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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia IV

    sorry Brandonb: Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane - voting for Joe's Student 6) Dawh - voting for Brandonb 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick - voting for Joe's Student 13) Kat - voting for Wreath 14) Wreath - voting for Joe's Student 15) Joe's Student - voting for Wreath 16) Johnson 17) Frozen - voting for Wreath 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Wreath and the links: Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question
  2. unreality

    Mafia IV

    slick, you didn't change the roster at all ;D lol
  3. unreality

    Mafia IV

    you can use a 20-sided die and just reroll in the case of 19 or 20 normally you get kicked if you don't vote, but if you make the decision to NOT VOTE, as opposed to being inactive, then it's fine but stick around, you may see a reason to vote later ;D Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane - voting for Joe's Student 6) Dawh - voting for Brandonb 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick - voting for Joe's Student 13) Kat - voting for Wreath 14) Wreath - voting for Joe's Student 15) Joe's Student - voting for Wreath 16) Johnson 17) Frozen - voting for Wreath 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Wreath
  4. unreality

    Mafia IV

    like this? Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane - voting for Joe's Student 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick - voting for Joe's Student 13) Kat - voting for Wreath 14) Wreath - voting for Joe's Student 15) Joe's Student - voting for Wreath 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Pw0nzd
  5. are you kidding me? It'll probably not only last til Monday but the Monday after that, lol :D

  6. unreality

    Mafia IV

    yeah, it's hard to have a solid defense in the first lynching
  7. it sucks to die first (or second, actually, Scott beat you to it ;D hehe)- at least you get immunities next game, if Frost plays with that rule :P and you can step in for Wreath on Monday!

  8. unreality

    Mafia IV

    only after a baddie has been lynched or identified
  9. unreality

    Mafia IV

    *likes green better than teal* lol Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick - voting for Joe's Student 13) Kat - voting for Wreath 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student - voting for Wreath 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Wreath
  10. unreality

    Mafia IV

    no you QUOTE or REPLY the most recent roster, like you've been doing, but then delete the {QUOTE} tags so that other people can quote yours, etc Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick - voting for Joe's Student 13) Kat - voting for Wreath 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student - voting for Wreath 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Wreath kat: yep, you got it as for roles, remember previous mafia games or level of mafia experience is not a factor in giving out new roles ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia IV

    actually, that's pretty short for a typical Mafia move, but indeed very long for the first day. But then again, he thinks he's seen a clue, and he's acting on that ;D (or a baddie/discoveryrole who is bullsh*tting a reason to vote for someone)
  12. taliesin: Wreath and Kat will need replacements when they go on vacation, so if you still want to play then, keep an eye on Mafia IV ;D
  13. unreality

    Mafia IV

    the next night cycle will probably have to be around 20 or 21 hours instead of 18, so that I'll be awake to post it ;D and note that just cuz the Janitor didn't do anything doesn't necessarily mean he/she was inactive- they could've picked a name and then declined when they learned the action
  14. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick 13) Kat 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - voting for Wreath
  15. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae - voting for Wreath 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick 13) Kat 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal
  16. some of my own ideas:
  17. unreality

    Mafia IV

    if the Inspector is alive, they have been PMed the first Mafia identity (I arranged the order beforehand). Also, the Warlock can PM today (they can PM every day, and if the target is a QA they blow up the next day), but not the Spy (Spy PMs on even days) nor the Atheist (who PMs once only, on the 3rd day). I think that covers the special day-PM situations (other than Jihadist, who can PM anytime)
  18. unreality

    Mafia IV

    javoie is replacing Sandy (if inactive, then Sandy will re-replace) Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick 13) Kat 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Javoie 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal
  19. sorry taliesin, Javoie volunteered a while back, before you- I will have javoie replace Sandy, however if Javoie is inactive it'll just go back to being Sandy ;D
  20. unreality

    Mafia IV

    the day will end at this time (4:00 for me) tomorrow Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question
  21. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Awesomeness in Question Night The moon hung low over Awesomeville, smiling down on the awesomeness as a crowd of moviegoers left from a late-night show at the cinema. They were laughing and talking and enjoying the hot summer night air, occasionally ruffled with a pleasant breeze. A late-night swimmer padded down the road from the peaceful residential areas, holding his wet shirt and leaving a trail of wet footprints behind him on the black pavement. He made it to the lemonade stand just before it closed, and bought himself an ice lemonade, and another for the pretty girl standing over there on the sidewalk. A bat fluttered by overhead, looking for a nice bat house to spend the night in. Yes, Awesomeville was a fun town. But the awesomeness was in question. In the tangled alleyways of the commercial part of town, where coffee shops and chocolate stores and sidewalk cafes and two-story bagel bakeries dotted the roads, a door opened quietly in the night to let a tabby cat into the alley. While the door was open, steam rolled out of it like a sauna. The door began to swing shut- no, wait! A figure dressed in black caught the edge of the door just in time and slipped inside. The man found himself in the steamy kitchen of an Italian pasteria, empty of chefs now- but not completely empty. His hand twitching near his gun holster, the man stepped across the white tiles toward a metal table in the back of the room, where racks of pasta noodles hid the table from most of the rest of the kitchen. Four people sat at the table- they were just shadows, wreathed in steam. The hitman had never seen any of their faces, and had no desire to- it was not part of the contract. The people, who had been playing cards, set their hands down, suddenly losing interest in the piles of poker chips. One single card mattered more- the card was drawn from one of their pockets and set onto the metal table. A hand slid the card over to the hitman, who picked it up gingerly. The card was a driver's license, and on it was a face. The hitman nodded. "I'll do my best," he said. Another end of town Puzzlegirl threw her shoes into a closet and closed the door behind her, smiling to herself as she sipped some iced lemonade that a cute young man had just bought her. She switched on her light, and froze- and it wasn't because of the lemonade. Her house was ransacked! Items were strewn across the floor and smashed against walls. Drawers were left open, clothes hanging out of them like cloth waterfalls. Puzzlegirl moaned. Her good day had just ended in a theft. Oddly enough, she couldn't find much missing. Just some identity papers, and hopefully not enough to steal from her bank account. Just in case, she called her bank, but it was closed. "Whatever," she mumbled to herself. "I'll find out in the morning." Awesomeville Park The Healer strode across the wet grass, keeping an eye out for the person he/she had been tailing all night. A weathered bronze statue of Lord Awesome, the founder of Awesomeville, riding a bucking horse watched the Healer with a valiant expression. There! The Healer saw his/her patient, lying on the grass, coughing as he/she reached for something that was next to him/her. The Healer's heart skipped a beat- was he/she too late? He/she sprinted across the moonlit park, ignoring the beautiful Fountain of Awesomeness that splashed constantly, 24/7. The Healer knelt by the patient, to discover there was nothing wrong with them, they were just applying some first aid to a minor bruise. The Healer had picked the Doctor to save! "Why aren't you out saving people?" the Healer ventured. "Baddies are back in Awesomeville, ya know." "Exactly!" the Doctor exclaimed. "It wouldn't do any good to die the first night, would it? That's why I'm saving myself." The Doctor stood up, packing up his/her first aid kit. "It would be a random choice anyway, the first night, and I might even accidentally save a baddie. I'd rather wait until stuff starts happening to see who I want to save." "But you can only heal yourself once," the Healer said, but the Doctor just nodded. There was a moment of silence, then the Healer extended his/her hand, and the Doctor took it. They shook hands, nodding to each other. Now that the Healer and the Doctor knew each other's identities, they would be able to coordinate their activities. "Why did you pick me to heal?" the Doctor asked, as they walked past the fountain. "Just curious." "No reason," said the Healer. "I just rolled a die." The Doctor chuckled. "I almost wish that someone would've tried to kill me tonight- saved by two different people! Hehehe..." A few minutes later, across town Scott could've used some saving himself. "Where the hell is my driver's license???" he snapped to himself as he struggled through the glove compartment of his car. The last thing he wanted to do was to go for a late-night drive to Tooth Fairy Dentistry, but his dentist was a bit peculiar about appointments- even ones that were an hour after midnight. Scott's car was parked in the middle of his driveway, which was shielded by bushes on both sides, so he never saw the hitman as the killer approached, calmly holding a pistol equipped with an incredibly long silencer. "Looking for something?" the hitman asked quietly, once he was just outside the window. Scott looked up in surprise, to see a man looming over him outside the passenger's window! Indignantly, Scott rolled down the window. "What do you think you're do-" Scott began, before something fell onto his lap. It was his driver's license! It was also the last thing he ever saw. Across town (again) At another corner of town, a Quarky Agent snuck closer to Kingofpain's house. Was that a laser sensor underneath the doorway? A security camera near the mailbox? Nervous, the QA inched closer. Nearby, a streetlamp cast its eery glow onto the pavement, bugs swirling in its light like a luminescent whirlpool. Something flickered, and the QA froze. What was that? He/she scanned the shadows, looking for the source of movement. Another person! Shakily, the QA lowered himself/herself into the bushes. Was that a Doctor? A Healer? The Janitor, acting as a bodyguard? The QA watched as the figure approached KOP's door, just as hesitant as the QA had been moments before. What was going on? Had the Mafia marked KOP for death as well? Then the QA saw a tiny device in the other person's belt, and understood. It was an exotic grapple/lockpick hybrid device. Something only spies from the country of Quarky had. The unthinkable had happened: both QAs had picked Kingofpain! The QA stepped out of the darkness and approached the other QA, pulling from within his/her coat the ancient badge of the Quarky Agent. The other QA nodded, and the two set to work disabling the security around the house. It was a lot of security, too... odd. Finally, the two QAs found their way into KOP's bedroom, and they saw KOP watching the Ninja's night training session carefully. They had found the Defender on their first try, no less! The Defender quickly shut off the monitor and spun around to face his adversaries. "How did you find me so soon?" KOP stammered. He was in shock. How could this happen? "Sheer luck," said one of them. "3 is my favorite number. You are 3rd on the list." "I figured you would be dangerous, no matter what you do," the other said. "It looks like we were both right." "So how is this going to work?" KOP asked, chuckling. "I've already sent an alert call to the Ninja, you guys won't stand a-" A knife clicked open and was rammed into KOP's stomach. His sentence was cut short by a bloody cough and a thump as he fell to the ground, dying. "Don't lie to me again," one of the Agents hissed. Then the two QAs coalesced into the shadows, exchanging their identities so they could plan future kills. Later, the sun broke above the edge of the horizon and shed light on the sleepy town, which was soon to discover it wasn't so sleepy after all. The Mafia was back! The Quarky Agents were here! The Grim Reaper was in town! The Innocents would have be vigilant and cunning to rid the baddie menace that has infested Awesomeville! As was customary in Awesomeville, the first lynching would be trial by fire... every villager brought a lit torch with them to the town square, where the fun would begin... *** Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick 13) Kat 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Sandy 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal
  22. yep he was working at camp, he's back now ;D
  23. unreality

    yeah it's a close approximation of the golden ratio but not exact, as Meng said, just a pair of adjacent Fibonacci fractions so are you saying that's what the groups of letters total up to?
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