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Everything posted by unreality

  1. i'm not actually 75 lol, i'm way closer to 11 than to 75 and ur probably older than 11... but the "me and you" is all figurative lol. i'm not some old geezer
  2. How to Solve: Untangle the problem... 1. One day I will be 2x and you will be x |----------|-----| .......me(2x)....you(x) So I am always older than you by x years 2. When you are twice 2x, I am 5x, so when you are 4x I am 5x (duh, cuz I'm always x ahead of you). And when I am 9/16 of your 4x, I am 2.25x and you are 1.25x (again, I'm always x ahead of you). |-----------|------| .......me(2.25x)....you(1.25x) 3. When I am 15/16 of your 1.25x, I am 75x/64 (or x*75/64) and you are 11x/64 (or x*11/64) I am 75 and you are 11, it adds to 86
  3. Does the weight of an elephant equal the weight of the mosquito? Let x be the weight of the elephant, y be the weight of the mosquito. Call the sum of the two weights 2v, then x+y=2v From this equation we can obtain two more: x - 2v = -y and x = -y + 2v multiply: x^2 - 2vx = y^2 - 2vy add v^2: x^2 - 2vx + v^2 = y^2 - 2vy + v^2 OR (x-v)^2 = (y-v)^2 take square roots: (x-v) = (y-v) x = y The elephant's weight equals the mosquitoes. What is wrong here?
  4. Insane Math: My age, which plus yours is 86, is 15/16 the age you will be when I am 9/16 the age you would be if you were twice as old as I will be when I am twice your age. How old am I and how old are you?
  5. Just for fun, this is what Hab thinks next: "What an idiot Zab is, laughing and thinking he has a clean face when he in fact has a dirty face. I don't want to look like an idiot, too, in case I have a dirty face, so I'm going to stop laughing now. And if I have a clean face, well I'm being nice and not laughing at people with dirty faces." OR, more logically: "Rab stopped laughing, realizing he had a dirty face. The only way he could have realized that is if he put himself in the shoes of Zab, thinking if Rab had a clean face, Zab would realize Hab (me) could only be laughing at Zab, thus Zab would have stopped laughing. But Zab is STILL laughing, meaning Rab has a dirty face. But if I, Hab, had a clean face, Zab would know Rab had been laughing only at him, Zab, before Rab stopped laughing, and Zab would have stopped laughing too. Thus I have a dirty face too. And Rab is a quicker thinker than Zab or me. And I am a bit slower than Zab... but I definitely think better than Zab." So Hab and Rab aren't laughing, instead they are glaring at Zab, and Zab shuts his mouth.
  6. Yep. Smith was snoring, and Jones couldnt fall asleep. Jones called Smith's room just long enough for Smith's telephone to ring, to wake up Smith and stop his infernal snoring, then Jones hung up and went to sleep.
  7. With no mirrors, the two girls looked at each other's faces to see how dirty they were. Thus the girl with the clean face thought she had a dirty face and washed her face. And the girl with the dirty face thought she had a clean face like the other girl so she didn't bother to wash.
  8. From this solution I've created a new problem... now since all three philosophers are in the same dilemma, and Rab was the first to realize what was going on, Rab is the quickest thinker of the three. Let us say Zab is second fastest, and Hab is the slowest. However, all three think they are the fastest (only Rab is correct in this assumption). So, now it is Zab's turn to think, so to speak... what does Zab realize about his own face and why? (It would help to know the solution to the original problem to solve this one) Answer: "If I have a clean face, Rab will think that if he has a clean face too, Hab would have nothing to laugh at. So Rab stopped laughing, realizing he had a dirty face. Meaning I have a clean face! Or, if I have a dirty face, Rab would not have stopped laughing, since he has no way of knowing which one of us has the dirty face that Hab is laughing at, because I am a faster thinker than Rab. So I have a clean face!" Of course if Zab knew that Rab was a faster thinker he couldn't have ruled out the fact that Rab stopped laughing for a different reason. So Zab wrongly assumes that he (himself) has a clean face. Which is wrong. They all have dirty faces.
  9. no he's a businessman. hehe nice try though.
  10. FAMILY REUNION: At a family reunion, it is found that the following relationships existed between the people present: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Uncle, Aunt, Brother, Sister, Cousin, Nephew, Niece. However there were only four people there. How could this be so?
  11. nope they can see the other two faces perfectly fine
  12. Five pieces of coal, a carrot and a scarf are lying on the lawn. Nobody put them on the lawn, but there is a perfectly logical reason for their being there. What is it?
  13. try not to look at the answer before you've tried to solve it yourself: If Rab had a clean face and Zab thought that himself (Zab) had a clean face, Zab would be laughing at Hab only and Hab, thinking himself had a clean face too, would be laughing at Zab. Neither would be laughing at Rab, because Rab thinks himself has a clean face also. But if Zab thought he had a clean face, and if Rab had a clean face, there would be nothing for Hab to laugh at, except... Zab. So Zab would have known he had a dirty face, and Zab didn't stop laughing. Which means there has to be something else for Hab to laugh at (Rab). Hab would have realized that too. But still both were laughing. Meaning Rab has a dirty face too. I've tried to explain the answer as best as I could. Sorry if it doesn't make total sense.
  14. nope lol (EDIT): he uses pure logic
  15. Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones are two businessmen who book the same hotel for the night. They are given adjacent rooms on the third floor. During the night, Mr. Smith sleeps soundly. However, despite being very tired, Mr. Jones cannot fall asleep. He eventually phones Mr. Smith and falls asleep immediately after hanging up. Why should this be so? i got this from a puzzle book
  16. unreality


    the next three letters are E, N, T
  17. p.s. its not cuz he's black/african american/african/etc
  18. do you want me to post the answer?
  19. this is an ancient riddle, but the answer is all mine (i'm not going to post the answer right away, i want to see how many ppl get it). I also added in the names Zab, Hab and Rab so that my answer makes more sense. Three philosophers, Zab, Hab, and Rab, are having a quiet afternoon nap. While they're sleeping, their students come and paint each of their faces black. When they wake up, they see that each of the others have black faces and all begin laughing at each other. But then one of them, Rab, stops laughing, because he knows that his own face is black. How did he know?
  20. nope. i meant what i implied by that. the girl with the clean face washed her own face.
  21. two girls went gardening... one got dirt all over her face, the other girl's face stayed cleaned. After they were done gardening, the girl with the clean face washed her face, the girl with the dirty face did not... why?
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