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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. I disagree. If you take the shortest path possible the maximum distance until you find the road, would not simply be many many miles. You have no way of knowing since this is a new location for you opps..i mean the minimum, but since you are asking for maximum..many miles should be the answer.
  2. You have no way of knowing since this is a new location for you
  3. Two men, David and Clifton, and their wives, Kim and Allison, go out shopping for books. Each person paid for each book a number of dollars equal to their number of books. David bought 1 more book than Kim, while Allison bought only 1 book. If each couple spent the same two-digit sum, who is Kim's husband?
  4. After parachuting into the woods at night, you land right next to a sign that says : "Road: One Mile." But it has fallen over, and there's no way to know what direction the road is. Describe the shortest path you might take that will guarantee reaching (touching) the road. (You can't see the road until you reach it!) What's the maximum distance you might walk on your path? The only difference, is that you know for a fact that wherever the road is, it is definitely a straight line.
  5. BMAD


    but any combination of letters can be a name...so i cry "foul"
  6. You have no way of knowing since this is a new location for you
  7. BMAD


    Unfortunaetly, unless we repeat tiny or tidy we cannot continue the game.
  8. BMAD

    Crazy People

  9. Mia needed to calculate the volume of a rectangular room. She multiplied the length andthe width correctly but the width had been incorrectly written down, it was one-third larger than it should have been. To make up for this, she lowered the height by one-third, then multiplied it on. She figured this was okay since the width was equal to the height. She then found her volume was off by 20 cubic meters. Why was Mia wrong, and what was the actual volume?
  10. After parachuting into the woods at night, you land right next to a sign that says : "Road: One Mile." But it has fallen over, and there's no way to know what direction the road is. Describe the shortest path you might take that will guarantee reaching (touching) the road. (You can't see the road until you reach it!) What's the maximum distance you might walk on your path?
  11. A basketball is dropped straight down from the rim height of 10 feet. Each bounce, it rises to the same percentage (p%) of its previous height. The ball finally comes to rest after traveling a total of 70 (vertical) feet. What is the mystery "rebound" percentage p?
  12. As a fuzzy fruit farmer, I know how many peaches people produce. For fun I figured that last year my peach trees averaged as many peaches per tree as there were trees. But this year I reckoned the average was only 97 ppt (peaches per tree); that's 3500 fewer total peaches with the same number of trees. How many peach trees do I farm?
  13. Excess Exercise Ernie can do 20 pullups, or 30 situps, or 40 pushups, in one minute. Doing one pull-up burns 1.5 calories; one sit-up burns 1.8 cal; a push-up burns 1.2 cal. Ernie is too 'pressed' for time; you need to design him two Efficient Exercise Efforts: (i) Panic Workout: Lasts seven minutes, burns exactly 300 calories, with a total of 200 reps, (ii) Full Session: At least 30 min, burning at least 1200 calories, with as few reps as possible. Each workout must contain at least one rep(etition) of each exercise. State how many reps of each type, and total reps, for each workout.
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