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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    this is the last bunch, have fun http://www.hssa.com.au/Documents/TriviaReb...zlesAnswers.pdf
  2. TwoaDay

    a few more http://www.puzzlesurfer.com/puzzle/browse?page=1
  3. TwoaDay

    here 100 more http://www.fun-with-words.com/rebus_puzzles.html
  4. TwoaDay

    this site has alot http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/braintpics.htm
  5. TwoaDay

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Chuck Norris was originally in DOAIV, the had to take him out because he would kill you before you started
  6. TwoaDay

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    if superman and batman had a fight chuck norris would win
  7. TwoaDay

    tearz is right, 94 of your combinations are either wrong or the same just starting at a different point, its hard but it is possible to prove all 94 wrong
  8. TwoaDay

    infinity is so not infinite....
  9. TwoaDay

    everybody pm with your choices, this is taking sooo long
  10. TwoaDay

    i reasearched it and there are definately only two answers it will be really, REALLY hard for anyone to change my mind or prove my wrong (and thats probably because its impossible, i know im right) and again GJ tearz
  11. TwoaDay

    im not sure about the rest, mabey someone else can help
  12. TwoaDay

    name='starfish' date='Jul 27 2008, 03:09 PM' post='53712'] These are the 12 combinations I have so far. Maybe I mis-read the question? If it has m before it its the man, if it doesn't its the women. I couldnt show the example in circles, so have put them in a line, same thing though - just imagine it in a circle! m4 w3 m2 w1 m3 w4 m1 w2 this m4 w3 m1 w4 m2 w1 m3 w2 this m4 w3 m2 w4 m1 w2 m3 w1 m4 w3 m1 w2 m3 w4 m2 w1 m4 w2 m1 w4 m3 w1 m2 w3 and this are the same m4 w2 m3 w1 m2 w4 m1 w3 and this are the same m4 w2 m1 w3 m2 w4 m3 w1 m4 w2 m3 w4 m1 w3 m2 w1 m4 w1 m2 w3 m1 w4 m3 w2 m4 w1 m3 w4 m1 w3 m2 w2 this doesent work m4 w1 m2 w4 m3 w2 m1 w3 m4 w1 m3 w4 m1 w2 m2 w3 this dosent work
  13. TwoaDay

    ok, i finally realized why there are only two answers beacause this is a circular table, there is no first or last person. all of the variations posted other that the two are all just starting with different people, and yes i am pretty very sure about this. B)) :ph34r:
  14. TwoaDay

    who else picked dont pick this choice?
  15. TwoaDay

    Edit: deleted everything, i read the problem wrong
  16. TwoaDay

    i agree with powzd, it said he is heading twords the middle of the field, not walking twoards it
  17. TwoaDay

    well if you werent so important and otherwise awsome unreality, i would totally have blocked you
  18. TwoaDay

    she was a fish, im pretty sure this has been posted before and i know different forms of it have been more than once
  19. TwoaDay

    who picked dont pick this choice?
  20. TwoaDay

    those were funny and u had alot
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