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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Another hint needed?
  2. Brandonb

    lol, oops! Thanks for catching that Well then yeah, I guess the other answer must be it.
  3. Brandonb

    Wow, ok, time for a hint I guess.
  4. Brandonb

    Edit: Or it could be rjsghk107's answer too, I hadn't considered that.
  5. Brandonb

    Let me know if hints are needed.
  6. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistently-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! -This puzzle is what I call a level- 5 Which means that this puzzle is- Various in length. There is a consonant that has been completely removed from the quote below. It is up to you to figure out what that consonant is, and where in the words that consonant is missing. The name of the author has also been removed, and will be revealed once the puzzle is solved. Good Luck! OZ LGV NU PLGAPZ INO NWK HPEZF QNWHM DZ LNKZ YKWFUKGUPA GM QNLXHZT, DWU QNAKZFF QG.
  7. Brandonb

    Oh BTW, I gotta give credit to the origin of the quote. ~Mark Twain~
  8. Nah, he's not kidding. As a Baddie or a Goodie I deceive all the time. At least I'm consistent about it . And yes I agree with Slick. Don't post stuff in the Mafia IV thread that it not related to the current activity in the game. Idle chat and ideas relating to everything outside of in-game observations needs to be confined to the signup thread.
  9. Brandonb

    Hahaha. That's funny. Though with the way you have been cranking out the answers for these things, I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if you could actually do it!
  10. Brandonb

    Wow, well done CL! And you too Alyanna! I wasn't sure how possible this was. Though I think I now have a rating system from 1-5 difficulty from now on. 1- Straight forward, decently long quote. Including all letters and the name of the quoted person. 2- Short quote. Possessing no conjugations. Also includes all letters and the name of the quoted person. 3- Decent length quote. Though missing a specified letter and the name of the author. 4- Decent length quote. Though missing a vowel and the name of the author. 5- Various length. Missing a consonant letter and the name of the author. How does that sound? Guess what difficulty #10 is going to be? Good job to you too GC. I hope you will give this (#9) just as much of an effort. Alright, I'll have #10 up sometime today. (Depends on how Mafia IV goes). WHICH BTW WE COULD STILL USE A COUPLE MORE PLAYERS IN MAFIA IV! Edit: to include Alyanna
  11. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistantly-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! -But wait, there's a twist. There is a vowel that has been completely removed from the quote below. It is up to you to figure out what that vowel is, and where in the words that vowel is missing. Good Luck! DT VST KPOGOIB WQPA MAMRTG DVOKV OM MQNTPOYP RY IA OI RVT DYPBU; IU ORM TEEOKOTIKA OM YIBA GPPTU XA RVT UOEEOKQBRA YE EOIUOIJ RDTBST GTI TSTPA UA DVY UYI’R FIYD IARVOIJ IU KI’R PTU. If no one can get this with a reasonable amount of effort, then I will give the missing letter. I have also removed the name of the person that said this quote.... you get that when you finish.
  12. Brandonb

    Good deal. For the next one I will try just the vowel thing. Then whether or not that works out well, on #10 I'm going to remove the author's name until the puzzle has been solved in addition to the vowel, or, missing letter thing. If it works well, and stays difficult but not impossible, then I will stick with that method after #10. Sound good?
  13. Brandonb

    Well Done! This was mostly an experiment, glad to see it works successfully. I think next time I'll just say that it is "A vowel"
  14. Brandonb

    True, I have considered that, b/c if the structure of the name is familiar to someone, then that person gets a key to the puzzle. I may try that, but first I have made a different change in #8, lemme know what you think.
  15. Brandonb

    Oops You're right. I guess I mixed up the lower case 'r' and 'n' on my key, sorry!
  16. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistantly-(always) replaced-(maybe) by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! -But wait, there's a twist. The letter 'O' has been completely removed from the quote below. It is up to you to figure out the words and where the O's are missing. Good Luck! P MLOS YSLECSD TPYSCHS QEN JMS JLYILJPOS, JYSELJPC QEN JMS PCJYSELCJ, LCD IPCDCSTT QEN JMS VCIPCD; BSJ, TJELCRS, P LN VCRELJSQVY J JMTS JSLHMSET. ~ILMYPY RPAELC
  17. Can you be on often enough?
  18. Brandonb

    Ooh, I forgot about Heroes! That's a good one!
  19. Brandonb

    I'm assuming this is referring to non-animated (since there is already a thread for that). #1 - Dexter #2 - Burn Notice #3 - The Tudors #4 - Prison Break #5 - Criminal Minds
  20. Brandonb

    Mafia IV

    haha, I was wondering the same thing!
  21. Brandonb

    Good job starfish. I figured that this quote would be a very difficult one to figure out, or at least get started. If you don't mind sharing, where did you start this one?
  22. Sweet. I know I pissed you off in the last game for being so eager... but c'mon, today is the 20th and we have less than 3&1/2hrs left for today. Lets start this thing!
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