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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    Well, I'm cheering for a RID Kill being banned. But, quick paranoid question: "In the end" does not imply a tie, right?
  2. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    I assumed 8 PM EDT (like in the OP) *shrug*.
  3. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    Thanks. You are correct. I misunderstood the response. Adding what Vine asked and BlaBlah's answer about spies... Not shown at all: Spider, Creeper. Also: Character (vote manip), Slime (vote extra), Zombie Pigman (vote manip), Lava, Water (no action). Always shown (if not blocked or inactive) 9/17: ----Goodies 6/8: Pig (kill), Sheep (save), Cow (block), Chicken (spy), Squid (trap/spy), Notch (if kill/save/block/redirect) ----Baddies 2/4: Skeleton, Zombie ----Indies 1/5: Notch (if kill/save/block/redirect) Shown only if successful: Ghast (RID Kill) Only 7 roles shown in Night1. Pig most probably did not act, Chicken is dead or was blocked. Great. Which means (barring cross-blocks which apparently work), out of GM, Hirk, Slick and Molly one is Chicken (That sounds weird) and the other are some of {Spider, Character, Slime, Zombie Pigman, Lava and Water}. Not nice. No definite idea so far. Will keep my vote for now, and my eye on one of the 4 mentioned above, without trying to lynch any of them. @Abhisk - I did not see that move Framm pulled. I'd say he was either covering say or semi-clear him if he knew Say's role. But with spies being shown (and no spies shown), the latter is impossible. Hence he either covered Say (semi-paranoid version) or miscounted(?). I'm not budging my current vote, but I'll keep that in mind.
  4. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    I can't advise you on that. I considered say too, but he did not vote at all. Which makes him slightly likelier to be Water than peace who voted early. IMO, if one would want to get lynched, one would not try to blend in, most likely either play dead or blatantly making mistakes on purpose to get lynched. Same reason can be used on Framm. He gave a typical almost zero-knowledge defense that means he can be anyone. If he were Water, he would have known how to get himself lynched. And he didn't. I have no idea who peace or Framm are, but they don't look like Water to me. At least not from what they did so far.
  5. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    Shamelessly bandwagoning on someone who has been here and has presented no defense as a likely candidate to lynch. Please read Server Owner: Blablah 1) Vineetrika 2) Peace - voting for Framm 3) Slick - voting for Peace 4) Araver - Voting for Peace 5) Hirkala - Voting for sayalzah 6) Framm - Voting for Peace 7) Abhisk - Voting for Araver 8) solman - Dead: Killed by Creeper 9) GMaster479 - voting for Marq 10) maurice - voting for Peace 11) EDM - voting for Framm 12) curr3nt - Voting for sayalzah 13) Marq - voting for Framm 14) Shadow - Voting for sayalzah 15) darth nox - voting for Marq 16) sayalzah 17) Molly Mae - Trapped. Cannot post or vote.
  6. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @BlaBlah - thanks for all the answers. Some were somewhat unexpected Spider and Ghast not being shown if unsuccessful... I would have bet their attempts will be shown since Sheep's unsuccessful save is. :hmm: Also, the way I interpreted the order is not good, this is messing up my previous reasoning. I should have probably kept quiet. I'm withdrawing my comment on Spider being one of the 4 blocked/trapped persons in N1. @Curr3nt - I have no positive idea. Just ideas of what NOT to do. I will switch my vote to someone who is tied right now, and pray it works. And will be available if I hear a good defense before 8 PM EDT.
  7. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @Curr3nt - For Notch and Herobrine, roll dice is (1-kill, 2-save, 3-block, 4-redirect, 5-vote manipulate, 6-choose). I believe 6-choose means choose between 1 to 5 so traps are not possible. So, re-reading the first two bits of the night-post again, I still don't see redirects/vote manipulation possible. Either they both rolled a 3 or one rolled a choose and chose block. I may be wrong about Herobrine, since the post resembles (somewhat) Squid's role description. However that would be a "mimic" and not a choose IMO. @all - I don't think today's lynch is going very good. Not enough answers/vote movement. Framm, peace and say have 3 votes. Marq has 2. And none gave a very good defense. Again, none of the blocked players have been pressured enough although they should have been prime candidates for questions *shrug* This can be done in another day too or investigated by night-spies, but I get the distinct impression that we're shooting ourself in the leg here: - Any of the apparent inactives can be Water, just waiting to be lynched and not making an appearance on purpose. - Any of the apparently tied players can be a goodie, which, per host's rules gives "each person in the tie has an extra vote on them for future lynches." Tying is not good. This is not a LYLO (Lynch or Lose) situation, it's not even a MILO (MIslynch and LOse) situation. We can lynch someone today even if it's a mistake. It's day 1. Ties would give extra votes on the tied players in future lynches, which makes the factions with BTSC/coordination likelier to mount an attack/lynch a person which already has some votes on him. If push comes to shove (one hour before the end of the day, and no clear Indy or baddie is shown, I would rather ask for a public (or private vote redirect) bandwagon on a single person than letting an apparent tie or one that can be staged by the Indy/ Baddie vote redirect to maximize impact on goodies/enemies involved in the tie. This is something to remember on the following days as well ... TIES are only good to those that KNOW they are not involved in them (i.e. factions with BTSC).
  8. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @curr3nt - I would also like to know that response (I marked (?) but I forgot to ask the public questions thanks). Also, the way I see BlaBlah's order/precedence (from previous games) it's not a "chronological order" (what I generally use as ">>"). I.e. I think Block > Trap means a trapper CAN trap a blocker if the blocker does not target the trapper first. Scenario 1 - A (blocker) blocks B, C (trapper) traps A. Even if block > trap, since A does not target C - the trapper is able to act and trap A. Scenario 2 - A (blocker) blocks C, C (trapper) traps A (or whoever). Because block > trap, A blocks C before C's trap happens. @BlaBlah - can you give us a small yes/no on the above example (scenario 1 and 2)? Thanks.
  9. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @curr3nt and maurice (and possibly Abhisk, but he provided no question) - I have read the night-post (this time with coffee) and re-read the role descriptions. Nightpost (if I understand it correctly, though some of BlaBlah's intentions are a little unclear to me): Herobrine blocked(?) Slick. Notch blocked(?) GM. Cow blocked Hrkala. Skeleton redirected Araver. Squid trapped MM. Ice means spy so Squid knows who MM is. Sheep did not prevent the NK (unsuccessful save?). Creeper killed Solman. Zombie followed Abhisk. If the Indy wincons were simpler (since I can also be on the nether mobs secret list and I could also be used by Herobrine toward his/her Wincon), I would have no problem to address the baddie-redirect. The baddies have probably narrowed down my role from that redirect, while rest of the factions haven't. If the baddies narrowed it down corroborating with Zombie's action, then good luck with your WIFOM. The decision is yours For the time being, I only have one big question. From Spider's RD I see he can chase a person each night and manipulate his vote. Spider does not appear in the RD. If Spider chases someone successfully, is that shown in the night-post? If the answer is 'Yes', as I suspect, then most likely one of Slick, GM, Hirk and Molly is Spider. And another question If Ghast makes an incorrect RID Kill, is that shown in the night-post? As I'm very surprised that none of the blocked players is voted for, I will randomly pick one of the three which can be pressured today: Slick, GM, Hirk. Server Owner: Blablah 1) Vineetrika 2) Peace - voting for Framm 3) Slick - voting for Peace 4) Araver - voting for GMaster479 5) Hirkala - Voting for sayalzah 6) Framm - Voting for Abhisk 7) Abhisk - Voting for Araver 8) solman - Dead: Killed by Creeper 9) GMaster479 - voting for Marq 10) maurice - voting for Peace 11) EDM 12) curr3nt - Voting for sayalzah 13) Marq 14) Shadow 15) darth nox - voting for Marq 16) sayalzah 17) Molly Mae - Trapped. Cannot post or vote. Off-topic/OOC: @maurice - you know very well that I had to finish and cleanup last-night after a mafia I co-hosted. And that meant to be up until 6-7AM again for me. I am sorry for ignoring the night-post on this one but you know how it is when you are a host. The minor overlap has finished now, ready to play.
  10. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @curr3nt - nice random. A little worried that would did not take yourself out of the list when randoming your D1 vote. Any hidden desires? Alas, I do not understand the night-post fully and I've just finished a lot of stuff (and pulled an all-nighter in the process) so I'm not gonna rush-vote until I understand that post. If anyone figures it out while I'm sleeping, feel free to leave me something to read. I don't like random voting D1. While it gives some cover for placing some votes, it also stops the natural information flow IMO. People give (willing or inadvertently) away info when they are pressured. So, I'll be back in about 9 hours or so.
  11. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @maurice - We only played once in the same actual faction (in about 10 games) so I'm pretty sure you did fulfill it somehow. But I'm too lazy to check atm. Not actually trying to WIFOM here, just trying to see who does not.
  12. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    Yeah, maybe arch-nemesis was too harsh (but curr3nt's Looney Tunes Mafia idea stuck the word in the back of my head and now I can't get rid of it. Meh). I was thinking more along the lines of the "I spy OR kill" promise we made each other a while back. Which I think has been fulfilled enough times to be dropped, hence me being glad you found a new "frenemy" (better?). And as I would not want to ask Hirk (he was aparrently busy vs Peace in the signups) and I'm too shy to ask Molly out (especially with Phaze not here ) ... I kinda find myself stuck without a pair to WIFOM with tonight. :sigh:
  13. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    @maurice actualy rofl. But there are no less than 5 kill/RIDKill roles (if you count the dice-based ones) an extra suicide-vengeance-kill. If I were you, I would change that to "a killer or influencing a killer by BTSC" which kinda covers a lot of roles. Anyway, other than that, I guess I'm kinda relieved that you're leaving me out and that you've found a new arch-nemesis Soooo ... who wants to be my pair?
  14. araver

    Minecraft Mafia

    Hmmm ... I hate spiders too. But I see other creatures one would not want to target in here.
  15. araver

    Minecraft Mafia Signups

    Server Owner: Blablah 1) Vineetrika 2) Peace 3) Slick 4) Araver - voting for New thread 5) Hirkala 6) Framm 7) Abhisk 8) solman 9) GMaster479 10) maurice 11) EDM 12) curr3nt 13) Marq 14) Shadow 15) darth nox 16) sayalzah 17) Molly Mae Backups 1.Segul 2. 3.
  16. araver

    Hmm, can we get those extra lines? It looks intriguing so far.
  17. Well, both your(&DarthLegion's) Magicians Mafia and curr3nt's Looney Tunes Mafia have (I think) finished the feedback phase. If you think you don't have enough time to host it now, then it's OK, we'll postpone it for a while. It's best to host it when you feel you have all the time it takes Need to hear curr3nt's thoughts too ...
  18. araver

    Minecraft Mafia Signups

    5 more spots and there are a couple of players from Trainer's Mafia that have not joined yet. Bumping this up.
  19. araver

    Thanks. Iran's only. Israel must successfully redirect Iran with his ability (either a redirect at night or a change vote during the day). I will remember to clarify it in the OP.
  20. araver

    Yes, it's a rather unused set of rules (but it has been used before). It can be used in several types of strategies, by any faction
  21. Posted for feedback and added it to the queue. Will start after the others in the queue, if hosts confirm availability
  22. araver

    Disclaimer: Although loosely inspired by actual historical events, this story is fictional and not intended to depict any actual person or event. Prologue: Once more unto the breach Eleven people awoke at the same time to find themselves in a dimly lit room. A round doughnut table with chairs was in the center of the room. Most of them were dressed casual but shock was on almost everyone’s face. Everybody wanted an explanation for their presence there. Some had heard rumors of an experiment the previous year, but had refused to believe something like this could happen to them. Rumors were passed from one another causing indistinct chatter all across the room. ~~~~~ A flash ... A Hooded person, appeared in the center of the table, surrounded by a cone of light that shadowed his figure completely. ~~~~~ “Gentlemen, if you please have a seat, I’m sure we can find a way to answer your questions as quick as possible. Some of you have some previous information about a similar meeting that took place not long ago in similar circumstances. Consider yourselves pre-warned. Now take a seat or be silenced permanently!” said the Hooded Figure in a low, menacing tone. Slowly, one by one, all of them took a seat at the table. “Gentlemen, some time ago, after being fed up with your reckless messing with forces beyond your control, I have attempted an experiment to stop the destruction you are doing to all the species on this planet. However ...", the Hooded Figure dramatically paused, "the results of your predecessors were below expectations. I was forced to correct those mistakes and find suitable replacements for the survivors of that experiment." “ However, you all chose to continue your predecessor's line of actions, so I am forced to retry my experiment in roughly the same conditions. Only surviving nations from my previous experiment were admitted, along with some newcomers. My patience is wearing thin this time, so I have made some changes to the diplomacy game your predecessors played. The game is called Mafia and you will be given plenty of time to study the rules and come up with an adequate winning strategy. However, at the beginning of the game, you will find that you won't recognize certain people from your past. This is the only way to ensure a fair start for everyone!" "Nothing exists outside this room unless I tell you to. So you’d better start thinking for yourselves since you will be playing for your lives and for your nations as well. Getting you all here was an example of my powers and you should not attempt to break any of my rules, or I will be forced to make other similar displays. I can at any time replace you with the next in line in your nation’s hierarchy, so unless you think that person is much smarter than you, I suggest you behave. Study the materials and learn how to play the game.This is your one and only attempt to win this. You will find confortable quarters along the hallway. We’ll adjourn in the morning!” ~~~~~ The Hooded Figure disappeared abruptly and the cone of light disappeared ~~~~~ As the Hooded Figure disappeared, they looked around to find complete strangers siting at the table. Their memories did not serve them adequately in associating faces with names or past events. As each of them tried to remember if they had taken a seat among friends, suspicious glances were thrown around. Some of them started reading the heavy Guides that were on the table, while others chose to retire to their rooms and read them in private. Factions and Role descriptions Secret Alliance - Have BTSC and a night invasion (kill). NK must be assigned to a person. -------- China -- The size of the country allowed it to send a replacement for the representative lost in the previous game. Can use electronic interception technologies. If China can successfully guess the Nation who is the recipient of a message from Spain, China may read the message (silent intercept) OR replace it with a message of his own (active intercept), but not both. During the day, may secretly change one vote. WinCon: Secretly wants revenge for losing face in recent games. Cannot leave unless both USA or Russia are dead. Argentina-- Wishes to restore its former glory lost in last century's war. Ability - Can spy on one player each night, learning their identity, and what they did that night. If spied upon, it appears as Spain. WinCon: Must spy England or vote for England before leaving the game. Only votes at the end of day are counted towards the WinCon. Iran-- Still walking a thin line, wishes to dominate and prevent other nations of controlling its neighbours. Ability - Each night can hire an external agent. Ability comes after a roll of die - 1. Block 2. Kill 3. Spy 4. RID Kill 5. Redirect 6. No action WinCon: Can only leave the game if Israel is dead. UN Alliance - No BTSC, No group abilities. -------- USA -- Can survive through countless tragedies therefore cannot die at night on odd nights. Can RID Kill each night. WinCon: Must correctly RID Kill 1 baddie before leaving the game. Russia -- The size of the country allows vote manipulation during the day (x0, x1, or x2) . Has hundreds of satellites floating in space. Can use one per night to spy a nation, even if that nation left the game or died. However their spying technology is easy to detect with the right equipment. If an alive member of the Secret Alliance is spied, the Secret Alliance will be notified of the fact that Russia spied one of them, but will not be told Russs identity. WinCon: Has to prove itself by tagging 2 baddies before leaving the game. Spying a baddie at night is counted as 1 tag (different spies, different tags). Voting for a baddie who is eventually lynched is also counted as 1 tag. Germany -- Its economic influence grows steadily which leads to an increase in political influence. Sometimes is forced to save nations in dire need, but would prefer preventing actions. Each night can choose to save a player or try to guess the Night Kill carrier. If Germany guesses correctly, the NK is blocked (but not the other action of that player). WinCon: Must save a player or block the Night kill to be allowed to leave. England -- Has worldwide influence among its former colonies. When one of the English speaking countries (US, Australia) dies, England takes over the actions or abilities of that nation. Every night, England must choose only one ability to use from the available list. After inheriting abilities, if Englands outs that one of the nations has died, it loses all the inherited abilities. WinCon: Cannot leave the game until at least one of US and Australia have left the game or are dead and after it uses at least once one of the inherited abilities. Australia -- As a former penal colony, Australia can trap one player per night, but not the same player two nights in a row. The enhanced spy technology borrowed from Canada will allow the spy results on the trapped player to be redirected to both Australia and USA. WinCon: They cannot be the first goodie to leave the game - either one goodie must successfully leave or two goodies must be dead in order for Australia to be allowed to leave. Spain-- As a former colonial empire, Spain is still struggling to achieve a fraction of its former glory. Has connections to vast network of Spanish speaking informers all around the world which can be used to send a 100 character message each night to one of the nations (ROLE, not player). WinCon: Must send at least two messages successfully before being allowed to leave. Israel-- Distrustful of alliances, often finds itself in need of allies due to its neighbor's influences. Can redirect a target each night. If it does not act during the night, it can instead change a vote in lynch during the day. WinCon: Must redirect (successfully) or change Iran's vote to be alowed to leave. Indy -------- Sweden -- A rounded nation with nothing to contribute to wars. From time to time, chooses to temporarily side with a Faction or the other, in order to protect its own interests. Can arrest one person each night and learn his faction. That person is imprisoned for following day, cannot post or be voted for. Sweden cannot die N1. Secret WinCon. WinCons (Goals before leaving the game) - All WinCons are to reach an individual goal then leave the game. - To leave the game, the player must sacrifice his night ability and declare that he wishes to leave the game (PM host at night). After this declaration, he must survive that night and following day. If he survives both, he may leave. - After the submit the LEAVE action, the following day their vote is counted x0. - Blocks do not prevent a player from leaving, but an imprisonment does. An imprisoned player must be freed before attempting to leave. - If a player attempts to leave without completing his assigned goal, he will be informed that he cannot leave only AFTER the night and day cycle have completed. - When a single faction manages to eliminate all other players, there's no one stopping them to leave the game. This bypasses individual WinCons. Order of actions - Chronological (i.e. all rules are ">>") - Redirect >> Trap/Imprison >> RID Kill >> Invulnerability >> Save/Block NK >> Night Kill >> Block >> Spy >> Message Send>> Message Intercept - Night Kill is stopped if target is imprisoned or saved. NK is also stopped if Germany guesses the NK carrier or the NK carrier is RID Killed or trapped. Night Kill can be redirected. - Redirected spies will not be told they were redirected. Instead, they will receive the role of the person they were redirected to. - Night-post will show only successful actions. Spies will not be shown (just hinted at). Other clarifications: - D1 tie lynch=no lynch. Any other day tie = All tied players are lynched! - Day/Nights end at 12 PM EST (7 AM in my timezone). Night can end earlier if I get all actions in red but the following day will be longer and end at the usual time. Posted for feedback. Will serve as signups thread later
  23. araver

    Minecraft Mafia Signups

    Hello and welcome back Only 6 more spots to fill and once Trainer Mafia is finished, this one can start
  24. araver

    Minecraft Mafia Signups

    Full if they drop some roles. But since young scientist did not signup for that, I was kinda pushing him into
  25. araver

    Minecraft Mafia Signups

    Not yet. Feel free to join as one or check out the other Mafia (Trainer's Mafia), which has better chances of starting first due to the signups already being almost full.
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