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Everything posted by curr3nt

  1. No witty banter Kaniac and Zweefer? Waiting for permission to speak? Come and tell us a bit about yourself. Include your role if you wish. --edit-- Suppose the lack of witty banter means you'll fit in well here at least.
  2. I figured some of the players that I've played with would know what I'm doing... They at least should know who I am by now.
  3. Tanith made my defense possible. Not sure how I could have defended from maurice if I wasn't cleared of two baddie roles. Thalia would have remembered my Keys claim. -edit- and then tried to kill me regardless...
  4. curr3nt


    I require proof that RADIX is a word.
  5. New players are fun. They seem to take everything so seriously. So Kaniac, did you senior baddie tell you to edit that post?
  6. Please do check me out. Just be sure to return me in time because the Librarian is an Ape. I dare you to call him a monkey.
  7. Haven't heard much from Zweefer and kaniac. Think they were told not to talk to me by a senior baddie?
  8. curr3nt


    Just trying to help
  9. sshhh... I'm trying to get some of my posts blamed on Miki.
  10. One of us! One of us! Gooboo gaboo, gooboo gaboo!
  11. curr3nt


    GENES - If 0 then something something something...
  12. I thought we were only supposed to leave hints to goodie roles.
  13. WAIT!!! Yodell said riddle as in Tom Riddle who is Voldemort which is the nemesis to Harry. Yodell is Harry!
  14. That wasn't a riddle. It was a limerick.
  15. I had snap = Snape. You are a liar so you must either be bad or Snape yourself.
  16. Molly has joined us... One of us...one of us...one of us...
  17. curr3nt


    RAVIN It's in thefreedictionary.com.
  18. I'm claiming all of the roles. Which one are you countering?
  19. Keep a note of who I've accused of being a baddie. If I die N1 then they are either a goodie that the baddies are hoping to frame or a baddie hoping you all think they are a goodie being framed by the baddies. If I live through N1 then they might be baddies not wanting suspicion on them or goodies that the baddies want you to think are baddies avoiding suspicion. -edit- Almost gave away info I shouldn't have. Good thing I caught it.
  20. Ah...there's your role hint. I gotcha now.
  21. curr3nt


    Of or pertaining to rabies...Molly is a bit rabic.
  22. curr3nt


    Is RABIC really a word?
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