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Brainiac100 last won the day on February 24 2013

Brainiac100 had the most liked content!

About Brainiac100

  • Birthday July 29

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    Earth (Or am I?)
  • Interests
    Reading, running, hanging out with friends, and acting like I'm cool. I love science and math; most people would consider me to be a typical nerd.

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  1. I just joined mafia for the first time... It should be a lot of fun!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thalia


      As TC said, WiFoM stands for Wine in Front of Me. Yes. It is from the Princess Bride. There is a scene where the main character and one of the bad guys are having a "battle of wits". There are two goblets of wine and one of them is poisoned. The bad guy will pick and then they drink. The bad guy starts off on a tangent about how he knows exactly which one is poisoned. It's a bunch of circular logic. So "only an idiot would put the poison in front of him so I can't choose t...

    3. Thalia


      I guess the post got cut.

      So "only an idiot would put the poison in front of him so I can't choose the one in front of me. But he knows I know that so I can't choose the one in front of him. But he knows that I know that he knows. . ." Do you get the idea?

    4. Brainiac100


      Yes ma'am. Thanks!!

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