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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Rules, Roles, Strategy Help, Voting Help, Players, Introduction & An Intercepted Message -- Night One - Awesomeness in Question Day One - Trial by Fire Night Two - The Ancient War Continues... or does it? Day Two - Frog Spawn Night Three - The Guardian Day Three - Jihad in Awesomeville Player Reviews 1) Frost - Grim Reaper A good job, as usual- you were going for the gung-ho approach, which worked out surprisingly well given that you picked Wreath on your first try And of course the luckiness of the Defender being picked off first ;D Have fun hosting Mafia V! 2) Brandonb - QA - MoS Another web of lies, well spun! Okay, maybe not this time. Your deceitful reputation came back to bite you in the butt this game, but I'm confident that you'll be able to turn that around in Mafia V and play another kickass game 3) Kingofpain - Defender Not much to say here, you died first ;D good luck in Mafia V, assuming you play 4) Pw0nzd - Inspector To be honest, I thought you underplayed the power of your role- but then again, its power was sucking due to the every-other aspect. I think you were being too scared of the Mafia Wipeout, without realizing that the Mafia are even more scared of doing that than you, they have to be sure. Despite not being vocal enough, you played a good game ;D 5) Cherry Lane - Mafia - Thief Some good uses as the Thief, and 'I told you so'- some people did think of using the Thief to steal from your fellow Mafiosos to diffuse suspicion ;D The Thief is such as WiFoM role of confusion as to the target, and I think you played that well. Good job as part of the Girls Mafia! 6) Dawh - Jihadist Awesome game, well played! Need I say more? You maximized your role ;D 7) Nayana - Mafia - Assassin Great game as the Assassin and part of the Girls Mafia, even though I personally think you did not use your Assassin role to full effectiveness. You lightly asked for protection and then didn't really bring it up again, and you never made any accusations that might've warranted protection to come your way. But still, as part of the Mafiosas, you pwned 8) Dnae - Spy Good game, the limitations of Spy regardless (we've fixed it for Mafia V), and you managed to be one of the final survivors 9) Scott - Atheist Not much to say here, you were one of the early dyers as well as being inactive the entire game ;D 10) GC - Doctor Good game! You were an Innocent powerhouse, albeit ill-fated. You read too much into my posts, I think- you and Bb. Both of you found tons of clues where there were none. Stop looking so hard for clues next game ;D Hehe. Despite that, great game... I know you think you doomed the Innocents, but it was a combined doomage, don't worry about it 11) Puzzlegirl - Bomb You did good considering the circumstances Again, I see it as my fault that you were lynched because of that red herring 12) Slick - Janitor Nice game, though your role wasn't used once... we'll see how the Janitor works out in later games thanks for playing! 13) Kat/Dusty - Mafia - Godfather Excellent... a great part of the Girls Mafia! 14) Wreath - Ninja It's unfortunate you died before you get a single kill (this probably is what ultimately doomed the Innocents), but at least you put up an epic fight before being scythed ;D I look forward to playing with you in future games 15) Joe's Student - QA - MoE A great addition to Mafia, and good choices as the MoE. You played an excellent game for a first-timer, and it was your decision to take down Frozen that led to the QA victory! Nice job, and I'll see you in Mafia VI 16) Johnson - Warlock Great insight to pick Bb to bewitch, or should I say Bbewitch ;D You left your mark on Mafia as a consistent, semi-quiet player that can play his cards right 17) Frozen - Illusionist Like JS, you played an awesome game for a newbie! Although the Sphinx is gone forever, you took the QAs with you, and the Yeti will find fierce competition to rise in the ranks of Mafia beasts ;D 18) CrazyPainter - Healer Good job for your first game ;D I think you and GC saved each other a little too much- the Doc and Healer don't have enough saves to be defensive. But you were learning, so it's fine It'll be fun to play with you in Mafia V 19) Yoruichi - Mafia - Bankroller MATHGIRL! Need I say more? lol, you were awesome. The pinnacle strategist in the Girls Mafia, and a great player. I can't wait to see you in action again in Mafia V. Go logic! 20) Mekal - QA - MoD Great first game! I was surprised by the good luck of the QAs, and you guys played your cards well to lead to your victory
  2. unreality

    nice ;D and smart lol
  3. @ Y-san's Death Note idea: lol... we only use original material in our Mafia games, sorry ;P Hehe the roster so far: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS 20) Tolecnal Backups to potentially replace unconfirmed cyans: Backups 1) Rene83 2)
  4. A message from Math Girl for all those Wrongdoers who would oppose Her Logic: (and no I wasn't mocking her- in the game of Mafia, if someone points out a flaw in your logic, you can't just blow up at em I think that's what you're being accused of CP, though I'm not entirely sure) here it is: An angry mob of villagers surround the purple haired girl. Angrily, they thrust their torches into the night air. "Witch!" they cried, "Burn her, burn the witch!" "No, no, I'm not a witch!" the girl pleaded. "It's not dark magic, it's science! You see, if you run an alternating current through a conductor it induces a magnetic field in the direction of..." "Silence, witch!" The leader of the mob stepped forward and jutted his torch at the purple haired girl. "Me thinks thou protesth too much! Ye must be evil! We shall burneth thou tonight!" That having been said, the mob leader hurled his torch at the girl. Those behind the mob leader followed his lead and showered the purple haired girl with flaming projectiles. An explosion of flame enveloped the girl's body. Her screams filled the air, screams that were full of pain and shock and...laughter? Yes, the purple haired girl was actually not screaming, but laughing! "What manner of demonic magic is this?" someone in the mob cried. Shouts of "Devil-spawn!" and "Monster!" filled the sky. Fear overtook the villagers, and they began scrambling to run away from the spectacle. They were tripping over one another and falling onto the ground, causing dust and dirt to be flung into the air. Amidst the blaze and dust the the mob leader stood there aghast, unable to move, unable to speak. "...what?...how?..." he finally stammered out. The purple haired girl blew out the last flames from her sleeve and pulled the cap off of her head. She turned her gaze to the mob leader and smiled. "Like I said, it's science...and logic, of course." The girl threw her head back, letting her waves of hair fall across her shoulders. "I deduced from logical reasoning that you would lead the villagers here at exactly this time today, so beforehand, I coated my skin with a flame retardant I chemically synthesized, then I soaked my clothes in water then alcohol...so when I burned, I didn't actually get burned." The girl shrugged her shoulders and gave the mob leader the full benefit of her lopsided grin. "Well, that was fun, but I've become bored of this village. Time to head for new and greener pastures. And by my calculations, my ride should be arriving just about..." Her voice was drained out by the whizzing sound of a helicopter's propeller. A rope ladder dropped down and the girl grabbed onto it. She waved to the mob leader as the helicopter rose into the air. Seconds later, the purple haired girl climbed into the empty carriage of the helicopter, This new AI works pretty well , she thought, looking down at the fields and farms the copter was passing. Well, it was time to her take her logical reasoning skills to a new niche...she had heard rumors of excitement brewing some place up north...what was it called again? Bird City? Coldtown? No...wait...Pengville! Yes, that was it, Pengville. That was where new adventures and experiences were awaiting her. She didn't know what role she would be filling there, but whatever it was, she was determined to play it to the best of her ability. She knew that her logical reasoning skills were going to be a great asset in the battles to come. Yep, she thought, this is definitely going to be fun. [edit] Author: Yoruichi-san
  5. I know, I just gotta make sure with the new players ;D
  6. this is a message to Twoaday, Taliesin and Tolecnal: make sure you've read enough of Mafia IV. Know what you're getting into. It's a big time commitment, so if you can't be on often enough, please back down now. We don't want that to happen later when you realize it may be too much of a strain on your temporal resources ;D rene83: depending on when we start, LIS may not be able to play... also KOP may never confirm. Either case would let you take the spot. However, read the rules & roles & time requirements and stuff too. Know what you're getting into [edit to switch the 8 and 3 back around in your name ]
  7. oops, no: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS 20) Tolecnal Backups to potentially replace unconfirmed cyans: Backups 1) Rene83 2) rene83 PMed me
  8. LIS just replied to the PM, he has relatives over for the next 11 days... so if we do start on the 10th, he could play personally i would rather do option 1, but that seems to be against popular opinion but a plus side of option 2 is that LIS could play
  9. Frost, I say option 1. The stories won't be worse, it's fine ;D Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS 20) Tolecnal Backups to potentially replace unconfirmed cyans: Backups 1) 2) 3)
  10. the cyans need to confirm by this time tomorrow ;D Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS 20) Tolecnal Backups to potentially replace unconfirmed cyans: Backups 1)
  11. KOP and PG's slots are now open, since we've reached 20 players and they haven't claimed them
  12. LIS is unconfirmed too Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS 20) Tolecnal edit: though it couldn't hurt to have a backup roster
  13. no 20 people, but the cyans are unconfirmed
  14. I'm thinking we should also wait a bit for Wreath and stuff
  15. roster: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS [probably] 20) Tolecnal This color means we have saved these people a slot, but if they don't confirm their slot by the time the game starts or is going to start, someone else can take the slot tolecnal: yeah what Bb and the others said, about joining. Be active! If you don't vote in the day, you die
  16. unreality

    edit: dawh beat me to it
  17. yeah, to see who a jailbreak happened under I'm thinking of making it so you can only re-arrest 1 person that you arrested the day before
  18. days should always be 24 hours, regardless. Nights are 18 hrs MAX though, and can be done earlier if the PMs are in and of course either time limit can be extended for the host. It's fine, Frost ;D btw who saw post #130 about my jail idea?
  19. oops, I have to update my sig, only 1 open space now ;D
  20. what we got so far: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) KOP 17) Dusty 18) Puzzlegirl 19) LIS [probably] This color means we have saved these people a slot, but if they don't confirm their slot by the time the game starts or is going to start, someone else can take the slot
  21. I have an idea for Mafia VI... * Policeman - the Policeman/woman (I'll just refer to as "Policeman" and "he" from now on) can make arrests during the day. The Policeman can make as many arrests as he wants during the day by PMing me, of which I announce during when it happens- so everyone knows which people are in the jail. If the Policeman arrests the Master of Subterfuge, it's revealed that he tried to do so and the MoS got away, but the MoS's identity is not revealed (by me anyways). The people that are in jail can still vote and converse normally via visiting hours, lawyers, etc ;D Jailbreak- a jailbreak will never occur if there are only 1 or 2 people in jail, but if there are 3+ people in jail, and a majority of them are baddies, there is a jailbreak and everyone is freed from jail. If exactly half are baddies, there is only a jailbreak if those baddies are all in the same faction. A JAILBREAK ONLY OCCURS IN THE DAY POST AT THE END OF THE DAY. Another "Additional Role", similar to Tiebreaker and Masked Lovers (who are always randomly picked by the host), the Escapee is another role randomly picked by the host (and could be a baddie or Innocent). The Escapee will break out of jail solo at the end of the day, but only if there is no jailbreak. Those who are still in jail at the end of the day (after jailbreak and escapes) get x2 voting power the next day, if still alive, for their troubles. If the Policeman is lynched, there is a mass jailbreak that day and then the jail is closed down it's only an idea
  22. for KOP, PG, Mekal, Wreath, Johnson, etc- if they want to play they should sign up ASAP ;D (or confirm ASAP in the case of KOP and PG )
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