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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    this infinity-stuff is intense ;D
  2. I agree with all of that, except the assertion that 1/infinity = .00000000[etc]...1 where did you get that from? 1/infinity cannot be expressed by numbers in that way. 1/infinity is not 0. At all. As others have pointed out, though, infitesimal cannot be a probability and is thus 0%, sortof (even though a number is picked, theoretically )... as lytefoot said, something with 0 probability could be picked in an infinite number of picks, which means it's reallly not truly 0 but more of infintesimal, but w/e if people wanna call it 0, same thing for probability-wise but your assertion that 1/infinity = .00000000[etc]...1 is wrong. That would of course make 1/infinity = 0, which it is not edit: not ALWAYS. I'm sure sometimes it can be 0, lol. That's how crazy infinity is. Another way to think of 1/inf is infinity to the negative first power. Aren't all powers of infinity equal to infinity? So infintesimals are the same thing as infinity, in a way
  3. welcome CP and Mrs D ;D I'm sure you'll both make awesome Braindenizens
  4. I don't think JS will be able to play Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh if we do end up starting after 22nd august (unlikely), he can re-sign-up ;D oh, and crazypainter: there were complaints last time of you insulting or demeaning people... we're not asking if this is true or not, we're just saying, this is a fun game and don't let it happen this time thanks!
  5. 2aday: what do you mean? Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) Twoaday 6) Yoruichi-san
  6. yeah, YS, you guys were awesome but still it was a little unbalanced. Mafia V has fixed any problems I saw with Mafia issues ;D yeah YS you should join
  7. Bb: no, it hasn't we're just fine-tuning the balance more Twoaday: have you read the rules completely? have you read previous mafia games? do you understand the amount of time & participation that's expected of you?
  8. oh yeah, I'll see if I can still edit. if not, woops ;D
  9. 1- no, Bankroller, Inspector, Spy and a few others have changed 2- yes 3- yes 4- yes 5- Yeti is the new Sphinx of the north, which the QAs must eliminate to advance in the northern routes 6- yes, they aren't mentioned (at least I think so) 7- read the rules, the constraints are in there ;D
  10. some people just don't get it edit: on the random first-day-lynch, my vote goes to whoever effs up the color codes the most ;D be warned! MUHAHAHAHA!
  11. I'll still be the color coding maestro and snap everyone into shape... it's my pet peeve on Mafia, lol. If someone f*cks up the color codes, I get pissed ;D
  12. to clarify, the Inuit only wins his/her own way if he/she freezes ALL of the QAs. Otherwise, the Inuit wins as an Innocent... so they're basically a semi-independent Innocent ;D roster so far: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen
  13. Mafia V **Pengville** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, the strategy tips and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into. Nobody will be allowed to join late and nobody will be allowed to quit. 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes. The only people that are allowed to are the Mafia, and they can only do it at night and with the living Mafiosos. If a majority of Quarky Agents go after the same target one night, the QAs involved can also PM each other. BUT NOBODY ELSE! Also all Mafiosos and QAs should CC me in their PMs, just so I know what's going on faster and can move the game along faster 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours) 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 20 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives or sagekid-repeats (no offense sagekid ) either. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe now for the best part... ROLES: 20 peope: 7 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can PM freely at night, but not at day. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos' special abilities are useable any night but not 2 nights in a row * 3 Quarky Agents - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have majority to kill. If they do reach this majority, those who were part of the majority meet each other and get to PM with each other at any time (day or night) * 1 Grim Reaper - kill every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos * QAs - kill the Yeti. If they fail, they are immediately notified and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/GR) * Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day if the Spy investigates (even days) or if Inspector is getting the Thief's identity PMed the next day (odd days) * Bankroller - [any night, not 2x in a row] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia" *** All Mafia abilities must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the Bomb's lie-detect ability **** Special Mafia Wipeout: if the Mafia are sure of the Inspector's identity, they can do a "wipeout" where they all come and kill the Inspector. Doctors/Healers/Sphinxes are ignored. However, if the Mafia were WRONG about the Inspector, all those people (or just the non-Inspector) gang up on the Mafia and it's a Mafia-wipeout, the other way around Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Disguise - if the Bomb lie-detects a statement by or about the Master of Disguise, the MoD can decide what my reply will be * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie". Can be influenced by the Thief * Master of Subterfuge - if the MoS is lynched while 1 or more living QAs are in communication with the MoS, the MoS escapes the lynching Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Illusionist * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2x in a row. Can save self only once * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine * Illusionist - save one person every even-# night from the Grim Reaper only. If the GR dies before the Illusionist, the Illusionist becomes the Sphinx * Yeti - every odd night, turns into a massive beast and protects one person. If baddie trying to kill the person can answer a riddle correctly, the sphinx steps aside. If baddie can't, all baddies in that faction die (or just the QAs that decided to kill the target that night). Baddies have the option of stepping down if the riddle is too hard, they only get 1 guess. The Yeti cannot be found/killed on odd nights discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Bomb * Inspector - gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role * Bomb - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] can use lie-detect ability any night, but not two nights in a row. If Bomb is lynched, 1 person that voted for him/her is blown up with the Bomb. If Bomb is killed at night, there is a 1/2 chance it will be a dud and a 1/2 chance it will take one of its attackers with it in a fiery explosion killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] no special powers on their own. No matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed * Ninja - ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on odd nights except the 1st night other roles = Janitor, Inuit, Icon, Penguin, Shaman * Janitor - the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (saving, killing, guarding [1/2 kill attacker, 1/2 die for the charge], discovering specific role, impersonating, or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6) * Inuit - the Inuit is an ice dweller and a longtime enemy of the Quarky Agents. The Inuit can freeze one person every day (if they PM before the day is up) and if that person is a Quarky Agent, they freeze in a block of ice the next day. The Inuit is a semi-independent character and wins by killing ALL THREE Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Inuit wins with the Innocents * Icon - with their Pengville celebrity they can PM, during the night, and ONCE ONLY EVER, the identity of one person. This person is immune to votes the next day. The Icon can PM their own identity. Also, if the Icon, being a town icon and all, is killed at night, there is a double lynching to avenge the Icon. If the Icon is lynched, nothing special happens * Penguin - the Penguin is favored by the Host God Frost. The Penguin cannot be lynched and, on the 3rd day, can convert one more person to penguinism. The new Penguin, in addition to their previous role, cannot be lynched either. If either Penguin is lynched, they get out of the lynching via divine intervention * Shaman - has two abilities, which can only be used once each. They are: 1) Scry - picks someone at night, and the person's status of Innocent or Baddie is revealed PUBLICALLY by the host in the night post 2) Aurora - summoning the northern lights causing everyone that dies that night to be saved However there's a twist- once the Shaman uses both of his/her abilities, the Shaman dies Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover STRATEGY HELP: Mafia: coordinate your abilities well, try to avoid detection, and try to figure out who the Inspector is based off of the Bomb. There's a zillion more things I could go into, the Mafia is very complex... though one more point I want to make is that you should obviously be reluctant about taking out the Bomb, but don't not consider it- the Bomb poses a very real threat to the Mafia- as both a lie detector and as a sitting explosive. If it comes down to 1 Mafioso left, there's a 1/2 chance the Bomb will take the Mafia with it to the grave. And the Bomb might be more forthcoming about what it knows because of its extra security- don't let the Bomb take advantage of your fear. Also, as the Mafia, don't always vote as a block, but don't shy from it if you need to sway a vote. Staging arguments can help QAs: a good strategy here is persistence- if someone keeps going after the same person, the other QAs should take hint and join that person, thus getting a kill and uniting the QAs. Try to figure out who the GR is and get the GR out of the way before the Illusionist dies, then kill the Yeti. If it comes to the secondary mission, first figure out a logical reason to condemn the target before blindly accusing them. Figure out who the other QAs are based on who else is going for the target Grim Reaper: you may be invincible the first night & day, but you still don't want to be targeted, as your role is revealed (most likely). Avoid suspicion constantly, and watch and wait, trying to figure out who the Defender and Ninja are- the Illusionist and QAs are your enemies too. A different, very risky strategy is to play a waiting game- don't kill (so that people think you are dead, and no GR accusations are thrown around) until the Defender is dead and you know who the Ninja is. Then strike swiftly to win the game. If the Defender isn't going to be killed, you might have to silence the Defender yourself and then kill the Ninja two nights later Innocents: try to figure out who everyone is, and keep all the possibilities in mind. Just because someone claims to be something and nobody objects doesn't mean you should trust that person implicity- or anyone implicitly. Many Innocents lie too, and lying doesn't mean baddie. This is a game of deceit, so play your cards carefully and don't give out too much info about yourself. Don't let yourself get swayed into voting, and think about the choices and reasons involved- though sometimes it's a good idea to go with the flow. But if you think something needs saying, say it. Know every perk about your role and maximize your role to the biggest possible advantage. Always be thinking of schemes. If you are a healing role, don't blindly give protection (they could be the Assassin, or any baddie trying to absorb protection from Innocents OR trying to get it to ward off enemy baddies). But try to figure out who really does need your protection. Discovery roles have to be the most reserved in revealing what they know (especially the Inspector) as the baddies want them dead, but you should definitely bring your knowledge into the topic by dropping hints and giving other reasons to vote for people, or to not vote for people. The Bomb should take advantage of the fact that everyone is reluctant to take you out. As for the Ninja/Defender, the Defender should obviously lay low, but try to protect the Ninja from lynchings. The Ninja should exercise the right not to kill at night if he/she is unsure of who is Innocent and who isn't. VOTING HELP: To add your vote: 1) reply to the most updated roster 2) add a space after your name, then a dash ("-") then another space, then the words "voting for" and then another space and then someone's name, COLOR-CODED 3) if someone else has already voted for the person, use the existing color they used for the name. If you are the first person to vote for the person, make up a new color (not yellow or grey please) Color Coding: #) Name - voting for [color=COLOR HERE]Name[/color] Please retain all the grey dead colors, question mark colors, lynched-people colors, etc (this isn't hard if you just Reply/Quote the next-most-updated roster that has all the colors). Also, if a baddie has been lynched and has his/her role as red, do not use plain red as a color for voting for someone. If an Innocent has been lynched and has his/her role as blue, do not use plain blue as a color for voting for someone. Also, don't leave the final roster in QUOTE tags, or future quoters won't be able to get it... so take away the QUOTE tags before and after so it's in plain text. This may be all common sense, but a surprising number of people have problems with our color-coded voting system ;D *** SIGNUP TIME!!! I'll kick it off: Host: Frost 1) Unreality
  14. there's a 1.4% chance a deadly avalanche will crush Pengville if we start it right now... but I think it's worth the risk ;D hang on a sec
  15. math girl hath spoken ;D I stand by my answer
  16. how about tomorrow? It gives a good period of time for signer-uppers (there are 20 slots, 1 already claimed by me ;D) edit: why not right now?
  17. speaking of the devil, I'm going to Michigan Adventures on Friday with a friend ;D
  18. lolz, nobody is taking anything. Frost is just hosting Mafia V cuz I want a break hosting is waaay harder than you might think, Frozen. Slick, too- though I don't think Slick was offering to host, he was just blabbering and Frozen, if I did pick another person to host again, you've only played one game, so to be honest I wouldn't pick you ;D you're getting too far ahead of yourselves chillax. We'll decide who hosts later games...later ;P as for Mafia V, I got the rules/roles/tips/voting help/etc file done (me and Frost chatted earlier today to finalize the roles and rules), I'm ready to start the signup and stuff whenever Frost wants it to start
  19. w00t hehe. I like math, though, so it doesn't count. Math is pretty much ageless
  20. unreality

    Mafia IV

    CP: pwned = ownage, pwnage = ownage... same dealio
  21. unreality

    Mafia IV

    POST #1000! w00t!
  22. unreality

    Mafia IV

    yeah, it was a nice twist ;D and no, the Spy wasn't looking for you Dawh (well at least to my knowledge, it's possible that some people had suspicions)
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