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Everything posted by nana77

  1. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    *****ED SHARING - 0 BULLETS - 0 HANDFUL - 0 COVERED - 2 COVERTS - 0 MikeD +10
  2. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    ******* SHARING - 0 BULLETS - 0 HANDFUL - 0 COVERED - 2
  3. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    ******* SHARING - 0 BULLETS - 0 with that, bbl, g2g for now
  4. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    ******* SHARING - 0
  5. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    I have the word, and the word is -------
  6. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    If it was not deepend, then maybe the way to the deepend was to... DESCEND
  7. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    STARDOM - 0 this rules out A as the 3rd letter REDOING - 2 UNDOING - 1 That rules out R as starting letter since E counts as 1, and dropping the RE from REDOING-2 would have had UNDOING as 0 if R were correct. Since UNDOING had 1, then R is not correct and therefore is ruled out. STARDOM - 0 rules out R as 4th letter. So for REAREND, 3 letters are ruled out, and since it has 4 points, that means -E--END are correct, as the only letters left.
  8. nana77

    One Up Me

    If there is something you should never forget...Don't you forget about me!
  9. nana77

    One Up Me

    If there is something you should never forget..it's that we're not in love anymore. But you keep forgetting... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2iFqcFcdBU
  10. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    If the END was not confirmed above by getting 4 for REAREND, ignore this next guess please. I just wanted it in before someone else tried it. Otherwise, maybe the word is... DEEPEND
  11. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    REAREND both R's and the A are previously ruled out as possible in those spots. First E is previously confirmed. So if it is 4 points, that confirms all three at the END
  12. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    I'm bored. UNDOING if 0, then R is proven as first letter.
  13. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    STARDOM If 0, then S is wrong, 2nd letter as E is proven
  14. nana77

    Seveny Rollo

    TURFDOM If 0, then S or E from SERFDOM must be right.
  15. nana77

    Sum It Up

    810+42-6-7*9=783 in case the answer is yes
  16. TEAL your next try?
  17. nana77

    Sum It Up

    hmm, within 1 point (10+6)*(42+8)-7-9=784 can numbers be combined like 6,7 into 67 or 76?
  18. nana77


    is this WRONG
  19. nana77

    Sum It Up

    btw, are you Nana7 from Mafiamaniac, Nana77? Yes. My Nana7 account here was lost in the crash months back and I did not feel it worth the trouble of reviving. and Hi Curr, nice to see ya.
  20. HEAL, if 3 proves -EAL since can not start with H MEAT, if 3 proves MEA- since can not end with T Would also like to guess: VEAL MEAD
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