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Everything posted by phil1882

  1. it's not faith if you base it on reason and evidance. i have yet to see a single piece of evidance for God's existance. nor is there any self conistant logical argument that leads to him existing. what action could a person take other than a confession of his beliefs that would convince you he belives in God? there is no way to read a person's mind yet., so we have no way of knowing whether he belives or not. maybe he goes to church out of some obligation to the community, maybe he prays not to a god but to his doctor or lawyer, maybe he just wants attention, or the oppsiite, doesn't want to be an outsider. I does god create the rules? if so then how do you know whether or not god has changed his mind recently and has ordered people to kill? or do the rules exist prior to God? if so then what do you need god for?
  2. saying no god is your god is like saying bald is a hair color. it's the oppsite of hair color. its the oppisite of having a god.
  3. no clue on this one. seems to me you can at most eliminate two roads.
  4. granted, i now completely ignore all the genie rules, thus you die of a horrible psychological mental anguish over the period of several weeks; while i grant you more corrupted wishes and send you spiraling into hell. i wish for everyone to have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. .
  5. granted, your intention was to keep the game going, so it does. i wish for 1 billion dollars to be legally acquired and deposited in my bank account.
  6. granted; I'm no one. i wish to know the last digit of pi.
  7. i tend to agree with curr3nts assessment. no way to get a guaranteed solve in 4. best i can do with 4...
  8. edit nm i got it. i was only thinking of the heaviest being equal but any of the three positions can be equal.
  9. hmm. i only get 47 total cases. there are 4! = 24 cases where all coins are a different weight, 12 cases where 2 coins are equal, 6 cases where 2 pairs are equal, 4 cases where 3 are equal, and 1 case where all coins are equal. am i missing something?
  10. granted, the exact same day keeps repeating itself forever, with everyone realizing it but not being able to change anything. i wish i had better typing skills.
  11. chads close enough that i'll give it to him.
  12. this isn't really homework, just something i'm fiddling with. let's say 100% of all people earn a dollar or more; and 90% of all people earn 10 dollars or more; and 50% of all people earn 20 dollars or more; and 33% of all people earn 30 dollars or more; and no one earns more than 40 dollars; can you write an equation that goes though the other values? (can you compute say 2 dollars or more?)
  13. Zorro, wielding a blade made of candy cane, glowered at his foe who was quite hirsute, with his jukebox playing battle songs in the background.
  14. as far as i can tell i originated it, but i was inspired by a similar pattern created by someone else. they used blue triangles all the way through, rather than red and black squares.
  15. granted this is the last post, everyone loses interest. therefore i don't wish.
  16. gummy bears, bouncing here and there and everywhere on the substrate, made the colloquial remark, "if at first you don't succeed, obfuscate."
  17. granted, your wish is corrupted is some inexplicable way. i wish to succeed at whatever i attempt and whatever i attempt, is something i truly desire.
  18. wow you guys really put a lot of time and effort into this. i appreciate that. the rules are pretty simple, or at least the ones i was trying to follow.
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