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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Nice, I love Chemical Brothers and Crystal Method too. is my favorite Chem. Bros. video edit: ... - "The Test" is really quite something, well all their videos are I guess
  2. itachi-san

    For a change of pace, if you want to chill out to some great ambient music check out these artists: Bjork Aphex Twin (not all ambient) - try "Avril 14th" for a start Amon Tobin Boards of Canada - "Music is Math" is my favorite Plaid Enigma Trent Reznor (not all ambient of course, but his new album Ghosts is amazing) Imogen Heap Ladytron Radiohead and Pink Floyd obviously, my favorite albums are probably Amnesiac, KidA and Meddle
  3. itachi-san

    I liked it. I hope it's not your last
  4. All good guesses, but the first 2 lines are never really addressed in these answers. I'd say you're all in the stands, but no one's made it to the outfield yet.
  5. I think Prof. Templeton knows the recipe Great job so far everyone!
  6. itachi-san

    lol, but the Bush Administration would be invincible. The Karl Rove character would just hypnotize everyone each day and night That would make for a sweet Mafia game though, but when it comes to Politics, I can't seem to think of any Innocents...
  7. Negative. But you're in the ballpark... sort of
  8. itachi-san

    I know someone who used a laser to remove his. It worked pretty well, but you can still see parts of it. The laser was one of those alexandrite crystal types. I think it is the best way to go about it, meaning basically, that you cannot get it fully removed. I think there was something he did wrong though and if he hadn't then the results would have been better. It was something like getting a tan right after or before the laser treatment.
  9. I'm not as hot as I suggest I'm not as useful as the rest If parts of me are dense I'll be very tense But some can travel free With help from electricity
  10. lvl 1) AHM UGHP MNT JZYL HXNTP PGL PLILPA NQ IHPZNIHJ ANRZHJZAD KTKL, HP JLHAP ZP'A HI LPGNA lvl 2) GIXQN UV XZ DXKKPIGG - NIT HAGA lvl 3) XUWJ LMFU PMAR LNMUL MKNUJXLU XU'AA DUEUJ PUK MVK MR KNL IAWZU WAEU (missing "i") lvl 4) PXD UDD CDUCNT ZKPXCD, SPHCBTP OMMY T YBRS. - YCKA JPDRPW (missing a vowel) lvl 5) LP QZTE PSN PGT WISYFZF WF LP QZTE LDZ AZNE LDWTK LDUL UBZF SF DSUT - PSFZ (missing a consonant) lvl x) VJT NTFV YIOKH OK VJT HKZBK CKOWTIFT OF VJT SMK-RMDMLVOL RMIRDT NDMFVTI. OV JMF VJT TQQTLV ZQ JMWOKR EZCI NIMOKF FGMFJTY ZCV BOVJ M FDOLT ZQ DTGZK... BIMSSTY MIZCKY M DMIRT RZDY NIOLH (missing logic) Feel free to answer with a letter or the complete quote, but use spoilers please Since these are quotes, the grammar isn't always correct Extra kudos for naming the film (without looking it up of course)
  11. itachi-san

    Amazing avatar! Gaara pwnz... no doubt. Sabaku Rou!
  12. disregard this post please
  13. itachi-san

    sweet, we're fake mensa buddies , edit: no pen and paper here though edit: did anyone get the "insatiable" one? just curious. I didn't sweat over it because it just looked rediculous, then I saw the answer and realized I was right.
  14. itachi-san

    Agreed. His is the coolest tattoo ever I don't have any and most-likely won't get any. The reason being is that I change my mind a lot and tattoos are permanent. Case in point, a few years ago, a few friends and I were going to get similar tattoos based on something we happened to be into at the time. And now, I hardly care about that image and would probably sigh every time I saw it on my body. I have no problem with others having them and I find about 5% of them to be pretty cool, but it's just too permanent for me. A friend of mine got one while drunk... wow at least 2 things to not do when drunk: 1) call an ex 2) get a tattoo also, dragons and tigers are indeed amazing
  15. itachi-san

    Well apparently Mensa wants me now... I highly doubt this test means much though. I once took a real IQ test that was pages and pages long and incorporated a much wider variety of skills. I highly doubt one's intelligence can be determined in this manner and even though I haven't looked into it, I doubt Mensa recruits this way. If they do then BD > Mensa any day of the week
  16. itachi-san

    Nice article Bb! I have a couple questions to pose: 1) What, if any add-ons should be incorporated onto the bill for the bailout? 2) Do the shareholders bare some of the blame for not attending share-holders meetings for the companies they have invested in? 3) What do people think about Bush basically forcing Obama to go to Washington? for 1, I think there should be a comprehensive reform on Federal oversight of these companies to prevent future mistakes. Also, I think the "golden parachute" should be eliminated. No CEO should get money for failing in their job and bringing a company down. I'm not sure what to say about getting the mortgages involved on the bill. I think that would make it too complicated for Congress to handle. for 2, I think the shareholders are not really to blame because those shareholders' meeting are usually held in Northern Maine or somewhere purposefully inconvenient to go. for 3, I think it was funny and that he messed up McCain's hero plan. McCain set himself up to "suspend the election and go fix Washington" like Superman or something. And now Bush totally blocked him. Funny stuff and I don't quite get it.
  17. who could you possibly be referring to? sorry to burst the liberal bubble you've got goin' but it's my opinion that the 24 hour news networks should be eliminated because of all the harm they do - but that would be against the 1st amendment of course, so we just have to hope that they don't brainwash too many people. I get mainstream news from: cnn Liberal from: democracynow and conservative from: drudgereport ...and a bunch of other sites, but I definitely like to hear as many sides as I can (and then make my own version of the truth) Well, it seems my input gets mostly ignored here because of the liberal majority (see posts 95 [the last part], 96 and then 98...). That's ok, but I couldn't leave CP hangin' on believing I was some avid Foxnews junkie . The funny thing to me is that I don't even like the Republicans. Either way this election goes I will be neither happy nor sad. It's just the continuation of a failed state of governance no matter who wins office.
  18. Edit: Eh, I posted some hints, but it seems I can use them again in future Mafia games... muahahahah I bet CL got your hint Bb, now I try to look for hidden sentences within sentences... I'm still disappointed I didn't get her riddle... <_<
  19. In regard to the huge bail out, there is a hopeful positive, but if that doesn't happen our economy is really done for. Basically, the govt. is going to auction all the capitol (like houses, etc...) retrieved from the financial companies that went belly-up like Fannie May, AIG and the like. Hopefully investors will buy into this and then in the long-term our economy will benefit and the tax-payers won't get screwed. They fixed the short-term and Wall Street went back to being stable, but it's this long-term plan that has to be achieved for economic success. But if the govt. doesn't sell it's intended target, then I can see how the US will lose its status as a super-power. As I stated in the previous post, I am not for govt. regulations and think that having to bailout the stock market like this is absurd, but that is the situation we are presented with and everyone is coming up with a plan, except for Obama of course, who can't make a decision about anything. His indecisiveness about any major event is really unprecedented when coming to a candidate who has about a 50% chance of winning the election. I just don't get what anyone sees in him, if they look beyond the charm that is.
  20. The victory I stated is the end result of Obama's plan, yet you don't agree? I agree, which is why I said it. Obama also wants Iraq to pay us back for the war since they have such a high surplus, which I also agree with. Both campaigns are extremely general when talking about anything and frankly each one's rhetoric are easily interchangeable. Change, change, reform, reform, blah, blah. Well I guess I don't see connections between anything... shame on me for not being able to think on your level. Here's another quote I liked: This is exactly what I was trying to prove with the Rothchild move, because this is exactly what she and I did. Here's another good one: So was one of my housemates. I guess he's just as qualified for Presidency. --- I wanted to move this discussion forward into the current economic crisis, so let's see if that happens and we don't start talking about the Founding Fathers and comparing them to today's politicians. Bush just proposed a Trillion dollar bail out - this is very bad McCain switched his stance on govt. regulation and now supports the bail out - this is very bad Obama is refusing to make an economic plan to help this crisis and is letting the Bush Administration (who he is so outspoken against and rightly so) take full control. - this is also bad Nancy Polosi (sp) - is pushing a bill to add even more money that we can't afford into the bail out in an effort to make the Republican look even worse - this is bad as well So again, I'm disappointed on all fronts. Hopefully Congress will do something right when they receive Bush's final proposal, but based on current history, I doubt it.
  21. In an effort to please Mekal, I'll just bullet point a few things - Obama is not Lincoln, and he will not be Lincoln. Lincoln was one of the best Presidents we've had in our history. What in Obama's past suggests that he will comparable to Lincoln? If anyone, McCain will and he has the history of reaching out to both parties and uniting them. That is what Lincoln did. His cabinet was made of friends and enemies (politically) so that he could hear the opinions of all. Obama is an extreme leftist (most Left in the Senate) and has only associated with Democrats, Socialists and Communists. He has no conservative friends. I just saw him interviewed, and he couldn't name one single conservative friend. I know McCain has plenty of liberal friends including Joe Biden. And McCain has said on the record that he would put liberals in his cabinet, even Obama himself if possible. - Linda Rothchild now supports McCain Long-time Democrats and people who wanted Hillary Clinton are moving to support McCain, because they are looking at what's left: McCain or Obama? Like Linda Rothchild, I'm just looking at the character and the policies. I don't care about who belongs to which party. - Victory in Iraq is when the Iraqi's take over for themselves and lead on with a Democratic Govt. Hopefully this will inspire other countries' people in the area (like Iran) to want to personally remove their dictators and become free on their own so the US doesn't feel inclined to do this again. I doubt we will without worldly support again. Let's learn from History right? - The Iraq war was not a good thing and neither was the Bush Doctrine. But now that it's happened, there's no undoing the past, however bad it may have been. The only answer is to take what we have and make the best out of it. Europe's new leaders are already starting to align back with us (even France and Germany) so they will hopefully be able to press Russia economically and stop a war there.
  22. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane - Killed by [Prisoners] 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi - voting for Kat 6)GC - voting for Kat 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon - dead [prisoner] 11) Ben_Law - voting for Kat 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia [Left in Cuba] 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist] Kat's done a good job of pretending to be innocent, but she looks increasingly baddie as this game goes on. I was right about woon, let's hope I'm right about Kat. Also, I moved your vote BL, you have Kat voting for herself. Edit: it's really weird when Bb and me aren't going at it... I miss that
  23. Captain: Sinistral 1) Cherry Lane 2) 3) Wally West 4) FIF 5) Crazypainter 6) Joe's Student 7) Ben_Law 8)dusty 9) 10) 11) 12) -If enough signups- 13) Dawh 14) 15) 16) Backups: 17) 18) Sorry Sinistral. This looks really fun, but I won't be able to play.
  24. I think I should probably drop out of this. It's a really interesting game, but I can't devote much time to it right now. I suggest that Sinistral just takes my spot in this challenge so that no more time gets wasted trying to find a replacement. Thanks for the game, it's definitely cool.
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