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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Our candidates have been running for election for about 2 years as it is. I don't see why we can't have multiple elections to narrow the vote and get it to a near-majority for the final decision. There's certainly plenty of time for that.
  2. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter [?] - killed by Mafia 2)Cherry Lane - voting for - woon 3)Slick [?] - killed by S.W.A.T Agent 4)Joe's Student [?] - killed by Room Cleaner (Role Manipulation of Hitman) 5)Itachi - - voting for Bodhi 6)GC - voting for Bodhi 7)Kat 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb - voting for Bodhi 10)Woon voting for Frozen 11) Ben_Law - voting for Bodhi 12) Jane 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi - voting for woon Bodhi sounds suspicious and the people that I have as trustworthy are all voting that way so I'll follow suit.
  3. That's fine with me. You can spy on me Bb. Given the odds, we are both probably on the same side since it has never happened. Also, I'm thinking slickster was the RW or the Guard because of the keycard hint. CP sounded tough.
  4. Actually, I don't think a 3 party system would work and have not said so... I think. If I did, then my mistake. It has to be even numbers, either 4 or 6 parties with equal amounts on the left and right, only at different levels of right/left wing commitment. For instance, the Libertarian Party would fall on the Right Side, but be closer to the middle than the current Republican Party. Edit: basically, what Brandonb said while I was posting
  5. Thanks. it means: in my opinion. the first time i saw it, it took me a while to figure it out. i think it just looks like a strange acronym. but, if anything, wouldn't that promote the "grand" status
  6. yeah, that's another thing. I think Obama is a straight-faced liar to put it bluntly. He clearly is lying about not having heard hate-speech after going to the same church for 20 years... that just doesn't add up. IMO Obama doesn't care about religion at all. He was raised Muslim and then converted to Christianity. I think he did this as a political tool to work his way up in Chicago because a lot of prominent black people attended Wright's Church and it got Obama into that social circle and helped propel him. I really don't think he's religious (which is fine, I'm not, but I don't lie about it) and I don't think he listened to Wright for all that time and never heard any white people and America bashing. No way. In case anyone wonders, because I am pro-McCain for this election, I am totally Independent and registered that way. I hate both parties and am in favor of a multiple party system which I've said a few times. I think Bush was a failure as President and that Congress was also a failure these past few terms. I prefer having no bias based on political affiliations and just look at the individual and the policies they want implemented. Remember, just because Obama and McCain say they want something done, doesn't mean it will happen even if they work as hard as they can to make it happen. Congress will most likely be Democratic again, so if McCain wins, it's going to be a struggle for him to get things passed. That's why the 2 party system is awful. The other party primarily looks for ways to make their counterpart look bad.
  7. I'd like to say that it won't effect my vote for the following reason: what can the next President get changed through law based on their religion that will make any impact? -I think the answer is nothing, but honestly, if I'm wrong, I'd like to hear what could feasibly be passed into law based on their personal religion.
  8. I think Huckabee wanted the fair tax and I know Ron Paul did. I don't think either of them would made good Presidents, but they're right in that regard. Pickins says we need to drill also. We need to drill to start momentum here. In addition to going nuclear, all the natural gas and energy programs (tide, solar, wind). They're trying to get a bill passed right now in congress about doubling the land oil companies can drill on, but now there's a whole issue of them not having the drills to make it happen, it's a very weak back and forth. I say "shame on our country for not doing this 30 years ago and shame on T. Boone Pickins for making every last cent off oil and then trying to come across as a humanitarian when it's really the only way he can keep making money." He should have started this back in the 90's if he was so for America's prosperity. edit for clarification
  9. no offense, but this post contains no information... why is he a total joke? why does Sarah Palin have no clue? -she's the only one there who's run anything (small business, mayor, governor) I'm guessing you like Obama. Why?
  10. Firstly, I think it's fine to trash something without hearing the alternative. Trash is trash , but so may be the other guy's plan. Here's McCain's plan which I think is appropriate and possible for the times right now. -much more so than Obama's govt. will solve everything plan. The link I gave you is pretty propagandist, but I got frustrated trying to find one that isn't. It's pretty tame compared to most political policy pages I saw. I am for The Fair Tax or at least something very similar. Neither candidate wants this of course. Basically what I want is the IRS dissolved along with all its taxes. The tax dollars we spend then go onto what we buy. Instead of buying a pair of jeans for $20, they are now $22 bucks (whatever is the fairest percentage, I'm just throwing random numbers out here). It equates perfectly to economic status. For instance, if you can afford a $20,000 car then you can afford a $22,000 car especially considering there will be no other taxes. Then for the rich, if they afford a $200,000 car, they can afford a $220,000 car, so they will pay that and then they're tax free. The govt. gets it's money based on fueling the economy and fairness for personal wealth basically. Everyone pays taxes on what they buy right then and there and that's it.
  11. I'm also in favor of the popularity rating idea. Actually, what you have said makes a lot of sense, and I'll need to think about it more. Would you say the same about the Executive Branch? Also, forgive me for being extremely general but the National Healthcare Obama is talking about is awful as Bb pointed out. Just think of how many Americans want something for nothing. Then think of how fast that system will be abused - maybe 1 week and every other American we will be at the hospital with common colds. Bb's article was awesome. Also, I believe and prefer alternative medical treatments which wouldn't be included in Obama's plan. The reason I like homeopathic remedies is because I have found that they actually work and are symptom free. This of course is the opposite of what the pharmaceutical cos., FDA, insurance cos., and govt. wants so I will never get financial support from them. Again, they only care about their power and money and not the people. Another dig at Obama is that he proposes over a trillion dollars in govt. run programs, and then says he will only increase taxes on the top 5% of people. 2 things: the tax on the top 5% doesn't amount to that much... so where's he going to get the money from? And also, if you tax the rich guess what? They will increase the price on whatever products they own and we all will wind up paying more money anyway. Like Bb said, Obama's economic plans are garbage.
  12. Obama is a face and a voice, that's it. He's not a "change" maker. He's never done anything worthy of political accomplishment, let alone something that can be called reforming or change. He's like a fad and I'm sorry to say that he's gotten so far on words and charisma. I feel like Obama will be an easily managed puppet. McCain is a story about being a soldier and the problem is: that doesn't qualify him to be president. That would mean every POW could be president which makes no sense and I would like to stop hearing about it. I think he will do better on our Foreign Policy than Bush, because frankly, it won't get worse. McCain is also a long-standing part of the govt. that he claims is broken... I don't think McCain will be a puppet, but I also don't agree with a lot of what he says. I feel like not much will "change" no matter who gets picked. I'd actually rather see Palin be President than either of the other 3. I liked Ron Paul to an extent. And I'd love to see a New Party or Parties emerge, but that won't happen this election-and it won't happen for a long time until the country wakes up. Palin's record is more accomplished than all 3 of the others combined. I'm also getting tired of hearing how she has no experience. She's young and has more experience than everyone left. Senators shouldn't be considered seriously for Presidency. They don't really do much except hold the country back for personal and political gain for their faction. The Democrats wanted to make Bush and the Republicans look as bad as possible for this election. And it worked. But in doing so they hurt America, again reinforcing the fact that politicians like the power, not the country. The only way to "change" America is to disrupt the 2 party system and put in place a 4 or even 6 party system. And to make term-limits for Senators. Now that's a paradox if I ever saw one! They are the ones in charge of voting to decrease their own power... I wonder why they keep voting "no" on term-limits...
  13. itachi-san

    am i right or am i right?
  14. So, does God fall under that category of magical sky fairies? Um, what's with the Holocaust reference? You're comparing apples and oranges. The Holocaust happened and can be proven, God's existence cannot be proven. I think we agree here. There is no meaning regardless of God or not, like unreality said a couple of times already. ...I thought that a lot of what you said in this post is too obvious to say, but I guess I was wrong there. The whole "everything we do is ultimately selfish" idea is totally extraneous to this discussion. I think I agree here, but it has nothing to do with what I was saying. I don't fear death because I think life is meaningless. That's not an appropriate conclusion. I love life and think that it has no meaning. If I die tomorrow, I won't feel bad about having died so young, because I won't exist to think or feel anything. There's nothing depressing about things ending if you realize that it is inevitable and accept it. I would love to live a very long life, even immortal maybe. I've thought about it. What's better: something or nothing? I'll take something, especially because there is always so much more to learn and experience. That's what makes life and living great. Why would anyone not want to be immortal (not that that term can even be described scientifically-so let's say 1 million years lifespan) -I know I would like that.
  15. I was just thinking yesterday what I would do if a mountain lion attacked me. I should have been thinking about how the mountain lion was going to defend itself from me. God could have been there if he wasn't destroyed by those scientists Wednesday... but He wouldn't have helped either of us anyway, just the typical sit back and watch routine. If they open up a miny-Black Hole on Earth and create a Lost Island, I call Locke.
  16. Yeah, I'm playing that too and Mekal's... also, I was planning on taking a Hosting break anyway. There will most likely be a 3rd Battle, but not for a while.
  17. Y-San got me to watch Baccano! which was really great. It made me think of an anime if it were directed by Quentin Tarantino and set in the 30's. It's not for the squeamish though, like Tarantino also... I also checked out RahXephon which I'm still watching, but it really isn't sucking me in at all, I wouldn't recommend it. It's like a NGE ripoff and not as good. Best New anime I've seen is Gurren Lagaan! It's freakin' awesome! Also, I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread, but Great Teacher Onizuka is easily one of the best animes ever. It should replace something on my top 10 now that I think about it.
  18. you're welcome and thanks! About DeathNote coming to America, and this is obviously just my opinion: I saw both movies in Japanese and thought they were awful, so English dub will only be worse. I saw the show in Eng Dub on Adult Swim and couldn't stand it for more than 1 minute. However, the show in Japanese, with English Subtitles, is one of the best shows ever (anime or not). I'd advise people not to waste time and money seeing the movies when they come out here.
  19. Yeah, but also factor in that Kenshin could have used his second Defense, which would give him the best odds of winning: 50% in the next Day Lynch which could have been Blindfolded on you. Since Kat made the right choice with this Lynch, I felt like stretching the Game on to another Night and/or Day would have been somewhat unnecessary, and I gave her the best odds she could have. If the game continued, you had the higher probability of winning so I'm glad that's how the coin-toss landed. Edit: if Kat Defended for the next Night, you wouldn't have been able to find her to get that 100% kill. Also, there wouldn't have been a draw if Kenshin attacked you successfully because you used your Ability on Y-San which was successful btw, but Alucard got her as everyone pointed out.
  20. Actually, I flipped a coin for both of you. He died, you lived. You could have both died.
  21. Day 2: Itachi and Kisame watched with one eye open as they concentrated on their Technique on the nearby hill. The three survivors of last Night's massacre walked into the field at the same time. A strange voice seemed to permeate everyone's ears, and it was coming from the nearby forest. ???: Which one do I get to eat? I'm so lonely. Who gets to share my pain? Itachi: Prince Marth. Eat till your heart's content, Zetsu. All three Characters looked toward the woods and saw that the closest tree began to move. No...wait, it wasn't the tree. There was someone slowly emerging from the tree! Zetsu leapt forward and onto the ground. He walked toward Marth. Zetsu: You're a scary one. But so am I. Marth wasn't sure what to do. He had never encountered anyone like this. The Venus Fly-trap surrounding Zetsu's human form opened and engulfed Marth. Marth didn't make a sound as Zetsu devoured him. The ground began to open and everyone could see the gates of Hell. Marth's spirit sprang from Zetsu's closing jaws and sped down through the crack. After it vanished, the earth closed into itself as if the chasm had never been there. Zetsu: mmmm. ...tastes like Vampire. Kat and Surge looked at one another and Zetsu turned to them. Zetsu: Since it's just the two of you, your fates will be decided now. And who better to decide that than me? Kat, you are a great Samurai and Brandonb *excuse me* Surge, you are a great deceiver with a divine eye-technique. The winner of this coin-toss will be highly recommended to our organization, but as you can see, we're all a bit busy extracting a Bijou right now. Surge: What's a Bijou? Zetsu: That's not for you to know, unless you watch Naruto of course. Kat: Heads. If it's heads I win. Zetsu produced a coin from his cloak. Zetsu: This coin doesn't have 'heads' It only has life or death and I'm flipping it just for you. Zetsu flipped the coin high into the air and it landed on the ground with a small thud. Kat began to shiver. The coin showed a Grim Reaper with a sickle. Before she had time to realize it, she was being devoured by Zetsu and within hardly anytime at all she was gone. Zetsu turned to Brandonb. Zetsu: Well played C.C. Again the Geass Order wins, but you didn't have such an easy time this Game. It seems the Heroes are learning, slowly but surely. Congratulations on the Victory, a fitting end for the one who instills the Geass Abilities in others. That power could definitely be useful for our organization. Zetsu's plant-like body closed and he slowly descended into the Earth. He was gone and only C.C. remained. Itachi: As you can see, we're busy here. You're performance has impressed us though. Now leave us before we change our minds. C.C. left the Village with satisfaction at her victory. As she exited the Front Gate of the village, she gave the battle grounds one last look. She left the Village with the intention of creating more Geass Users for her own entertainment and possibly a Third contest if the opportunity ever arose. Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth - Alucard 2) woon - LeLouche 3) Joe's Student - Light 4) Kat - Kenshin 5) Prof. Templeton - Ed Elric 6) CL - L 7) GC - Naruto 8) dawh - Yuna 9) Y-San - Ichigo 10) Surge - CC 11) FIF - Spike 12) Mekal - Rolo Great Game again everyone! Thanks for playing! Congrats Bb! -and Kat (you only lost from one final coin toss after all )
  22. OK, I'm on and I guess we'll wait for what Kat has to say. I could just end the Day since all 3 of you voted. She doesn't sound like she's going to change her vote.
  23. I'd like to say that I think this is an awesome turn of events and good luck to the 3 remaining fighters. No offense to the deceased and thank you all for playing, but I thought what happened last Night was super-sweet All voting ties during the Day will be settled by chance. For instance, if you all vote for someone else, the Lynch will be random. Also, take your time thinking about this, I won't be active until tomorrow afternoon. Akatsuki has gotten very interested in this contest and just may recruit the winner.
  24. Night 2: Light finally decided to take action. "Who to kill? Who to kill?" He calmly leaned back in his desk chair and tapped his pencil against his head. Light: Whatever. They're all murderers when it comes down to it. Light opened the Death Note and what sounded like an orchestra began to play around him. The pages flipped wildly as the unholy book opened to this Night's page. You could almost hear the opera singers as light's eyes flashed red as he wrote the name: dawh. Dawh was walking down some wooden planks near the shore of the Village, admiring the moon. Suddenly, his heart stopped and he fell into the water. His body washed ashore, but would not be found until the next morning. --- Prof. Templeton knocked on woon's door. woon: yes?! Just a minute! woon unsteadily opened the door. "Hi, won't you please come in?" Prof. Templeton: How kind of you. But you do realize why I am here, right? I'll give you a hint. It's not for tea. woon: Oh I know why you're hear. I was expecting at least one guest tonight. And there's nothing I can do about it. Prof. Templeton: Do about what? woon: We're both going to die tonight. Prof. Templeton: I'm not so sure about that. woon got up and rushed at the Professor who quickly stabbed him in the chest. woon grabbed his chest with a shriek and wobbled backward falling back against the wall with a splat. "Then let it be so". A bright light began to shine from woon's eyes and mouth, but the Professor did not flinch. The shock was extremely large though and blew the Professor apart. Alucard leaned back in his chair. Alucard: I smell blood. Alucard appeared at woon's house to find one body completely destroyed and another body with it's head exploded. Alucard: I missed out on this!?!! Now the blood's not fresh! *sigh* It's like a nightmare to see this much blood and not be able to feast. --- Joe's Student ran from his house when he heard a voice over a megaphone: "Come out with your hands up!" He was running so frantically from the sudden threat that he didn't even notice the squad cars in front of his house. When he did, he froze. "Drop your weapons! Now!" Joe's Student: Like Hell I will! He raised his arms and was punched through with so many bullet holes the moon's light could be seen right through his body. He fell to the ground in a bloody mess. Captain: L, come in L L: What's the situation? Captain: Subject was hostile... again. We took him out. L: Fine, bring me the body. --- GC soundly slept only to be kicked in the ribs. "No. No. My dream. I was having the most wonderful dream." GU: Get up! GC: Wait, I feel like this has happened before. It's Deja Vu! GU: And all over again... you will kill yourself! --- CL was restless and out walking through a field under the starry night. She was admiring the reflection of the night sky in a nearby pond, but then noticed a figure standing in the center of the pond, illuminate by the moon. CL: Who are you? ???: I'm sorry, but I have to kill you now. Please don't blame me. I'll send you properly. I need the experience. She then began to dance above the surface of the pond. Yuna: My name is Yuna. And I promise I will send you to the afterlife as peacefully as can be. With that, Yuna nodded her head and CL slowly, yet elegantly, disappeared. --- Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon -DEAD (in an explosion) 3) Joe's Student -DEAD (Killed under orders from L) 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton -DEAD (in an explosion) 6) CL -DEAD (Killed by Yuna) 7) GC -DEAD (killed by the GO) 8) dawh -DEAD (killed by Light) 9) Y-San -DEAD (Killed by Alucard) 10) Surge 11) FIF -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 12) Mekal -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Rolo) Itachi: haha! Now that's what I call a Battle Royale! Day 2 begins now! Who's gonna get lynched?
  25. itachi-san

    did you die when you tested it?
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