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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    My suggested actions (and a few questions) itachi, kat is now on the surface. Can Nestor's ability block her from being moved to a random place in Tartarus if she is successfully attacked? And again, do all players have to move in the same direction the same number of spaces? Nestor Blocks Riranor's movement Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks Prof T Athena Protects CP Odysseus Kills IDNE Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Argus spies Odysseus' ID as he moves through the dungeons (block/ID) or Hades Blocks Diomedes from attacking PT (not sure which one) 3) Cerberus attacks ST (Block/ID) Ending positions will be... 1) The Surface - Kat, ST ~The River Styx~ 2) Ixion's Path 3) Hell Swamp - riranor 4) The Valley of Sisyphus - CP 5) Fire Cave 6) Dungeons 7) Snakes' Cavern 8) Prometheus' Mountain - Bb 9) Tantalus' Lake 10) Volcanic Pits 11) Hades' Castle What are everyone's thoughts?
  2. Brandonb

    Crap, forgot to make the plea during the day <_< Oh well, another advantage that goes to the baddies for being the only ones during the entire game that have had to understand the new change in rules.
  3. Brandonb

    Ok, then I guess Kat being lynched is a semi-good things Maybe tonight they will not double-up protection on GC
  4. Brandonb

    Itachi, I have a few questions: 1) If "The effect also makes them have 50% chance of death next Night as well" for the Siren, and "If any Player dies on the Surface, they wind up in a random area of Tartarus." then if Kat dies on the surface from the 50% chance, she will not be removed from the game correct? 2) Where is Kat located right now? Last night (before the post) I made it clear that we would've used Nestor's ability to keep Kat on the surface if we had known that ST wasn't on the surface. I dunno if you went along with that though... So we need to know where she is, to know whether or not to fight her being lynched. Then again, it comes down to what the answer to #1 is...
  5. Brandonb

    Good deal! Well then we need to make a statement saying that we have no quarrel with the indy roles. We have freed Odysseus, so now the time is coming to an end for the monsters of Tartarus. Besides, the Indy roles should vote with us if they want recruitment since the baddies have already made 1 plea.
  6. Brandonb

    Yeah... this little thing right here has completely turned me off to the debate that was being attempted. You (5dollars) would've done much better to phrase these questions with an injunction such as "operating under the assumption these statements are true..." But instead, you went all Al Gore on us and starting making false statements while saying that we can't argue it b/c it's fact. Blah, well if at first you don't succeed....
  7. 1) SomeGuy [Monster] - voting for Kat 2) Impervious [Olympian] - voting for Kat 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC - voting for JS 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat - voting for GC 8) Bb - voting for GC 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST - voting for GC 11) Artificial I - voting for Prof.T 12) Riranor - voting for GC 13) JS - - voting for JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro - voting for Kat 16) IDNE-voting for Artificial I 17) crazypainter voting for Prof.T
  8. Brandonb

    Hmm... now what to do about today's lynch? I'm thinking that we all hit GC. Thoughts? Edit: If the baddies lose to the lynch again, then they will make a 2nd plea to an indy role and pick up another one. So maybe we should lynch me? Problem with lynching me is that I will have to nullify one of you tonight... and I need all of you. Hmm.... I think maybe we should hit either GC or an Indy role (that will not be able to make a plea)
  9. Brandonb

    Well, if anyone is lynched, then it should be me since I am completely invincible when it comes to the lynch. However I do not know if... itachi, will being lynched force me to the other side of Styx? Also, it's pointless now for me to go unknown now. Tomorrow night I will be outed anyways when Argus Spies me passing through the Dungeons.
  10. Brandonb

    It's too late to change things... but I just wanted to illustrate that the setup was to keep ST on the surface and protect Kat from attack. and now that things are not what they appeared to be initially, everything should be swapped to keep Kat on the surface and protect ST. Leaving CP as she is (though I figured she would be fine b/c Athena is protecting her)
  11. Brandonb

    I don't understand how CP would be dead? Do Athena and her target need to be on the same side of the river or something? This (different position) changes everything now, which is why I had initially asked if my positioning was correct. B/C if ST is on Ixion's path that means Nestor didn't block her (she moved up then back down again) Which means that I would want Nestor to Block Kat's movement downward, and keep Kat on the surface. And if Kat is on the surface, then I do not need to use my prediction to protect her, and change my Prediction from pertaining to Kat, and make it apply to ST instead.
  12. Brandonb

    If I must perform as if I am still chained (cannot move/attack), then if they attack me it should act as if I am still chained and do not have to sacrifice an Achaean in my place. If that's how it works then I'm OK with that. Edit: NVM, cool
  13. Brandonb

    Final Actions Nestor Blocks ST's movement Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks GC Athena Protects CP Odysseus Kills RMZ Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Cerberus Attacks Kat (block/ID Cerberus) 3) Minotaur will protect GC (block/ID Minotaur) Ending positions will be... 1) The Surface - ST ~The River Styx~ 2) Ixion's Path 3) Hell Swamp - Kat, riranor 4) The Valley of Sisyphus 5) Fire Cave - CP 6) Dungeons 7) Snakes' Cavern 8) Prometheus' Mountain 9) Tantalus' Lake 10) Volcanic Pits - Bb 11) Hades' Castle Sound good to everyone? Edit: I couldn't imagine a better way to do it
  14. Brandonb

    WE DID IT!!!! starting at THIS POST Itachi, has the night ended? If so I want to move down 2 and kill RMZ
  15. Actions are sent and ready to go, lets get this game rolling
  16. Brandonb

    OK, one more try Nestor Blocks ST's movement Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks GC Athena Protects CP Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Cerberus Attacks Kat (block/ID Cerberus) 3) Minotaur will protect GC (block/ID Minotaur) Ending positions will be... 1) The Surface - ST ~The River Styx~ 2) Ixion's Path 3) Hell Swamp - Kat, riranor 4) The Valley of Sisyphus 5) Fire Cave - CP 6) Dungeons 7) Snakes' Cavern 8) Prometheus' Mountain - Bb 9) Tantalus' Lake 10) Volcanic Pits 11) Hades' Castle
  17. Brandonb

    Question. Does everyone here have AIM? If we could all get on in a chat at the same time, then we could coordinate this to all happen at exactly the same time with no delay. My Screen name is Andrell17
  18. Brandonb

    Oh, it blocks traveling? gotcha. Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks GC Athena Protects CP Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Cerberus Attacks Kat 3) Minotaur will protect GC (block/ID Minotaur) And I believe the current locations are: 1) The Surface - Kat, ST, riranor ~The River Styx~ 2) Ixion's Path 3) Hell Swamp - CP 4) The Valley of Sisyphus 5) Fire Cave 6) Dungeons 7) Snakes' Cavern 8) Prometheus' Mountain - Odysseus/Bb 9) Tantalus' Lake 10) Volcanic Pits 11) Hades' Castle Everyone will remain in those positions tonight (Move down one move, then move back up with the 2nd) OK, I need to ask again how the movement thing works. Are attacks only successful if both players are on the same side of the river AFTER their movement or BEFORE their movement? Also, are those the correct positions of all of our players?
  19. Brandonb

    what do you mean?
  20. Brandonb

    Hey, don't worry about it! This is great news! In light of the new ability: Nestor Blocks GC (cerberus?) Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks GC Athena Protects CP Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Minotaur will protect GC (ID Minotaur) 3) Minotaur will protect GC (block Minotaur) How does that sound to everyone?
  21. Brandonb

    What's Nestor's secret ability?
  22. Brandonb

    I figure that if the Minotaur is saving GC, then Hades will most likely not be adding "block Diomedes from attacking GC" on top of the protection provided by the minotaur.
  23. Brandonb

    Nestor boosts Diomedes Diomedes attacks GC Athena Protects CP Odysseus guesses: 1) Hades Blocks Athena from protecting CP (block Hades' block) 2) Cerberus attacks ST (block Cerberus) 3) Minotaur will protect GC (block Minotaur) How does that sound to everyone? BTW, Itachi. If Hades blocks one of my (Odysseus') actions, does that block all of my actions, or merely the one that he/I specify?
  24. Brandonb

    LOL, sorry Kat. Sorry, I just assumed that since the only way Hades could block athena was through the single action that athena was carrying out, the additional info wasn't necessary. I'll specify when I repost after Kat chooses to use her ability
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