12 Holes arrenged in a circle ,with numbers,1-12(like a Clock numbers).
The hole No. 12 is yours, and is empty.
There are Jewels in each hole equal to the number of the hole, i.e. in hole No. 1 is only one jewel, in No. 2 are 2jewels....and so on,till No. 11 which contains 11 jewels.
your aim is to collect as much jewels as you can in your hole.
1-choose any hole you wish,take the jewels from that hole then move clockwise among the holes puting one jewel in each hole you pass through, your hole must be also included.
2-when you reach with your last jewel to a hole having jewels,take them all( with your last jewel) and continue as in step 1.
3- if the last jewel in your hand ended in an empty hole...you lose the game!.
4-if you have enough jewels you should put a jewel in an empty hole when passing through it.
5-if you reach with your last jewel to your hole ( No. 12 ), repeat step 1.
Now enjoy collecting the jewels in your hole,and avoid falling in an empty hole.
And we`ll see who has the best strategy...
Have a nice time