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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. So i was thinking about all of the "Revolutionary" mafia games out there and i decided to make RVB mafia have an interesting new concept... i'm not relesing the roles or anything till the official sign up... but as far as i know this is the first mafia with 2 innocent teams (I know that Dms's has 2 teams but this one is acutally 2 DIFFRENT teams competing against each other...
  2. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

  3. Mekal

    okay... i am just putting my finisshing touches on my program... the red sea is almost finished...
  4. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

    are you going to post the night post early if you have enough PM's in?
  5. Mekal

    That was my favorite... These are Great!!!
  6. Mekal

    okay... i know this has already been solved... but i am determined to get it right...
  7. Mekal

    edit to clarify: There is a point in the deck where the odds are in fact 51/1326 (which is 2/52), but not all points are the same... your goal is to find the ideal point in the deck, and then determine what the odds are and thus if you would take the bet Okay... i am probably reading into this too much... but here goes nothing...
  8. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

    The Company 1) Marth 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy just reposting the roster for easy reference...
  9. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

    Just randomly saying... i don't think you can do it to a undecided... I may be wrong though.
  10. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

    Way to put yourself down... as to PM... i will only go to the side with ghost popcorn (Where is kat when you need her...)
  11. Mekal

    Heroes Hybrid

    Okay... I am in... sorry about that... i was at a movie...
  12. when you are in mafia and you are secretly wishing for kat to die so she can make some more ghost popcorn...
  13. Mekal

    Or is it... I think YOU are the last mafiso...
  14. Mekal

    Jumper Mafia

  15. Mekal

    I doubt i will be able to create a decent program that can get me past round 1... but i will try... But as for a name... The Red Sea 1) unreality 2) Frost 3) dms172 4) Mekal
  16. When your english teacher is going over a stupid elementry review and the way you know not to end sentences with a preposition is from UR's How to Write Good.
  17. Mekal

    Nah... Mike Huckabee would be a pretty good president... as far as i know, i havn't really looked him up... but from what i have gathered he is a good all around person... Besides... Palin has a bit too much in her life and the media is already on her so there is a high chance she wouldn't make it past the primary's But anyway, best of luck to obama... may he not get overwhelmed and may he exceed my expectations... (which should be easy since i don't really have any... )
  18. Mekal

    Oh well... we can survive... so now... MIKE HUCKABEE FOR 2012!!!!!!!!!
  19. Mekal

    Jumper Mafia

    on the bright side...I lived alot longer than usual... Anyway... Jumpers... Be careful... These palidins are very tricky...
  20. Mekal

    Jumper Mafia

    I am going to bed before i am off, 1) Be reasonable... don't do anything irrational like vote for inactive players, it dosn't mean anything, just that they can't get to a computer 2) I am going to be off untill 4:00 central time tommorow... unless i get on a computer and they havn't blocked the Proxy i am using... 3) In the case that taliesin comes out with a role and i am not around to change my vote, that dosn;t make me suspicious And good night!
  21. Mekal

    you know, i learned how to do this in algebra 2, but i suffer from extream lazyness desise, so here is the formula... i think...
  22. Mekal

    Jumper Mafia

    first off... Who says we don't want you in the game? It IS the first day so votes are going to be random. I feel insulted. second off... You really should't give up so quickly... you never know what can change... maybe sombody will change votes or such.. This does NOT mean that you are out of my "Radar" though...
  23. Mekal

    Jumper Mafia

    Just saying, voting for yourself is not always a sign of being a baddie, it is just another way of not voting...
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