6:04...looks like I'll do the night post.
Night 1: "And the Games Begin"
City 17, forgotten district, known as "The Neighborhood"
The “Doctor” walked home tired after his long shift. Frying burgers was not his idea of a dream job and the conditions he worked in were sub-standard to say the least. He was sure glad he wasn’t eating the one eating there. He walked up to the 2nd floor and got his key out. A sudden noise behind him made his heart rush. “Just that damned kid from 14B again. One day ...” He finished unlocking and creaked the door open. As he dropped his jacket on the chair, he remembered to check his answering machine. Surprisingly, a message was there, relaying an urgent message from one of his buddies. Somewhere, the Mafia were acting. He needed the money, so there was no question, he would accept this job. He checked the time of the call, then rushed back out. He bought the supplies on the corner and rushed towards KlueMaster’s apartment. Alas, his services were not needed that night, so this double shift left him sleeping exhausted by day break.
RainThinker was also returning home from a long shift, but he had previously stopped in bar and … well, he came out even more exhausted then he had went in. He should have taken a cab that night, but none was in sight. As he was running a minor fever, coupled with the effect of the beers, his vision was blurry. He had managed to make it two blocks towards his destination when a voice called him by name from a barely lit side-street. Setting any precaution aside, he approached that strangely dressed figure which held a couple of bucks in his hand. As he struggled to understand that man’s words, he was completely oblivious to the other one sneaking up behind him. A short blow to his head, and he collapsed to his knees. His body was found in a large garbage can in the back of that alley.
The Tracker finished buying the necessary materials from the corner store. He would have to install the necessary equipment today, right above his apartment, on the roof. Simple precaution measures. Nothing fancy. As he walked towards the abandoned fire escape stair that was conveniently accessible, he heard some noises from a trash bin. All senses alert, he doubled back and considered abandoning his current plans. He hid behind another bin and threw a pebble out in the back of the alley. A skinny cat scurried out of the bin and ran towards cover. Heart still beating normally as usual, the Tracker went up the stairs. He unfolded his package and was about to beginning arranging his home-made surveillance device when he heard a noise in the street. He glanced down and saw flamebirde on the street below, walking and staring at the accident that had caused the noise . The Tracker quickly finished setting up his gear, then followed flamebirde for the rest of the night to see what that man was doing. As daybreak came, the Tracker returned home convinced he had that man figured out.
Day 1 ends at 6 PM EDT on Monday, June 20th.
1. Hidden G
2. flamebirde
3. EDM
4. good22
5. TheCube
6. Petrus
7. KlueMaster
8. Anon26
9. Auramyna
10. RainThinker- killed by Baddies