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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia IV

    thanks Frost & Bb
  2. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Host: Unreality 1) Frost - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Mafia 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd - voting for Brandonb 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [bomb] 12) Slick - DEAD [?] Killed by QAs 13) Kat 14) Wreath - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Grim Reaper 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) CrazyPainter 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - DEAD [?] Blown up
  3. unreality

    Mafia IV

    oops, this is actually the roster, cuz Slick was killed by the QAs, not the Mafia: Host: Unreality 1) Frost - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Mafia 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [bomb] 12) Slick - DEAD [?] Killed by QAs 13) Kat 14) Wreath - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Grim Reaper 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) CrazyPainter 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - DEAD [?] Blown up
  4. unreality

    Mafia IV

    hehe ;D the second day will end at approx 12:45 (shortly after noon) tomorrow (in my time) ;D let the voting begin! Host: Unreality 1) Frost - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Mafia 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [bomb] 12) Slick - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Kat 14) Wreath - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Grim Reaper 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) CrazyPainter 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - DEAD [?] Blown up
  5. unreality

    Mafia IV

    phew that was a lot to write ;D Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question Day One - Trial by Fire Night Two - The Ancient War Continues... or does it?
  6. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question Day One - Trial by Fire The Ancient War Continues... or does it? Dark The Illusionist murmured slowly and softly, his/her hands moving with the patterns of ocean wind and icy fire and golden sun. Wait? Is that another Akaslickster in the room! Slick looked at his illusion copy and frowned. "I need to straighten my suit here, and here," he muttered, making the necessary changes. The Illusionist flicked his/her fingers and the carbon copy emulated the real Slick. The Illusionist smiled. He/she was really getting the hang of this illusion thingy. Then it all went downhill. The door slammed open, splinters flying everywhere, revealing a windy night. A fast-moving figure dressed in bank clothes burst into the house and (ignoring the Illusionist, and walking straight through the illusion copy) slammed Slick in the stomach with a clenched fist. The Illusionist tried to stay silent and hidden, scurrying back slightly to avoid detection. There was nothing he/she could do when the Mafia's Bankroller came a calling- the world of the (apparent) supernatural was the Illusionist's realm- he/she could save only from the Grim Reaper. Slick doubled over in pain, but the Bankroller wasn't done. He/she kneed Slick's head up to make the man (his face now bloody) standing straight up, where the Bankroller punched him again, sending him sprawling into his armchair. "Let that be a warning," the Bankroller hissed. "From the Mafia. If you persist in your current line of accusations, we will kill you. If you reveal that you were roughed up, we will kill you." There was a slight pause, where nobody moved. Slick looked up at the Bankroller with mocking, bloody eyes. The Bankroller flicked a gaze toward the hiding Illusionist before spitting and walking to the door. "Have a good day, Mr. Slickster." The badass exit through the shattered doorway was going well until the Bankroller tripped on a bucket. "F***," he/she hissed, and kicked it aside, then rushed out of the house. However that was the reason why the Bankroller didn't see the two Quarky Agents creeping up on the house from opposite directions. The Illusionist did. "Slick," he/she hissed. "Slickster!" "Wha-" Slick mumbled, dazed and incoherent. "We have to hide! Or something!" "Too late, magic boy/girl," chuckled a voice from behind, and chloroform was pressed over the Illusionist's mouth. He barely heard the voice of the other Quarky Agent: "So you came after Slick too, eh?" "Yes I did," the other QA said, smiling. "I'm just glad we finally get to meet up..." By this time, the Illusionist was swaying awkwardly, his/her vision hazy and distorted, sounds were stretched and compacted like the ribs of an accordion. "You know," one QA remarked, withdrawing a massive syringe from Slick's neck. "That Illusionist over there is the key to our victory... I know we can't kill him/her, cuz they need to reach their full potential of the Sphinx first, but we shouldn't just let him/her slip through our fingers." "You're right..." muttered the other QA (and the Illusionist was practically swaying with half-consciousness now). "The magician was unlucky enough to pick Slick to save from the Reaper tonight... it's only our civil duty to hold the Illusionist captive until we can off the GR." "Civil duty?" chuckled the other Agent incredulously, as he/she cleaned up fingerprints from around the house and (just to be polite) closed Slick's unseeing eyes. "Civil duty, to the glorious nation of Quarky of course!" the other QA laughed. "Not Awesomeville." "I guess that makes us Awesomevillains," the other one joked. "Hehe, you got that right. High five!" the two QAs high-fived each other, not noticing the Illusionist, who was starting to crawl for the wrecked door, despite the tranquilizer rushing through his/her bloodstream. "Hey!" one of the Quarkies shouted. "Get back here, you!" "Yeah, you're our prisoner," the other one added, and the Illusionist could barely hear angry footsteps approaching before he/she collapsed into unconscious stupor. The other edge of Awesomeville The suburban neighborhood stretched for miles, it seemed. "Where does it end?" one of the Mafiosos wondered, looking around at the houses. The Bankroller shrugged (as he/she was busy getting a bloodstain out of his/her clothes). Zoom away from the cruising black sedan, and focus in on Wreath's house, which was in the same neighborhood. Ding-dong. Wreath, watching a late night documentary on penguins (after March of the Penguins, there had been about a thousand more), flicked off the TV and stood up. His eyes darted around for things he could use in defense. An ancient ceremonial spear on the wall... and, yes! He hadn't brought his numchucks downstairs! The weapon was lying on the wet bar, as if knowing this would happen. Wreath, the Ninja, smiled (feeling reassured in their prescence), and opened the door. The Grim Reaper smiled. "Helloooo. Anybody home? Not for long!" The glittering scythe came swinging down to meet Wreath, but the Ninja was too quick- he spun around and snatched the spear from the wall, hurling it in the Grim Reaper's direction. "Oh, excellent!" the Grim Reaper yelped giddily as he swirled out of the way, his characteristic black cloak swishing. "The ancient war continues!" "Or does it?" Wreath snarled. "You have been an enemy of my people for centuries. It's time to put an end to this!" "Indeed," the Grim Reaper said, his shadowy hands gripping Wreath's back and looking him straight in the eye, their faces close. Wreath could smell the danger, the excitement that was building inside the Reaper. Their ages-old war was about to come to a climatic end. Then the Grim Reaper swung his scythe one-handed at Wreath's head, roaring, but the Ninja whirled out of his grasp and did a back flip to the other side of the room, his boot kicking the scythe upward toward the ceiling as he flipped. By the time the Grim Reaper had regained control of his scythe and was approaching the black blur that was the Ninja, the ancient warrior had donned his black ninja fighting clothes and was holding the numchucks from the wet bar. "Bring it on," the Grim Reaper hissed. "It's a brawl!" The two nemeses ran at each other, howling ancient war cries, and met in the middle with the clang of sharpened steel and blunt metal. The Ninja ducked to the side, whirling his numchucks into a complicated, twisting blur to parry all of the Grim Reaper's rapid scythe swings. Sparks were flying, arm muscles burning, the lights flickering in the presence of this epic fight. Then, suddenly, the lights went out. "Hahahahahaha!" the Grim Reaper (who had perfect night vision), laughed. The Ninja, crouching behind the wet bar, focused on the epicenter of sound, holding his numchucks tightly. "Come out come out wherever you are..." the Grim Reaper sang, stepping closer. At the sound of the light footstep, the Ninja vaulted over the wet bar without touching anything and was twirling his numchucks at the Reaper before he even hit the ground. The Grim Reaper growled in fury and swung the scythe to deflect the blows- it was such a swing that it severed the numchucks chain and the blunt objects went sailing across the room in opposite directions- one smashed the TV screen, and the other crushed a lamp. "You're weaponless!" the Grim Reaper cackled. "Stay still, and I'll make it quick." "I don't need weapons," the Ninja insisted, and ran toward the source of the noise. The scythe's blade whirled in the dark, and the Ninja rammed the wooden shaft with his forearm, repelling the curved steel and following up with a punch to where he hoped the GR's gut was. "Oof!" the Grim Reaper cried out, doubling over. Yep, that was his gut. The Ninja slammed downward with an elbow into the top of the Reaper's head, sending the specter crashing to the floor along with the scythe, which clattered a few feet away- but the Grim Reaper was inhumanly fast. He twisted out of the way of the Ninja's next hit and (grabbing his scythe again) leapt up, the scythe sailing through the air right toward Wreath's face. Wreath stood perfectly still for exactly two milliseconds, listening for the whirring of air resistance and slight changes in pressure. Finally, at the last minute, the Ninja dropped to his knees and lunged out with his foot, swiping it out beneath him in a spiral path and taking out the Reaper's legs. The GR smoothly turned it into a somersault, rolling a few feet away and springing up, using the scythe as a counterweight. The Ninja flipped backwards, grabbing a glass from the wet bar and hurling it at his foe. Laughing, the Grim Reaper let it hit his chest and advanced on the Ninja. The lights flickered back on as the Reaper left their close proximity. Wreath could see the monster clearly now, black hood and black cloak swirling in moonlight that was arcing down from the windows. From the depths of the hood came an animal wail, then the Grim Reaper toppled to the ground, lifeless. "What the-" Wreath wondered, and approached cautiously. The Grim Reaper was well known for his tricks. Suddenly (but probably not surprisingly) the Grim Reaper sprung from his prone position, slashing the scythe at the Ninja's legs. Without hesitation, Wreath kicked out, lashing the scythe's sharp edge with his foot. His face contorted in pain, but it was the only way to stop both of his feet from being separated from his body. The Ninja, taking advantage of his foot-sticking-to-the-scythe, lashed out with his leg, ramming the other end of the scythe's shaft into the GR's side. The Reaper, ignoring the pain, redoubled his efforts, pushing himself forward and digging the scythe into the Ninja's foot. Wreath howled in pain, gasping and sweaty. Then, with a brutal yank, the scythe was withdrawn from the Ninja's foot and chopped at the ancient warrior's head. Wreath was scythed down in an instant, his valiant Ninja body toppling, bloody, to the floor. The Grim Reaper was still for a second, disbelieving. Then: "I won... I won! I just won! The Ninja is dead! Dead!" He let his hood fall down, revealing the face of Frost. "Hahahahaha! I can finally retire to the tropics and sip lemonade with-" Bam, his body fell the floor, smoke curling from a Mafioso's pistol. The black sedan had just arrived and was parked outside. "Retire? Not just yet, my good reaper," the Mafioso said. "Not just yet." "He was a hard man to find," another Mafioso commented, surveying the smashed-up room. "Daaaamn! What happened here?" The first Mafioso pointed to the Ninja's body. "So that's why the Reaper was over here, eh?" the other Mafioso said. "We had to get a few witnesses to squeal saying they saw Frost headed over to Wreath's house, wearing some strange robes." "Yeah," acknowledged the other Mafioso. "C'mon, let's go. The car's waiting." A warehouse at the fringes of Awesomeville Scraps of paper whistled by as the moon shone like a massive orb. It was always bigger at the warehouses. A stray dog howled to the moon from a gap between two warehouses where it made its home. A Quarky Agent surveyed the scene before ducking back into the warehouse. "So this'll be our new hideout?" the other Quarky Agent wondered. The first QA nodded. "It's perfect," he said, switching on a light, revealing the small warehouse. The crates had been pushed to the sides, and a planning table was in the middle, the harsh light from the ceiling shadowed by the latticed catwalk above. "Is the prisoner asleep?" The other QA glanced toward the Illusionist, who was being held in a cage at the back of the warehouse. "Yeah. He/she still hasn't sang, though- I can't figure out his/her identity. Do you think we should just kill him/her?" "No! Are you crazy?" the other QA snapped. "Not until we know if the Grim Reaper is dead or not. Remember, our instructions are to kill the Sphinx. That can't happen until the GR dies, fool." The Illusionist was not asleep. He/she was feigning it, his/her eyes closed but his/her ears working hard. When he/she finally summoned the courage to open them, the first thing he/she was the TV hanging near the entrance of the warehouse. The QAs were ignoring it, and it was flicking through channels as if broken. It lingered on a documentary about penguins for a few seconds before switching to Awesomeville News Channel 5. The headline: 'Grim Reaper and Ninja found dead in suburban home!' The Illusionist's heart leapt in his/her ribcage- or should I say, the Sphinx's heart leapt. The Grim Reaper was dead, and when the QAs found out, they would kill the Sphinx! The Sphinx knew he/she had to summon his/her power now, even though it was an even-numbered night. He/she could take the energy strain. With a roar, the Sphinx transformed into a giant lion beast, growing much larger than the cage and bursting apart the weak metal, snarling in fury as it charged toward the exit. One of the QAs grabbed a machine gun and open-fired, but the Sphinx swept past them, slashing them with a claw on the way out. The other QA gave a startled yelp and rushed to help their fellow Agent, giving the Sphinx a wide berth as it charged out of the warehouse. The stray dog was barking viciously at the smell of cat, but when it saw the massive Sphinx, it froze, tail between its legs, and ran away. That's what I THOUGHT, the Sphinx thought to himself/herself contentedly. No more being the meek guy/gal. It was time to protect his/her fellow citizens of Awesomeville. Every odd-numbered night, the Sphinx would guard someone's home. With that thought, the Sphinx bound away into the night, roaring his/her freedom to the night sky. *** Host: Unreality 1) Frost - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Mafia 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [bomb] 12) Slick - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Kat 14) Wreath - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Grim Reaper 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) CrazyPainter 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal - DEAD [?] Blown up
  7. unreality

    Mafia IV

    I have all the info in, and I'm starting to work on the night post now (may take longer than usual for me to write this one) (edit - please nobody post until the night post comes ;D thanks!)
  8. *watched Dark Knight last night*

    *flips a coin where one side is burnt to determine whether you live or die*

    lol. It was a good movie. But I think Batman Begins was a bit better (they were both awesome :D)

  9. unreality

    Mafia IV

    19 from 6, so 21 from the original time (4) anyway, I'm expecting some confirmations from the Doctor/Healer/either/or/both/neither/some and then that's all, I think
  10. unreality

    Mafia IV

    ohhh the links: Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question Day One - Trial by Fire I'll probably have most of the night PMs by the time I wake up tomorrow ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia IV

    he's saying you should've never joined in the first place. But never mind him, it's perfectly fine we found a replacement. It's np ;D about The Dark Knight: yeah I just got back, it pwned. I think I liked Batman Begins better though
  12. unreality

    Mafia IV

    yeah, but you know stuff. You know your role. You know information based on your role. You have ideas and speculations and whatnot. see the rules ;D dead people stay dead edit: btw I'm about to go see The Dark Knight! w00t! it looks awesome
  13. unreality

    hehe haha lol *tries to think of a sarcastic remark to match your sarcastic remarks, but cannot*
  14. unreality

    Mafia IV

    mekal, after you die, you can't speculate about the game with anyone still living. Dead people know too much sorry
  15. unreality

    Mafia IV

    yeah after only 1 night and 1 day we have 525 posts lol
  16. unreality

    *gives self a sign*
  17. unreality

    I can think of a dirty answer for all three of those ;D
  18. but are you dead until someone looks in the box? DUN DUN DUN!

  19. unreality

    Mafia IV

    you quote-distorter! lol
  20. unreality

    Mafia IV

    JS: night post will probably be in about 19 hours (around 1:00 after noon, probably earlier if I have the PMs in)
  21. unreality

    Mafia IV

    to be fair, he gave a logical response to that:
  22. unreality

    Mafia IV

    at least you're not saying that about the pizza crust! Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message Night One - Awesomeness in Question Day One - Trial by Fire
  23. unreality

    Mafia IV

    with the Celestial Crusts and the Divine Deep Dish? hehe ;D I guess Host God Unreality will allow a place for you in Pizza Paradise
  24. unreality

    Mafia IV

    ah okay, so it rounded up 4.5 to 5 ;D cool thanks Nayana... haha I still haven't voted yet
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