core Truth, they should be able to convince other denominations enough to get more than 5% opposed to the change. So 95% seems good - very unanimous while still retaining room for nonvoters or whatever I totally agree... if we go with Phronism, then "Phronistery" (as long as its pronounced rhyming to "monastery", that is, the "ery" at the end rhymes with "dairy") is easy enough to say and pretty relevant awesome... yeah. We could say that the "Knowledge Base" of the Essence is made up of the Actual and the Potential, but not the Essence itself. The Essence as a whole cannot be described so simply. But the Knowledge Base (or similar term... maybe Phronicism or something ;D Hehe) of the Essence can be described as the sum of the Actual and the Potential. Part of the many interlocking harmonies of the Essence is the balance of the Actual and the Potential, which we must attain by achieving our greatest Potential and transforming it into the Actual, leaving behind less ideal Potentials Again, this seems like more of a point that would be adaptable by the denominations if they pleased, but left very vague in the Core Truth itself. This is one of those things that the denominations can differ in edit: I forgot to add, I agree with plasmid that the holy war idea has to go. Instead, we can incorporate it into the Council: when one denom gets out of line, a coalition of 3 denoms can present the idea (the same procedure as changing the Truth) to remove one denom from <NAME> entirely, or evict some change in it. This one cannot be 95%, it must be absolutely 100% unanimous (except for the offending denomination of course). Also, I think we should start the voting for the name... (if we are going to vote for it, but at least remember who is supporting what name so we can better work together to pick the best name) 1) Ontaporism 2) Alethianism 3) Eucredism 4) Harmonism 5) Endoxinism 6) Phronism - unreality, Grayven
  11. unreality

    I was thinking about this and how much do we actually want the "core" Truth to be adaptive? Is the point to have the Truth be hardset and the denominations change with the times so that we have up-to-date ethics while still attached to the core dogma from whenever it was first made? Or do we want everything to be fluid and changeable? I vote that the core dogma is changeable as well, but much more gradually than denominational whims. That's why I was thinking of some kind annual council, like a Superrendezvous (was tempted to say Uber ) where each registered denomination (bringing me to another point: I think starting a denomination should need about 10-20 ppl minimum with a sort of "tithe" charge for clerical costs or something) sends 3 representatives to the Council. They have a big bash (anyone can come of course, but only up to 3 official reps from each denom) and banquet and party and stuff, and have philosophical discussions & debates (some official, some not) and have an all-round fun Councilday (we can make it a holiday ;D). Then at the end there's a big convention where various points of <NAME> are discussed and a triumvirate of three denoms can co-present a proposed change to the core Truth. Then there's a big vote where each official rep has equal vote value. The 9 reps from the three presenting denoms cannot vote What do you think? yeah that's a pretty good one. While we're on name ideas, how about Phronism? yeah... for example, in the parable on that topic, I just stressed how important nonbelievers are to the Essence. Bad things will happen if we try to "claim" them in any way for any purpose. I was just commenting how that, if we just let simmer our ideas that nonbelievers are extremely important to <NAME>, they will feel more gratitude and whatnot to <NAME> than to other blasphemous religions not sure about that. We can say that it was formed by disbelievers but not by disbelief. To keep a transparent base, I think we can safely say that some things are intentionally vague, meant for you to find your own purpose within them and the Essence (which is likewise vague enough to endow universal appeal, comfort and yet transparency)... I think this is attainable without playing off all our cards. But at the least, we can say that nonbelievers have just as valid picture of everything, even though it's slightly different. "It's just another facet of the Essence" Nooo When we were talking about the memetic system with the denoms, I assumed there would be a couple hundred or so. Maybe not at first. But we CANNOT restrict who wants to make a denom and stuff. I figured there'd be a couple dozen "major" denoms with a few standing out as some of the biggest and most respected, and a lot of smaller more specific ones, and then after that a few that have like the minimum number of people and are struggling to get off the ground edit: current name list ~ 1) Uberfaith 2) The Philosophy 3) Neoneoplatonism 4) Essencius Bellum 5) Ontaporism 6) Alethianism 7) Eucredism 8) Harmonism 9) Endoxinism 10) Phronism (see the link in this post for what it means) the first four are really not to be considered though, so let's shorten it a bit: 1) Ontaporism 2) Alethianism 3) Eucredism 4) Harmonism 5) Endoxinism 6) Phronism (see the link in this post for what it means)
  12. unreality

    plasmid: see my edit, I added on two more bullet points that you missed (one addressing the nonbelievers) edit - I was thinking some more, after making the edit on my previous post (the one above the one above this one), about support of nonbelievers... I was thinking it might be a double-edged sword, not drawing people into the nucleus of our doctrine. That's the point of course - but also could be negative. But then I thought further, and both sides are good. It's good to support nonbelievers by reasons we've already discussed, but also, I think our support of nonbelievers will make nonbelievers love <NAME> the most out of all other religions, since we are the ones that support them and even give them a special spot within <NAME>, whether they Know the Way of The Essence or not. They are more likely to love any of the other things associated with <NAME>. In other words, since no other religion encompasses and supports nonbelievers, all nonbelievers (nonbelievers of all religions I mean) are part of <NAME> so it's a very good thing that we support nonbelievers. Just reiterating that point. I might make a sequel to my parable that explains the worth of nonbelievers, or should I just edit the existing one?
  13. unreality

    so we have: * inexistence of god(s) but rather an omnipresent universal current, purposely vague, called the Essence * a karma-esque system that acknowledges the recipricocity built into the universe at all levels * lore, parables and doctrine involving a denominational system to encourage memetic advancement and adaptation to always loosely stress good morals, living well, etc * clause involving how our actions, decisions, and thoughts affect the future of Humanity, Earth and the Universe forever * clause involving how our mental imprint enters a vague bliss and joins the continuum of the Essence after we die * lack of interference with thought processes, lifestyles, education, politics, etc * drive, but not direction, for the arts and entertainment and parties and "Essence festivals" (rewording of religious holidays) * encouragement of both creativity and rational thinking, allowing self-expression of all forms... where any kind of self-actuation, whether directly related to the <NAME> or not, is an act of Essence and religion * support of social gatherings and pub+church combinations ;D * church system called "rendezvous", which are largely based on the denomination that owns it (it could be a shrine to the Essence, a massive bar/club, a zenlike meditation garden, an art gallery, etc) * support of nonbelievers and their role in the Essence I like it so far hehe edit: just wanted to add, this is shaping up to be the 'benign religion', so to speak, that we've been gunning for now to combine the above points (after we get a few more central foci maybe) with the coredoctrine/Truth lists & descriptions, throw in the parables, and we have ourselves the framework of a pretty damn good religiosophicaluberfaith we still need to round off a few things, decide a few finer points of government (such as, are the denominations going to meet annually to debate the Truth and whatnot? How exactly is a denomination made and declared? How many people does it need to gain to become one and how many does it need to lose (or drop down to) to make "extinct" a denomination? What is our exact meaning by "holy war" and are we going to revise that point?).... and then decide the name of course. And then... if we could start this in the real world, how would it be done? How would it start? Is it actually possible?
  14. unreality

    so Sunoharmonism or something? I like both words, it's just a bit hard to combine them into a pronouncible coagulation that uses the majority of each word I think we should sketch up a list of possible names, then have some kind of voting ritual ;D 1) Uberfaith 2) The Philosophy 3) Neoneoplatonism 4) Essencius Bellum 5) Ontaporism 6) Alethianism 7) Eucredism 8) sunodia+harmonia (Sunoharmonism?) etc also my idea about a "transition period" was overlooked I think until plasmid came on with the hybridization/subtle-overthrow idea, which I think is awesome. That does seem to be how most religions vanquish their memetic foes... by hijacking existing doctrines and mutating them, incorporating them into their own system as they slowly transform into the new religion I like it so going back to the source, here is what <NAME> is based on: * inexistence of god(s) but rather an omnipresent universal current, purposely vague, called the Essence * a karma-esque system that acknowledges the recipricocity built into the universe at all levels * lore, parables and doctrine involving a denominational system to encourage memetic advancement and adaptation to always loosely stress good morals, living well, etc * clause involving how our actions, decisions, and thoughts affect the future of Humanity, Earth and the Universe forever * clause involving how our mental imprint enters a vague bliss and joins the continuum of the Essence after we die anything else that's especially noteworthy on how <NAME> is different?
  15. unreality

    *gasp* You've been quoted on it! hehe sorry, couldn't resist Back on topic, andromeda has a good point... this offers an escapism from reality, and in times of economic downturn, like the Great Depression, or now, escapism (like movies, alcohol, etc) skyrockets. This is no different... and the media is getting some more viewership from their escapist drama on the swine flu, I'm sure. Great point, andromeda
  16. unreality

    it's scientifically called "H1N1" if that's what you're asking
  17. unreality

    i've done a little conglomeration of stuff so far for Uberfaith/Alethianism/Ontaporism/Eucredism/etc Most Holy Doctrine / The Truth / Core Dogma of <NAME> The Essence that permeates all things has subtle yet profound effects that shall not herein be fully explained. In order to help understand the Essence as it applies to human lives, though, it is useful to think of concepts such as karma and eternal life existence with the Essence. Karma may be earned with the following acts: Help others, be generous, be reliable. Do not harm others, steal, or lie. Do not place your faith in false gods. Find something that you're good at that will benefit society and do it. Learn throughout your childhood, and fulfill your potential as an adult. The nature of your eternal life existence with the Essence is determined by your karma. Believers in false gods suffer in hell. Those who believe but lack karma have modest contentment. Those whose karma is great enjoy utter bliss. It is fit that there be many denominations of <NAME>, for not all people are alike, and diversity helps humanity flourish. The denominations shall each have their own customs and ways of harmonizing with the Essence. Sincere proponents of the Essence are welcome, but those that falsely claim Uberfaith shall be decried by the other denominations and spurned as heretics. As it is important for people to each find their unique role in the harmony of the Essence, it is fit for them to visit other denominations from time to time and experience their ways, and thus find their place in the world. As it is important to have many denominations, so it is important to have people outside <NAME> who are most fit to view it objectively and dispassionately. These outsiders that understand the world through mankind's endeavors are not to be despised but welcomed, for they offer a unique perspective and often seek to advance humanity as the followers do. But beware those outsiders that cling to ideas of gods, for they worship illusions of their imaginations that may guide them to decay. Such people should be brought into the <NAME> to understand how to harmonize with the Essence. For Grayven's "Truth" idea, I'm not sure I agree with that as we're using "Truth" to describe the set rules of <NAME>, which the denominations can't alter in their individual differences (but each year when the denominations meet they can alter the Truth with 90% majority vote or something... we need to make it adaptive from the getgo). But I do like the Potential idea, that is, possibilities that could happen. However that seems more like a loose thing that different denominations would have different ideas and doctrines on, not a solid part of the Truth core dogma UPDATED PARABLES edit: I probably missed a few Uberfaith to <NAME> transitions in the various teachings, and I didn't comb the parables for "Uberfaith" either... when we decide on a name, I'll just run a find-replace search and make every "Uberfaith" or "<NAME>" equal to the new name
  18. unreality

    edit: things like this are very good reasons why we should keep insights about human nature & intelligence vague and more on the scientific side, in case something self-revolutionary comes up and the other religions will be struggling to revise (or more likely, deny the new knowledge) while we stand glorious in our Essence
  19. I'm revitalizing this topic because of something interesting I just found. The number we've been talking about, log-base-2 of 10... log2(10) or 1/log10(2), etc (it equals 3.321928095) is veeeery close to equaling this: 2(√3) that, is, 2 to the power of the square root of 3 I've been messing with it but no obvious reasons why it should be so other than coincidence of the closeness of the numbers (the equalization is not exact, there is a small difference in the realm of 10^-6 or so between them)
  20. unreality

    the Ontaporism sounds much more like a valid, well-crafted religion. Perhaps the Latin phrases above could be catchphrases, quotes by Barack (see the parable spoiler), or denominational slogans of some kind, etc - but not the overall name. I like "Ontaporism", it has a nice unique ring to it so in essence (haha no pun intended) "ontaporism" is a rough conglomeration of 'existence/truth' and 'path/journey', which seems like a good description of the Essence and what we're going for in general. I also like how it uses Greek to connect to Platonic roots and the first true Age of Reason... nice find octopuppy
  21. unreality

    for what to call Uberfaith, how about: (I've got a few ideas) * Gens Gnaritas (roughly "Knowledge of the People", in Latin) * Substancia Bellus (means "Beautiful Essence" in Latin) * Sophia ex Res (something like "Wisdom out of Truth") just some random ideas. Not sure on the exact grammar or translation. We could have it in english too... "the Philosophy" or some such edit: or, simplifying what seeksit said, we could call it Alethia, which is greek for "truth"
  22. unreality

    yeah we've got a solid core doctrine (are we still calling that "the Truth" or no?) and a bunch of parables to express concepts. Maybe we need a few more parables explaining the "nirvana afterlife" of the Essence and perhaps one on the nature of what we mean by "holy war" but other than that, I think we're set there yeah I think, if Uberfaith is started, it should be started off with a few denominations to begin with, sort of hand-crafted by us to begin the memetic process ("time-advanced philosophogenesis", you might say ), allowing the system to flourish as it expands. I think the beginning of Uberfaith should have some special "transition rules" applied to make the denominations work more closely together in order to replace the other major religions. Once Uberfaith becomes the dominant religion, then the transition period fades away and normal Uberfaith continues from there to build in some sort of transition rule like that, maybe we should add something to the core doctrine (specifically, the paragraph on denominations) like this: "When many false religions and heretical beliefs are crowding the minds of the Earth, the denominations must stick together to spread the Truth & Way of the Essence across our Oblong-Spherical Abode until Uberfaith has harmonized much of the world with the Essence and feels safe to let the denominations take their own paths." Something like that... I don't know. It's a tricky issue, knowing when the "transition" is over
  23. unreality

    I'm afraid the Great Spatula has already flipped the Most Holy Omelet, and you're far too late... you've overslept, and Uberfaith is now the largest religion in the world, claiming 70% of the Earth's human population (only 4% of the otter population but we're working on it). We see Christianity and other paganesque religions as an ultimate insult to all beliefs, and we not only demanded that it be supppressed, we suppressed it. I encourage you to enter the Golden Age of Reason and convert to our spectular theosophically benign Uberfaith (which does have a dogma btw, see the parables ;D) And while we're on that note, why are you attacking the Most Splendid Uberfaith in the christianity topic rather than the uberfaith topic?
  24. unreality

    now that octopuppy's head exploded, mine's safe! We can just jump to a universe with time travel, go backwards, catch it on tape and use that instead! btw, I think we have a little devious 1-star bandit downrating the nonreligious topics I've been giving 5* to counteract when I see it, but alas, we're down to 3 stars... whatever shall we do now!!! Oh noez!!!
  25. unreality

    I fixed a typo in the parable of the walking monks, and also added plasmid's new version of the afterlife parable (though the new one still references eternal life ) and added the denominational parable plasmid just made. I also wrote a new one about the nature of the Essence
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