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Everything posted by akaslickster

  1. akaslickster

    I don't think it'll fit in one topic. Perhaps underneath Others in the Misc. I was best at spelling. Maybe, I won't be useful.
  2. akaslickster

    It would be safer to have both hands on the bars near the breaks, while wearing a pancho. My grandfather had a neurotic problem and could not pick his legs up to walk, yet they were perfectly strong enough physically. Ever since I've had a car, I used my bike one time. Also, since I've had this job, I've never been late for work.
  3. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    It looks like Impervious started her off and the rest as well as about 3 mafia had bandwagonned along with him. I ain't that sure about him nonetheless.
  4. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    Host: Lost in Space 1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat 2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat 3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia 4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat 8 - JarZe - 9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat 10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat 11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth 12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER 13 - Impervious - voting for Kat 14 - Kat 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante You must have read my mind as well as my earlier post. It seems to fit. I will be happier if he turns out to be the don.
  5. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    Well I still have a full evening. I have been watching how someone has been voting. It is also peculiar and questionable. Nobody has proof on Kat just yet. It is obvious they are blending in with us innocents. The most obvious, I shall vote for.
  6. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    At the very least, 3 mafias are voting for you. Could they be sacrificing you? You may be an innocent , so I may not jump on the bandwagon so fast.
  7. akaslickster

    I found the ranting right here. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=51148952
  8. akaslickster

    We should simply not need all these dentists and doctors ripping us off, just to walk in the door. I think we all should be healthy so they can't bill us to death.
  9. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    I want to hear from Kat and others before I am sure enough to vote. We should'nt have to change a dozen times.
  10. akaslickster

    How does he gumthrough the shell? Why would he save them? I know it's disgusting but I think we have the right to know.
  11. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    Who is writing N2? So far everything has been enjoyable. I can read through the typos. I will ask goodies to vote for the obvious. GC seems to be on the ball and thinking alike.
  12. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    One other item in which I failed to include in the prior post. I kept track of the bandwagoneers. So don't think you have been forgotten. If you kill me, oh well, I ain't a powerful goodie anyhow. Therefore, nothing to lose. I will say that my influence is very detremental toward the win for the goodies.
  13. akaslickster

    I am up to popular opinion. I personally enjoy this game and do not want to see it pass. Let's just keep it going and Jrod started it and I am willing to play as the others. We can't spam this up so someone take a turn before I write a poem of my own again. EH?
  14. akaslickster

    Ma'am, if an incurable disease was founded, don't you think that it would be out in the open??? I am involved with the Rotary Club, which as donators, helps kill things like polio and other things. I am not reluctant to believe it is not possible, however, you should post a link to this miraculousness.
  15. akaslickster

    Not to criticize but, that is ancient material. Just like
  16. akaslickster

    All you drug companies that try so hard to make garbage that will not cure you. Then you lead people to believe that your junk is good. FOR SHAME!!! I learned my lesson years ago. I am not helping to make you wealthy at the expense of my health. Some of it is prescription and some over-the-counter. You do not want people to be cured or get better, because that would stop your profit from increasing. So you in-turn create this temporary relief BS. The prices are too high and you can't fool me with that junk any more, so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    Wow! Sooooo many pages,after me working a 10 hour shift. I believe too much knowledge for the mafia, will definitely hinder us. Sorry Lemony, I knew you were a goodie this time but, that first lynch is almost always a goodie. Saving roles need to be extra careful. I still am not sure about all of those who appear to be innocent. At this point, there is still little to go on. BTW I can't afford the parking ticket on the hummer. EDIT: GC, I believe you are an innocent so far.
  18. akaslickster

    I guess this game died.
  19. akaslickster

    I would like to rant about people with no bathroom ettiquette. They usually don't flush after themselves. They don't wash their hands. They litter up the floor. They all stink badly and if one of you are reading this then, poop on you! <_<
  20. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    You can't proove it without breaking the rules. You are at the mercy of the general public.
  21. akaslickster

    A week ago I carefully opened a jar of pickles for the first time and the juice jumped out on the counter. Why do they fill them so darn much? I have many more, I'm sure. This is just for now.
  22. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out- voting for Lemonymelon 3 - IDNE - voting for Jarze 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Peace*Out 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for Jarze 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for Lemonymelon 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze Thats it. Quit the bandwagonning please. JS and Peace, you both best not be lying. I don't think I'll be switching anymore.
  23. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out- 3 - IDNE - voting for Peace*out 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Jarze 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for peace*out 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for IDNE 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze Perhaps she does not want to bring attention to herself. Typical baddie inactivity as well.
  24. akaslickster

    Mafia Olde Style

    I just mixed up the freemasons. Something led me to believe that Riranor was an innocent. Now I'm not so sure about that. Things have been getting crazy around here. When things are twisted, I can make mistakes as well. I decided to change my vote, and trust JS in being honest. The very first time I did this, I died. I just thought that too many Mafia's went on the bandwagon after you. It may show if we lynch one.
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