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Everything posted by unreality

  1. how's this? Unreality = everything NOT you guys, ie, Heralds, the environment, the programmers if necessary, the "RP police", and also a sample chracter, Mantos Ezkaty = Ravine Giterdone = Nero Itachi-san = Zetsu Brandonb = Andrell Puppy = Frog Nayana = Athena EsJohnson = Esj CuteSparklezGirl = Melody Frazler = Seran
  2. thanks the video- that was awesome ;D and to me, it truly is amazing, a feat of the power of nature. To you, you explain away with the typical-of-a-theist "God did it", with no curiosity as to how it really happened... here I was thinking that you had convinced us you were above that kind of thing and yeah, to an atheist, my theory is pretty interesting, at least I think so- just something to think about. What if we are individual, unknowing parts of a greater "super-organism" (as that video about ants says about the colony) unless "albeit" means "although" (I really never really learned what "albiet" meant, lol) then I'm glad you agree that the theory is interesting... what if we are part of God? But still... why do you just say "god did it"- aren't you even a tad bit interested about how the ant colony works? I've read articles on Swarm Theory, it really is amazing how intelligent a colony is in relation to the mindless ants that make it up- and the article (it was in National Geographic) also explained how it happened- which normal, expected interactions made up this "decision" of the colony as a whole. It really is amazing stuff- except to someone who just says "God did it"
  3. you also revoked my VIP status whatever... I dont care... *sniff* *sniff* lol
  4. something itachi said... Just for the record, Itachi-san's idea about life is very similar to a sort-of-belief I've held... sort of like... collective intelligence... well I'll word it this way: Take a hive of bees or colony of ants... no single organism knows the big picture, each is incredibly stupid- there are no leaders or managers, they all do their tiny, individual parts. Yet as a whole, a single hive or colony is extremely intelligent, continuously living compared the lifetime of a single organism in the colony or hive, and it's like an animal by itself. Another example of something very similar... think of all the cells in our body. All the cells of all purposes, making up our bodies. Does each individual cell know the big picture? Does that skin cell there know my name? No, of course not. Even brain cells... they just do their jobs, their functions, and live very short lifetimes. Yet take my body as a whole! I know my name! I live much longer compared to my individual cells... I am conscious. I am no different than that colony of ants (but considerably smarter and better fitting together, I think). You can go as small as you want... each cell has functions, carried out by its individual parts, which are just doing their jobs, etc... Now go bigger. Think of each of us as a whole. We are just humans- individual organisms, like an ant or bee. Not conscious of the big picture. And add the rest of life, too- humans are no different than apes or lizards or fish or bacteria. Think of all the life on the planet... what if we are the "brain cells" and other cells of an even greater living organism, THE PLANET, which has consciousness (albeit different than ours, ie, a bee hive has a different sort of consciousness than us) and has a lifespan much longer than any single organism... the Earth will live much longer than anything that runs or gallops or swims on its surface. See the pattern? What if we make up something bigger than us? Our movements and our own choices as a whole make up the subconscious- and even the consciousness (it depends how you define it)- of the whole. Of Earth. Of the Universe. Of everything? a similar theory to Itachi-san's. And if he's right, if I'm right, if we're both right... maybe the sum of ALL life is this god- maybe it, being the highest form of the consciousness, knows the true meaning of life. Or maybe there is no meaning. We don't know... though I agree with Itachi when he says that life is goal-oriented... it, as a whole, evolves to survive, its observable purpose is to reproduce itself
  5. Andrell's good ;D or you can change it back if you want and why would our characters NOT have names... would they just be nameless? Or named after our usernames? That would be lame, lol. This is like a story, kind of...
  6. unreality

    LOST vs Anything = LOST!!!!!!! Prison Break is close though I love them both
  7. whene everyone picks a name ;D Unreality = everything NOT you guys, ie, Heralds, the environment, the programmers if necessary, the "RP police", and also a sample chracter, Mantos Ezkaty Giterdone = Nero Itachi-san Brandonb = The Epsilonian Formerly Known as Cornelius Copernicus Jones (You gotta say the whole thing) dry.gif Puppy Nayana EsJohnson = Esj SparklezGirl
  8. unreality

    religious debate

    you believe that Hell is an eternal pit of flames and stuff- I'm not saying it's not- but do you have any proof to back up your belief? Other than the Bible of course- you can't take the word of a book, no matter how "old" or "holy" it is, we've already established that
  9. there are only 2 or 3 spots left, as of right now, btw ;D
  10. yes, but the reason I already said we can't do MB is because of the "you must wait 4 posts before posting again" rule. That's why we can't do it here sorry
  11. unreality

    religious debate

    It's good that you value life I appreciate your open-minded-ness. FollowingMyDreams, can you do something for me? Can you imagine a world without any gods, without heaven, without hell, without demons nor angels nor anything else supernatural? A world where the chaotic and beautiful processes of Mother Nature have led us to where we are now? Do you see any physical difference so far from the world with all that religious stuff- gods and whatnot? Now think of non-physical differences... you are free. You do good things because you LIKE to do good things, because as a species we WANT to do good things... not because we are afraid that we're going to hell, or trying to get into heaven- but because we want to do good. Because we're all part of something bigger, and each of us plays an important role..... think of a colony of bees or ants or cells. Have you ever heard of Swarm Theory? anyway... I'm rambling now... but just close your eyes... imagine... then open them. We are living in that world now
  12. Yeah, but on BrainDen I'm afraid that every other of my posts are gonna get deleted by Martini lol. I actually copy them in case they get erased, in case I need them again. So... I dunno. It's good that he's so adamant with the fine points of the rules, and making new rules... and one of his new rules said "no games without definite endpoints and winners" or something along those lines. Check out his post when he locked THREE WORD STORY so yeah, I agree with itachi. Can we get an "OK" on this? If we do get an "OK", it means we can continue the DEITY system here, unhindered by any moderators! If we want a post deleted, or if we want the topic locked, we can ask a moderator. Otherwise... no interfering. Does that sound like a deal? it's pretty much the only way this is gonna survive here ;D
  13. The specific limitation is this: in BrainDen, there is a rule where you are only allowed to post every 4th post or whatever. I tried to get it amended, to no avail. So you can join Mass Battle at TR or not, if you don't want to, that's fine I promise you you won't get junkmailed or anything rediculous like that
  14. unreality

    religious debate

    Then I'd say you're wrong. There is a heap of proof ;D I think you meant to say "as there is no proof of God", which would fit the sentence into your analogy... but maybe you actually meant "there is proof of God"... if so, give it to us. What's your proof? I agree with all of that. Trust, hope, love, even faith are powerful and usually good virtues. And by 'faith=good', I don't mean specifically religious faith, I mean faith in general. Having faith in stuff. But by "having faith" I mean "being sure of yourself or someone or something BASED ON SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE". having blind faith is dangerous, as octopuppy (and Duh Puck, I think) has been saying. Then again, if you do have sufficient evidence, does it count as faith anymore? It pretty much comes down to semantics Why must we have faith to participate in these arguments fairly? You're implying so that we can know where the theists are coming from with their arguments... in other words, you're saying "know your enemies". Isn't that a quote from the Bible? "Know thy enemy" or something? 'Thegirlyouneverknew', see what I just did with the quote thing? I'm not a believer like you, but I UNDERSTAND where you're coming from with your arguments (by "you", I mostly meant Duh Puck). I can relate. I can understand. So faith is not necessary, though having faith in general isn't necessarily a bad thing
  15. actually, Martini just made a new rule: "Only game threads with a clear ending will be permitted" or something along those lines. Therefore, this game is not allowed here, as there MIGHT be an ending, ie, the Epic End When We Reach Epsilon-0 And The World Gets Turned Off, but that's the thing about RP's... that might happen. We don't know. It will have a powerful and awesome and epic conclusion eventually, but there's exact set end requirements, so this probably won't be allowed here if you guys are okay with moving it, I could move it to my forum, if we still want to play this
  16. Unreality = everything NOT you guys, ie, Heralds, the environment, the programmers if necessary, the "RP police", and also a sample chracter, Mantos Ezkaty Giterdone = Nero Itachi-san Brandonb = The Epsilonian Formerly Known as Cornelius Copernicus Jones (You gotta say the whole thing) dry.gif Puppy Nayana EsJohnson = Esj some more people need names however, we may not do this here, as it may be deemed "worthless to the forum" by a moderator and locked edit actually, Martini just made a new rule: "Only game threads with a clear ending will be permitted" or something along those lines. Therefore, this game is not allowed here, as there MIGHT be an ending, ie, the Epic End When We Reach Epsilon-0 And The World Gets Turned Off, but that's the thing about RP's... that might happen. We don't know. It will have a powerful and awesome and epic conclusion eventually, but there's exact set end requirements, so this probably won't be allowed here if you guys are okay with moving it, I could move it to my forum, if we still want to play this
  17. wow... this forum has been incredibly fast paced... I leave for another two days and WHAM game over! lol congrats Itachi! Also someone PMed about how "if their alliance of 3 won with just them 3, they would quit and call it a tie"... I think 'giterdone' sent in- I'm going to address it here, and the answer is no- there's always ONE winner... and yeah, that's also why the rule is usually "every-other" cuz when you get down to the final 4 or 3 or 2 or so, the order stuff gets really important anyway... due to the limitations on brainden (ie, rules about waiting for posting, and moderators locking stuff, etc), and also the sheer number of people that played, which made it fun, I am going to make the next Mass Battle on The Revival (link in my sig)... the cap limit for players will be 10... if there are more than 10, and upwards of 20, people that want to play, I'll make two simultaneous topics see you there ;D edit: specific link is here
  18. I'm not "changing the rules". I've already made the rules... anyway it doesn't apply for this game, obviously
  19. unreality

    This goes back to what I was saying earlier- you should not be able to vote on your own topic! Seriously, I've seen newbies make topics and then 1 second after the topic is made, before anyone has posted in or even viewed the topic (except for the topic-starter), it suddenly has 5 stars. They vote 5 stars on their own topics this is easily solved if people are disallowed from voting on their own topics (if that's possible) if it is, I strongly suggest you do so, rookie
  20. hehe, we have an alliance on our hands ;D one of my rules for Alliances (I didn't think any would form this game, but I was wrong) is that all negotiating and constructing of Alliances must be done in the game topic, not in PMs or anywhere else just so you guys know
  21. damn you guys post fast... how often do you log on? I leave for two days and come back and I'm dead ;D hehe any other Mass Battle I've done isn't this active... I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out and Duh Puck, it doesn't matter if people are angry that I jumped us back 2 pages- they were playing wrong. The set of rules are a set that I've made after playing this multiple times ;D plus these are the simplest rules possible. Next game, I'll introduce Special Moves unfortunately, with so many people here, I've noticed a certain "victimizing", ie, everyone attacking specific people (such as me or Duh Puck) cuz everyone else is... This is perfectly, 100% fine, it's part of the game and part of strategy... but if your reason is cuz of low defense (such as my 7/3), Puck is only at 6/4... I mean, look at Itachi- his stast are 10/0. That's damage equal to your Attack stat, lol, which is pretty major just sayin (nothing against you, itachi, just tryin to help people with strategy) anyway, I'm curious to see who wins ALSO, if you think switching to 2/8 and waiting out the game with higher GP is a good strategy, think again. It never works cuz then everyone gangs up on you near the end of the game oh, another thing, it's not a big deal but it's kind of a pet peeve: when you take your turn, talk in present tense of you doing something. I know it doesn't really matter, but still. For example: "I attack so-and-so for a million damage" or "I rearrange to 10/0" or whatever
  22. yes, the DEITY System encourages names- it wants you to BE REALISTIC! and of course there's sex, but not shown in this RP, as I'm sure Martini or Rookie would have a problem with it, which is fine if that's part of the forum rules ;D
  23. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocchi, which sparkled like an awesome blossoming avocado of which fantastic tentacles suddenly started erupting into chuckles, "Why had my inane pig vanished?" Suddenly, Godzilla kneeled up laughing hysterically as if King Ghidorah profusely liked cabbage. "Oh Saint Patrick, obliterate Incan disco fever tonight. Funky frogs away!" Fragmented personalities discomboomerate everything unthinkable that wishes unto broken shards of pizza topping! Cheese creamed paczkis
  24. What? Is the next move "spike"? Hehe, is there a conspiracy against me? *rubs hands together wickedly*
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