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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Ok, I had something brought up that I had not noticed. There is a publicly confirmed ID that may no longer be used towards the RIE. The public appearance of DL saving Ysan last night in the post (plus no heroes died and there are only three originals remaining), in addition to the above quoted public legal RIEs made by the Heroes... Created a public logical certainty, so DL/Marth may no longer be used for the RIE. (If there are any others that I have not noticed, please feel free to bring them to my attention).
  2. Hehe, thanks guys. It's fun writing them, but kinda laborious And thank you to everyone who has died... I'm sorry that you had to go so quickly, but thank you for playing! I look forward to seeing you all again in #3 (which may be themed differently, but will still essentially be the same game). If any of them, I suggest reading the opening post of Hybrid 1. Some of the others got some good feedback, but I enjoyed writing the intro most of all (click the "trainyard" link in this game's intro to get to the post).
  3. The Wall It had been a loooong night last night (just look at the length of that post! ). So the company spent the majority of its time recuperating from the exhausting experience. “We are all tired” Petrelli said to his group. “But the Heroes must be also…” “Yes, working together will be our best chance for tonight” said Linderman. To which the Haitian emphatically replied … The heroes had a similar agenda in mind. They figured their best chance was to be sneaky, and work as a group. The company had chosen their target… they spent hours searching for Ysan, but to no avail. Then, when they were about to give up, they saw her calmly walking down a busy sidewalk in the middle of the city. “This is too easy!” The company thought to themselves as they closed in on their prey. They had all taken inconspicuous nearby positions among the crowd. They were all wearing bone mics in their ears, waiting for the word to pounce. “OK, Move In!” HRG said. Just then, Ysan noticed the crowd closing in on her. She immediately knew what was going on and put her back against the brick wall of the Pink Floyd themed album shop next to her…. She was cornered. Smiling devilishly, star_tiger made it to Ysan first and reached out to grab her prey. Just as she was about to clench her hand around Ysan’s throat, Ysan reached out too… and grabbed star_tiger’s wrist with a vicious death grip. Then suddenly, a pair of hands came out of the wall and wrapped around Ysan’s waist, pulling her through the wall. Star_tiger didn’t even have time to react. The rest of the company watched as Ysan Phrased into the wall with the help of DL. Then they witnessed star_tiger get pulled in right along with her… except… as soon as her arm and he head went through… she stopped. Horrid screams filled the air when people nearby noticed star_tiger’s decapitated body as it fell to the sidewalk… while her head and arm both laying unseen on the opposite side of that wall. It was a setup all along… The heroes had baited the Company, and Ysan deliberately positioned herself closest to where she knew star_tiger was positioned. So that when star_tiger confronted her, she could drag her halfway through a brick wall and then release her… to her death. While DL pulled her to safety. The Company Frost Prof. Templeton Sinistral Kathleen Star_Tiger The Unsided Unreality Reaymond LimeLiam SomeGuy Twin Pop The Heroes Prince_Marth85 Yoruichi-san grey cells dms172 Akaslickster Cycle Three Starts NOW! It will end at 8:00pm EST tomorrow. Rules and Roles The Nightmare Becomes Reality2 A Dark Cold-Blooded Night2
  4. 15mins people!!! Getting down to the wire! No PM by 15mins from now equals no action! No exceptions!!! EDIT: Cool! All the PMs are in! So I'm gonna just call the day as over. This will be a small post, lets see if I can get it done by 8:00
  5. Brandonb

    Oh, Niki already got 17 And someone else already had 8 (I was wrong) hehe
  6. LOL @ reference to Niki killing Parkman in Hybrid 1 EDIT: BTW, 57 mins till the end of the cycle! Gets those PMs in ASAP!
  7. I'm getting low on stories that I can copy and paste from the last game So if he can write posts then sure! I'm tired of writing the posts
  8. why? b/c at least 50% of the post was copied and pasted from the last game?
  9. A Dark Cold-Blooded Night Ted was filled with self-pity, as he came to realize the destructive extent of his powers… looking down at the body, laying at his feet. Just a few minutes earlier, Ted had been walking through the garden section of a local all-in-one store. He had picked up a few flowers that he was going to purchase, but by the time he got them to the counter they had wilted! They were droopy as if they had been put into a microwave for five minutes… So he asked a clerk to assist him, and they went back into the garden section. The clerk pointed out a specifically resilient flower that he believed Ted would like. Ted leaned over and took a big whiff… the sweet aromas filling his nose. Just then, he felt am overwhelming urge… Ted… sneezed… Mr Petrelli decided that he would go get a cup of coffee from the local Spark Bucks. After placing his order for something that I can’t spell, he went to the cashier and laid his cash on the counter. The girl took it and handed him his change. While doing so, as she placed her fingertips into his palm and began to release the coins into his hand, a strange yet familiar feeling swept over her. Everything went into slow motion and she began to feel herself draining. How strange… she normally had so much power, a snap of her fingers could power the building for an hour. She finished handing the man the change and felt faint. She excused herself and went on a break as Mr. Linderman smiled and walked out the door, realizing he had just gotten way more than he paid for. Later that afternoon, Mr. Petrelli announced to the company agents that he had visited Elle, and tonight we would be able to directly assist in the company’s onslaught. A shockwave erupted from his body. He wiped his nose and when he opened his eyes… the entire garden section was on fire. Ted looked down to see the charred corpse of Akaslickster laying at his feet. Who just moments earlier had been filled with life and beaming with a helpful smile… Ted fell to his knees and mourned the curse that had befallen him. Later that night... Mrs. Petrelli ordered her driver to take her to her residence in NY. She told her driver to just parallel park on the side of the street and leave the car running, she wouldn’t take long inside. As soon as the car came to a stop, she opened up the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the snow flurries. As Mrs. Petrelli stood up, she turned and looked to see a little girl walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head… Suddenly she heard her mom shriek as a loud CRASH sounded from just a few feet away in the road. The little girl was startled and let go of her balloon as she turned and looked at the body of Kat laying crushed into the top of a car parallel-parked on the side of the street. The mother panicked and swooped her child up into her arms… keeping her daughter’s face on her shoulder shielded from the horrible sight, and looking up in the air at the balloon as it floated away. But then, the little girl saw something, just a blur, of something in the sky. But she couldn’t get a good look at it before it was gone. The Heroes had killed Kat… Mrs. Petrelli stood still, just a few feet away, she had witnessed the entire event… somehow she had already altered the actions that were going to occur… the night’s new battle had begun, and all she could hope for was that she had not tipped the scales in the wrong direction. Dms172 peered out the window of the corner coffee shop. His breath fogged up the glass as he watched the snowflakes dazzle the air outside. “Really cold out there tonight,” the person at the counter said to him. “Yeah I know, I just wish I didn’t have to go back out there,” Dms172 replied, taking his coffee. The door jingled behind him as Dms172 headed out into the flurry of snow outside. He put up his hood and hurried down the lonely street of New York. The storm was getting heavier and heavier. As Dms172 kept walking, it became harder for him to see where he was going. After a few minutes, he realized that he was lost. Not far behind him, someone was tracking the footprints left behind in the snow. Dms172 turned a corner, when suddenly a gun was put to the back of his head. HRG fired the gun, dropping Dms172’s body to the ground amidst the falling snow. The footprints disappeared behind HRG as he walked away, leaving the snow to hide Dms172’s body for him. Linderman was walking around late at night, he listened to the sound of distant sirens that seemed to be closing in on him. He strolled through a neighborhood and as he walked, he ran his fingers along the side of a car parked next to him. In the middle of his calm stroll, he came up to a crumpled pile of what was once Kat, laying on the top of another car. “Well we can’t have that now can we?” he said to the pile of twisted flesh. Linderman merely bent over and touched Kat, and suddenly her body began to untwist and reform into the beauty that she once was. Kat inhaled and coughed, as she looked at Linderman with thanks and wonderment. “You are welcome young lady” he said with a smile. “Now things are about to get very… heated. I suggest that you go ahead and return to our rendezvous point. Mr. Petrelli stepped up to Prince_Marth’s door. He looked around calmly, and then knocked on the door. He heard footsteps and then saw a shadow cover the other side of the peephole. Petrelli’s hands grew bright as he buzzed with electricity. In one huge blast he sent a wave of energy into the door. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzztt. Suddenly a burst of electricity blew right through Marth’s door… “Are you OK?” Asked Nathan as he flew higher into the air while bear-hugging Marth. Mr. Petrelli stood on the front step steaming with rage as his target flew away into the night sky, carried by his last-millisecond savior… After that, the company’s thirst for blood hit a peak. They had intel about where to find grey cells. However, through a series of indescribable events, they chased him into a walk-in freezer with thick steal walls on all sides, and right when they were about to deal the fatal blow, a pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him through the wall… indescribably . The Company Frost Prof. Templeton Sinistral Kathleen Star_Tiger The Unsided Unreality Reaymond LimeLiam SomeGuy Twin Pop The Heroes Prince_Marth85 Yoruichi-san grey cells dms172 Akaslickster Cycle Two Starts NOW! It will end at 8:00pm EST tomorrow. Rules and Roles The Nightmare Becomes Reality
  10. 30mins remaining from this post, set your watch by it. The day ends in 30mins! Get your PMs in!
  11. Cycle ends in 1hr 45mins! PM those actions to me people!
  12. Cool A few things 1. Make sure you all always number your RIE guess. It makes it easier for me to keep track of when a team gets ahead by 2. Thanks 2. Never EVER for ANY reason, edit an RIE post, or it will be disqualified and still count as a use. 3. Heroes are now behind by 2, so they can make 4 consecutive.
  13. *******Just a polite reminder******** Since the Heroes have already submitted 2 RIEs and they also have one pending, The Company can now make 5 consecutive RIE attempts. Also, another clarification... *RIEs may not be withdrawn* Edit: Here, think of the RIE attempts on a number line. -2...-1...0...1...2 The Heroes have submitted the two RIEs (no team can get more than two ahead of the other team), which has set the Company comparatively back to -2. So to set them back to equal, the company can make two RIEs, OR the company could make 4 RIEs to jump up to the 2 ahead of the heroes. However, the Heroes also have a pending RIE, which would allow the company to make one more RIE (five total consecutive).
  14. Correct. I have answered the first two, but the response for the 3rd will not be given until the Company makes an RIE attempt.
  15. Another additional clarification. #3 (hosts should really be able to edit ) There are two instances where Niki and DL could both act during the same night. #1 If Niki is MIA (does not have BTSC), both players revert to "Any night but not two in a row." So they could both possibly act on the same night. #2 If Both had BTSC, One took action and Mohinder injected the other player allowing them to also act when they would otherwise be unable.
  16. Another additional clarification. Just like the last game... All saves will be written in the third person. Ex. if Bob is a saving role, and chooses to save himself... if his save is successful then his role will appear as a separate entity saving him in the post.
  17. Ok, all PMs have been sent! This game looks like it could be incredible! Make sure not forget about the new RIE setup! Good luck to everyone!
  18. The Nightmare Becomes Reality Riding in the back of her car, as her chauffeur was driving through a tunnel late at night, the droning sound of her engine hollowly echoing off the tunnel walls and through the sunroof… She snapped out of her subconscious haze as her car exited the end of the tunnel. Everything she had just seen… it seemed so real. Though of course, this was her ability. Seeing the future is what she does, so it didn’t even cross her mind as being odd. There was only one thing on Mrs. Petrelli’s mind… she had to stop the events she had just seen in her precognitive state. She had seen all of the events happening right that moment at the train yard, and on to 6 days into the future. It was too late to stop the events taking place at the trainyard, but if she could only get to her house. There was something there that she needed, it was her only chance to prevent this baffling loss of life that she had seen. Mrs. Petrelli ordered her driver to take her to her residence in NY. It was late, too late for parking enforcement to be around. She told her driver to just parallel park on the side of the street and leave the car running, she wouldn’t take long inside. As soon as the car came to a stop, she opened up the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the snow flurries. As Mrs. Petrelli stood up, she turned and looked to see a little girl walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head… The Company Frost Prof. Templeton Sinistral Kathleen Star_Tiger The Unsided Unreality Reaymond LimeLiam SomeGuy Twin Pop The Heroes Prince_Marth85 Yoruichi-san grey cells dms172 Akaslickster OK, everyone is in! Time to Begin! Cycle One Starts NOW! It will end at 8:00pm EST tomorrow. Rules and Roles
  19. Ok, an additional clarification. If Mr. Petrelli (as a result of using his ability) reveals his role to a living hero (with BTSC), then Petrelli will be considered as publicly outed and may not be used for the RIE.
  20. CL PMed me that she's out Sin IMed me that he's in 1. Prince_Marth85 2. SomeGuy 3. Kathleen 4. Reaymond 5. Prof. Templeton 6. Akaslickster 7. Ysan 8. Unreality 9. Star_Tiger 10. Limeliam 11. Twin Pop 12. Frost 13. Sinistral 14. 15. Two spots remaining... a couple names come to mind that would fill these last couple slots nicely.
  21. Yes, they have control. For example, there are four MIA possibilities (The four killing roles: HRG, Elle, Ted, Nikki). Of those, one from each team will be MIA. All that the MIA players will know is that they are MIA, they will not know which of the four they are, and therefore will not know which team they belong to. All they know for sure is that they have the ability to kill. And all killing roles (without BTSC) are able to kill any night but not two in a row. So the MIA players may or may not choose someone to kill each night/day/cycle. It's completely up to them. Keep in mind that the RIE has been tweaked in this game. So the odds of recruitment have been increased by vast multiples. In fact, it is possible for every Unsided player to be drafted on the first cycle. The bottom of this post
  22. There are a total of 15 roles, and there are still about 4 spots remaining, depending on Frost and Cherry Lane's decisions. So far the roster looks something like this Prince_Marth85 SomeGuy Kathleen Reaymond Prof. Templeton Akaslickster Ysan Unreality Star_Tiger ?Cherry Lane ?Frost Also, as soon as the roster is filled, they will be randomly rearranged and will be posted like this: The Company 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Unsided 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Heroes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) This will publicly show every player on each team. However, their particular roles will not be shown. If there are any questions please ask in the thread. **The game will begin tomorrow at 8:00pm EST whether or not the roster has been filled.
  23. Heroes Hybrid 2 --Rules-- - From here on in the instructions and descriptions, Cycles=Days=Nights. It’s all the same. -This game only takes place in 24hr cycles. All actions must be decided within 20hrs (Day ends precisely at 8:00pm EST, no actions will be accepted after 8:00), and the post will go up in the following 4hrs (the next day will begin when the post is made). -All roles must PM their action/inaction to me each night if they are able to take action. Failure to send a PM confirming the decision of action or inaction will result in default use of the ability with no effect. (Ex. If no PM is received by HRG during a given cycle, he will use his kill ability, but it will not harm anyone, and he will not be able to use it again the next day). All of a team’s role actions may be collectively PMed to me by a single member of the team. -If an ability is ever attempted, whether it is successful or not, it will still count as a use. -There is no lynch vote. As a result, there is little incentive for a great deal of posting in the thread, except for any conversation made in an effort to learn the roles of the unsided players. So the more conversation, the more likely a team will make a successful draft. -Every day, each team may make one collective kill attempt, in addition to whatever actions are taken by the kill roles. -At team may satisfy a double-source kill during a particular night by sacrificing the following night’s group kill… Rephrased: a team may use the current night’s kill, AND choose to sacrifice their following night’s kill, in order to fulfill a double-source kill. Because the members of the team risk too much to successfully make the kill against their target, they would spend the next night recovering. *To clarify, this is not necessary if the team still has one or two killing roles still surviving. Any variation of two attacks on the same target can satisfy the double source kill. Also, Saves are not susceptible to double source kills. Only the things that specify double source kills are susceptible to double source kills. --Drafting-- -ONCE* Every day, each team may choose one player to draft from the group of 5 unsided players. In order to successfully make a draft, the team must PM me the correct name AND role of the unsided player. If a player is drafted, they will be aligned with the drafting team, and will gain BTSC with them. However, the opposing team will not be informed whether or not the draft was successful. -If a team makes a guess, and they are incorrect, then they are informed only that the draft failed. -If one team has already drafted someone... then the other team tries to draft that same person, they are informed only that the draft failed. -If both teams attempt to draft the same person on the same night then the guesses will cancel eachother out, and both teams are informed that the draft failed. *However, if a team purchases an additional draft attempt, and doubles up two consecutive identical guesses, which match the other team’s single guess, then the initial two guesses from each team will cancel eachother out, but the extra-purchased guess may go over-the-top and successfully draft the player. -*Teams may also purchase additional draft attempts by sacrificing the use of a chosen role’s ability (with current BTSC). -No team may draft the MIA member of the other team. --Role Inequality Exchange-- - At any time, on the thread, a team member may make a formal guess about the identity of any player that does not have BTSC with the guesser. In order to make this guess, the player must disclose a TRUE statement about any Player AND Role on his/her team (with current BTSC), in the form of "<NAME> is not <ROLE>". After this is completed, I will PM that team with the truthfulness of their guess (in terms of 'right' or 'wrong'). A team may attempt two RIEs, and get confirmations from me. However, to get a confirmation on the third, the opposing team must respond in kind with an RIE attempt of their own about any player not on their team, and also must provide a true statement about one of their members in the abovementioned form. But, if there is a refusal to respond to the first team's guess, then that will stop the RIE. Keeping in mind that the first team would then have some clear intel on two players and a possible confirmed ID, while the second team would be left behind with zero helpful info for drafting. *This is so that no team may get more than 2-confirmed RIEs ahead of the other team.* There is no limit to how often this RIE may occur. [Note= the same inequality statement cannot be made twice (though you can use the same player again, just with a different role, and you can use the same role twice, just with different players), and it must pertain to a living player whose identity has not been publicly confirmed.] RIE’s are completely independent of the time considerations set by the cycles. There are three groups. (Starting with 5 players per team) The Company: *All-but the MIA members have BTSC* Objective: Kill all of the Hero members including the MIA player. • Mr. Petrelli – Any night but not two in a row, he may steal the ability of any living role for the night. But when he does, he will be outed to the role that he stole from after the following post. If the role is already dead, then the steal fails. If the ability was going to be in use by the chosen role, then they would not be able to use it until the following night. (*Stealing the ability of a player that has current BTSC with the company, would count as a use for that player. Stealing the Ability of anyone else, does not count as a use by the target). • Linderman – 1) Every night will be able to choose any person to protect for the night, but not the same person two nights in a row (this ability may be used on himself). OR 2) Any night but not two in a row, instead of protecting someone, Linderman may come to the rescue of any person that died the night before. He will be able to choose any person after they have died from a single attack and revive them. However, he will not be able to revive a person that was attacked by more than one source (double-source kill) at the same time. Linderman may not use this ability on himself. (This ability will not go through until the night. So no BTSC with the deceased player is allowed until they are officially brought back into the game). • Candice - Any night but not two in a row, she may choose any person and change their reality. Candice’s target is randomly redirected to anyone. However, Candice may specify three players that will not be redirected towards. • HRG – The man with the Horned Rimmed Glasses. Any night but not two in a row, HRG gets to kill one person. Because this is not a power, this ability may not be stolen by Mr. Petrelli, nor reflected by Peter. HRG may be saved, but may not be resurrected by Linderman. HRG is outed when he dies. • The Haitian – Any night but not two in a row, selects one player that will be unable to use their ability for two days or until they try to use it, whichever comes first (*Effective the same night or the following. The target will be notified in the post that they were chosen, whether or not they acted). • Elle – Any night but not two in a row, Elle may electrocute someone to death. The Heroes *All-but the MIA members have BTSC* Objective: Kill all of the Company members including the MIA player. • Peter –Any night but not two in a row, Peter gets to visit one person, and uses that person's ability on them. If Peter is visited by 3 or more people on the same night he will blow up and take everyone else that visited him with him. (IF peter chooses Ted, then peter gains Ted’s invincibility, however, he also mimics Ted’s kill ability and thus counts as 1 towards Ted’s double-source kill requirement). • Nathan – He can save someone each night by flying them to safety, but not the same person two nights in a row. • Mohinder Suresh – Any night but not two in a row, Mohinder may inject any other player with a serum that will allow the person to perform their ability for the second night in a row (of course this excludes/inapplicable to saving roles that work every night. And yes, the second use counts as a use and therefore the ability would not be used on the third night). Because this is not a power, this ability may not be stolen by Mr. Petrelli, nor reflected by Peter, but may be prevented by the Haitian or redirected by Candice. • DL – Any night he can save one person, but not the same person two nights in a row, and only as long as Niki isn’t killing someone. If Niki dies, then DL gets restricted to use his ability any night but not two in a row. • Niki – Any night she can kill one person, as long as DL isn’t saving someone. If DL dies, then Niki gets restricted to use her ability any night but not two in a row. • Ted – With his radioactive powers, he can kill someone any night but not two in a row. Also, due to his radioactivity, it is difficult for any one person to get close enough to make an effective kill on him. However, if Ted is attacked by more than one source (double-source kill), enough damage will be done to cause Ted’s death. Also, Ted can never be saved by anyone. (Ted’s kill may be manipulated by any role that is able, but his invulnerability may not be effected by any role other than the Haitian). The Unsided *No BTSC until drafted* Objective: Survive till the end, or win with the drafted team. • Matt Parkman – Any night but not two in a row, he may choose one person to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered. This ability will not be instant; it will go through in the post. Matt cannot be protected two nights in a row. • Claire Bennet – May save one person any night but not two nights in a row, and she can’t save herself. She is invincible to everyone (except Peter's explosion) as long as HRG is alive. Because her invincibility is not a power, it may not effected by any other role. Claire may not save HRG. • Isaac Mendez – Each day he paints a picture showing the events of the night before and learns the roles that died. Also, any night but not two in a row, Isaac may paint the picture of the role of his choosing, and show the action that was taken by that role the night before. ***The unsided group will also have two MIA members (They do not start with BTSC with their teams) • +1 Random Killer Role Company Member without BTSC • +1 Random Killer Role Hero Member without BTSC These two roles will only be able to be drafted by their credited teams, at which point, they will regain BTSC. *Tip: Keep in mind that the opposing team will also be looking for all hints possibly given by the MIA players, and IDing an opposing team's killer role would make a juicy target.
  24. Brandonb

    My New Year's resolution is to actually stick to my resolution this year! ...though I have yet to come up with a realistic resolution to which I could apply that resolution.... Edit: Ok got it! My resolution for this year is to figure out a resolution that I can stick with... for use on New Year's 2010
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